How to Use Either, Neither, Or, and Nor Correctly

How to Use Either, Neither, Or, and Nor Correctly

My mother seems to appreciate having a grammar lover in the family. For Christmas one year, she bought me the book I Judge You When You Use Poor Grammar. (By the way, it is equally correct to say “bad grammar.”) Last week, my mother emailed to ask if she was using the word “nor” correctly, which brings me to today’s post: the use of either, neither, and the connecting words that go with them.

Forward vs. Foreword: Which One’s Right?

Forward vs. Foreword: Which One’s Right?

English is full of homophones, words that sound the same but mean different things. Often, they are spelled differently. Everyone is aware of the problems with there, there, there; too, too, two; and carat, caret, carrot. (Well, maybe not that last one so much.)
Forward and Foreword  are two more homophones that cause problems. So, let’s take a look at them. 

How to Edit a Novel: The Foolproof 9-Step Book Editing Process

How to Edit a Novel: The Foolproof 9-Step Book Editing Process

Are you the kind of writer that loves writing a first draft but has no idea what to do once you’re done with it? Do you worry that you don’t know how to edit a novel, and freeze up because of this?

Editing is hard, but luckily there are strategies you can take when editing your first draft (and others), or even if it’s your first time.

In this article, I’ll teach you the process I’ve learned after years of struggling to edit. But first, there’s one thing we have to get out of the way: