4 Techniques To Mix Fantasy With Realism

Can contemporary, realistic fiction mix with fantasy?

The quick answer is: Of course! But the more difficult question may be: How?

How does one create a balance between realistic cities and settings verses making up a new and interesting world? Between believable and likeable characters verses amazing, heroic personas?

Are these elements mutually exclusive?

How to Write a Love Letter

How to Write a Love Letter

In the age of Twitter and text messages what does it feel like to receive an old-fashioned love letter?
I imagine a curly headed man in his thirties, opening Elizabeth Barrett’s ‘Sonnets from the Portuguese’ and catching his breath as he reads the first lines of Sonnet #33….

How to Make Your Similes Sparkle

A simile, as our fourth-grade English teachers intoned, is a comparison of two, usually dissimilar, objects, with the use of “like” or “as.” To enliven our writing, similes can evoke the particular sense we want to transmit. Many of our most now-trite similes were fresh when first used—Burns’ “my love is like a red, red rose,” Shakespeare’s “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?” But repetition and endless assignment in freshman English classes has made them as shopworn as the bargain table after a sale.

Make More Art: Interview with Seth Godin

Today, I’m thrilled to be talking to Seth Godin, bestselling author of Permission Marketing, Tribes, and many others. Forbes calls Seth a “demigod on the web,” and when I’m feeling uninspired and creatively drained, I often read through Seth’s blog and come away feeling refreshed and ready to create.

Seth Godin’s most recent book, The Icarus Project, is a dare to make art and share it with the world. I personally found The Icarus Project a challenge to finish because I got so many new ideas for how to approach my writing that I had trouble sitting still to read.

Enjoy the interview!