Quick Win #1: Story Idea Clarity

The first step toward your published book is a bold, winning, and, most of all, achievable story idea.
So in this lesson, let's get clear on your idea.


3 Quick Wins to Write and Publish Your Book - Quick Win #1: Story Clarity

 We've helped 30 million people become better writers and finish their books. And in this series we're gonna help you do what so many writers dream of doing, getting published.

But that's a big thing. There's so much to learn about writing and publishing. If you want to accomplish your dreams, I just want to give you three things, three quick wins. Along the way, because these are the three areas that I see people getting stuck in the most, and I wanna help you get unstuck quickly.

So in this series, here's what you're gonna get.

First, you're gonna get story clarity. You're going to transform your vague idea into a premise ready for publishing.

Second, you're gonna get a writing roadmap. We're gonna take your giant overwhelming goal to write a book and turn it into daily sustainable action that you can actually do.

And third, you're gonna get a winning query letter. You're actually gonna take your first step to publishing by quickly creating a query letter that can grab agent's attention.

It sounds like a lot I know, but we have some really cool tools to help you at each stage of the process so that you can do this in just a couple of minutes.

So let's start with your idea. On this page, you'll see a little form with a couple of questions about your book.

There's four main things. Okay? We're gonna ask you about your character. The situation they get into and their goal.

So who is your story about what disrupts their normal life? What do they want more than anything? And what might they learn along the way? We're gonna ask you those four questions. All you have to do is answer them. That's not so hard, right?

So I want you to fill it out. You may or may not know this, but those are actually the main components of a premise. And a premise is a single sentence summary of your story idea, and it's gonna transform your writing. It's there to give you clarity, to help you stay focused on what's most important in your book, to help you, when you get stuck, and even to help you talk about your book when you get to the publishing process.

So answer those four questions and then we're gonna take those questions, run them through our formula with a little help from our custom AI that's trained in The Write Structure story framework, and you'll get an email with your premise. It's pretty cool, right?

And as a bonus, we even try to match your story idea to our nine plot types from The Write Structure.

It's okay if you don't know what those are. We're gonna send you a link with some information as well as a few masterworks, other books that might serve as inspiration.

All after answering just a couple of questions. Pretty great, right?

From there, you can edit and revise your premise as much as you want, but it should give you a quick win on the way to writing and publishing your book.

And if you wanna share your premise, post it below and how the process went for you. We'd love to hear if this was helpful. Now go answer those questions.

We'll see you soon for the next quick win. Happy writing.

Quick Win Instructions

First, watch the video above (or read the transcript) and then answer the questions in the form to the right. 

Once you've submitted the form, we'll take your responses and run them through our premise formula with a little help from our custom AI trained in The Write Structure storytelling framework and send you back your personalized premise.

As a bonus, we'll send you a plot type suggestion from our 9 Types of Story from The Write Structure, as well as some possible masterworks for inspiration.

Finally, if you'd like to share your premise in the comments below, or just let us know how the process went for you, we'd love to hear from you.

See you soon for Quick Win #2!


Story Premise Generator

Describe your main character in two words (e.g., "a reluctant wizard" or "an ambitious detective")
Describe the inciting incident or problem that forces them to act
What is the main goal or desire that drives the story?
Optional: What truth or life lesson could this story explore?
You'll receive your story's premise, including plot suggestions and masterworks for inspiration.

By using this tool, you agree to subscribe to our weekly newsletter featuring writing advice and resources. You can unsubscribe at any time.

How did it go? Share your story idea that you got below and let us know if this was helpful for you. 


  1. Kassandra Cornelius Powers

    Great! Already Inspired with so many ideas. Extremely helpful and so very much appreciated.Thank You.

    • Joe Bunting

      So great to hear, Kassandra! Good luck!

  2. Ramkishore Gupta

    Respected Sir, I am reading your mail since long and following your advice and instruction. I really appreciate your efforts to guide new authors like me.

    • Joe Bunting

      Glad you found it helpful!

  3. Phil

    All is well and dandy

  4. Jessica Zaremba

    Fantastic and exciting! 🙂 Very helpful shrinking down my lengthy premise into one sentence. Your teachings and resources continue to bring clarity, aha moments and strengthen my writing. Extremely grateful for your kindness, efforts and guidance in the writing community. Much appreciated. Thank you, Joe!

    • Joe Bunting

      Amazing. So glad to here it's helping Jessica.

  5. Walter

    My computer alerted me that there was a problem with me responding to this exercise. Has anyone else have this complaint?

    • Joe Bunting

      Hey Walter. It's working for me, but can you email me a screenshot of the error to admin@thewritepractice.com? Would love to get it fixed for you. Thanks!

    • Kimberly Schramm

      Also getting an error message. Will send a screenshot as suggested.

    • TORBEN

      Jeg får en meddelelse om: An error occurred: Security check failed

    • Kelly Ewing

      Also getting this error

  6. Megan Herlaar

    I had the same problem as Walter. I have just sent a screenshot of my error message which said, “The writepractice.com says: An error occurred: Security check failed.

    • Joe Bunting

      Any lucky Megan. If it didn't work, can you try refreshing and trying again?

  7. Amy McDonald

    I was so looking forward to getting my premise, but it did not come through. I completed the form again, but still no premise was sent to my email.

    • Amy McDonald

      Okay! sorry…it took awhile but it did eventually arrive in my mailbox! thanks.

    • Sue Weems

      So glad to hear that!

  8. Kelly Ewing

    I am having the same issue as others regarding “error” message: “An error occurred: Security Check Failed”

    • Joe Bunting

      Hey Kelly! So sorry you're having issues and for the delay in getting back to you (I was away for the holiday). Can you try refreshing your browser and submitting again? It should be working, but if the page is open too long it causes that error.

  9. Melinda Worth Popham

    Wowser! Thanks !Getting down to brass tacks so helpful.
    Where can I find the query letter generator???

  10. Krisztina

    I also get the error message. Please, help! 🙂


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