Never Have Writer's Block Again

I'm a better writer on a deadline. The clock is ticking and there is no other option than write. When the time is free and endless opportunities for story direction and unique concepts and different ways to structure present themselves, I know I'll be sitting for a...

Writers and Places: Does Location Matter?

Does it matter where a writer lives: a big city or the countryside; a two-story house or a basement; a culturally diverse or monotonous neighborhood? Yes, it does. Why is this? There’s a romanticized notion that in the past, writers were generally poor, struggling to get by in attics.

Environments affect all people; this has been confirmed in sociological studies of human life, and urban studies in particular. What surrounds us affects how we feel, what we do, what we think and how we channel these thoughts and emotions.

Here's What Makes Stories So Powerful

“Once Upon a Time.”

These words are as familiar as ‘Hello.’ As soon as we hear them, we know we are about to be transported to a different world.

But why is that? Why have these words been so ingrained into our very being?

Don't Be a Resolution Writer

With a clear conscious, I can promise that desire had little to do with the conception of this post. If my desires dictated when this would be written, I would put it off a few more days.

Fortunately, my will, and not my feelings, determine my actions as a writer.