How to Come Up with Story Ideas: 6 Foolproof Strategies for Any Writer

How to Come Up with Story Ideas: 6 Foolproof Strategies for Any Writer

You’re a writer. You want to write a story—but for whatever reason, you’re not inspired right now. Or maybe you are, but you just can’t think of a story idea that really interests you. You need some strategies that can teach you how to come up with story ideas.

And you’d like to use these ways to come up with story ideas consistently.

Creative writing is like a muscle: use it or lose it. Coming up with ideas is part of the development of that muscle. And boy, do you have to come up with a lot of ideas if you’re going to be a short story writer.

In this article, I’m going to show you different strategies for coming up with ideas for short stories and how to train your mind to continuously come up with ideas.

Book Writing Strategies: 10 Book Writing Tactics that End in Failure

Book Writing Strategies: 10 Book Writing Tactics that End in Failure

Do you have trouble finishing a book? When you stop, do you ever consider what causes writer’s block—what caused your writer’s block or reason to stop writing?

In a recent YouTube video, I talked about how hard it is to write a book, how it took me years to write a book, and how I hear from writers on a daily basis who are struggling with the writing process.

The good news, you don’t have to be alone when you get stuck like this.

Today, I want to talk about why it’s hard to finish a book. Specifically, I’ll cover ten things that people try when they’re struggling to finish writing a book that don’t work—and why this ends in giving up on a book, or paralyzes them due to writer’s block.

Better Book Ideas: 30+ Ideas and Tips to Write Your Best Book

Better Book Ideas: 30+ Ideas and Tips to Write Your Best Book

In this article, I’m going to tell you exactly what to do next no matter where you are. I’ll share over 30 brand new book ideas, and tell you how to find more on your own, to help get you started. We’ll look at what to do to make your book idea better and get ready for the writing process. Finally, we’ll put it all into practice by getting started with your book today.

How to Make Money as an Author: Important Tips for a Writer’s Success

How to Make Money as an Author: Important Tips for a Writer’s Success

Writing an effective sales description is an important part of the book business. Using the basic pattern outlined above, practice writing the sales copy for a book you’ve written or one you are in the process of writing.

If you don’t currently have a book project, write the blurb for a book you read recently, or even a movie you watched. The point is to practice looking at the story from a marketer’s perspective and writing a description that sells.

Take fifteen minutes to write your blurb. When you’re done, share your blurb in the comments below. Be sure to leave feedback for your fellow writers who want to be successful authors! Based on their blurbs alone, would you read the book?

20 Sci-Fi Story Ideas

20 Sci-Fi Story Ideas

Hello, friends! Last time, I shared 20 fantasy story ideas to get your brain moving. This time, it’s my pleasure to go from earth to space. It’s time for…*drum roll* sci-fi story ideas!