Two Steps to Fix Flat Characters Using Voice and Personality

Two Steps to Fix Flat Characters Using Voice and Personality

You have created a character. You’ve named them and given them a colorful past, as well as lots of fun personality traits. Your character steps into your story . . . and suddenly you find that they’ve fallen flat. How can you fix them?

They’re boring. Those personality traits you meticulously picked out for them just aren’t showing up. Your character goes through the motions of the story and you wonder why this interesting, unique character you’ve worked so hard on is missing that luster you imagined.

Not to worry: there’s a simple, two-step fix to give your characters voice and personality.

How to Revise a Novel: A Revision List to Edit With Confidence

How to Revise a Novel: A Revision List to Edit With Confidence

Finishing a first draft is a huge deal. If you just accomplished this, be proud of yourself! At the same time, you might be wondering how to revise a novel after that first draft is done. There’s a lot of advice out there. Which do you listen to? 

The revision process doesn’t have to be complicated. However, you might feel—especially if this is your first completed draft ever—intimidated to edit your book. There’s a lot of words and scenes to review. Where do you begin?

In this article, I’d like to share how I took a daunting editing process and created a simplified, concise, and clear strategy to revising your first draft. I do this with what I call a Revision List—a table with five columns that can help you simplify big ideas. 

If you’re like me, you won’t ever want to edit a first draft without it!

What to Do After Writing a Book: The Do’s and Dont’s

What to Do After Writing a Book: The Do’s and Dont’s

If you’ve finished writing a first draft, you’ve accomplished something huge. You should be proud of yourself! But once the celebration dies down, you might experience a moment of silence as you look at your finished manuscript. You wonder: What comes next? 

Maybe you’re not sure what you should do next, or maybe you have an idea of all the things that could follow and feel disorganized and paralyzed by all the possibilities.

The fact is, a lot of budding writers don’t think beyond the “finishing the book” part of writing.

So what is next? This article teaches you what to do after writing a book. 

Deadlines for Writers: 3 Easy Steps to Try as Your Deadline Looms

Deadlines for Writers: 3 Easy Steps to Try as Your Deadline Looms

If you dread deadlines for writers, you’re not alone. And the more you publish, the greater the possibility that you acquire more deadlines than not.

Despite any fear of deadlines, you don’t have to crack under their pressure. Even with all the planning, writing a first draft in six weeks is not easy. Life gets in the way, motivation ebbs and flows, and sometimes you simply can’t force yourself to write.

In this article, you’ll learn three way steps you can take as you near your writing project deadlines, and how to overcome any resistance desperate to hold you back.

Ending of Stories: How Planning an Ending Will Help You Write Faster

Ending of Stories: How Planning an Ending Will Help You Write Faster

Readers love the ending of stories, but do you feel like you don’t know how to write a really good ending?

It may seem a little odd to talk about story endings when you haven’t even started writing. Deciding on the type of ending you want, however, is an important part of planning a book.

You usually wouldn’t drive somewhere without a destination in mind. Knowing how your story ends will help you work out the important plot points in between, all the plot twists that eventually lead to that climatic moment.

But how exactly can you write a great ending before the story is even written? Let’s take a look at the essentials an ending must accomplish in order to write a satisfying ending to a great story.

Knowing these common types of endings, and how to decide what endings work best for your story, will bring your character arcs and story full circle.

This post shares writing tips to help you accomplish just that.