The Winner of Show Off: The Love Story Edition

by Joe Bunting | 22 comments

Well, this was the hardest contest to judge so far.

Special thanks to Patricia W. Hunter and Lisa Burgess, the winners of our two previous contests, for their help as judges. They were amazing, and if you haven't read their stories, The Worst Christmas Ever and The Driver, you need to.

Huge thanks to everyone who entered. Judging this contest is a painful thing because you have to say no to so many wonderful stories. I don't know what else to say but thank you for trusting us with your words.

Now, to the results.

Love Story Valentines Day

Photo by Zabara Alexander

First Honorable Mention: The Postcard by Zara D. Garcia-Alvarez

This was simply the best writing in the lot. Zara's words are beautiful, like velvet, like strawberries and champagne at midnight on the beach. I was captivated by them.

Second Honorable Mention: Worth A Thousand Words by Sammy Bennett

Sammy's basic story was so much fun: a somewhat jaded man discovers the girl he fell in love with when he was thirteen has been right next to him all along. Sammy's trick with the picture reminded me of all the tricks Shakespeare played on his audiences.

Runner Up: A Hidden Love by Becca Gambill

What a breathtaking story! Becca's story spoke about love in such a real, honest, and yet beautiful way I couldn't help but be touched by it.

The Winner: On Behalf of Love by Tara Boyce

Tara Boyce's On Behalf of Love completely surprised all of us. I don't know if I ever actively chose it (until the end). I just couldn't delete it from my list! As I whittled my list down more and more, there it was, refusing to be left out. Slowly I began to realize what is so remarkable about it: Tara's tone is so grounded in the details of life, but there are these moments of effervescence where it's as if she flies up to sky enraptured.  Then she comes back down and continues as if nothing has happened. It's incredible.

Besides that, I loved her exploration of love through little vignettes that together paint a raw, honest picture about what love is and isn't.

Congratulations Tara, and congratulations to all those who were mentioned and all those who were not. It's so fun to be part of this amazing writing community, and I hope we have many opportunities to celebrate each other's writing in the future!

Joe Bunting is an author and the leader of The Write Practice community. He is also the author of the new book Crowdsourcing Paris, a real life adventure story set in France. It was a #1 New Release on Amazon. Follow him on Instagram (@jhbunting).

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  1. Shelley Lundquist

    Wish there was a link to Tara’s story… I am looking very forward to ready it! : )

  2. Beck Gambill

    I know it was a hard decision Joe. There was a lot of creativity and beauty poured into the stories. Thank you for your kind words about my story and for the acknowledgement.

    • Joe Bunting

      Of course, Beck! It was very difficult to not choose YOUR story, and I’m sorry we couldn’t pick two 🙁

    • Beck Gambill

      Thanks Joe! It just gives me a chance to keep practicing and try again next time, which I look forward to!

  3. Angelo Dalpiaz

    Congratulations Tara. I didn’t read your story yet, but I will.

    • Beck Gambill

      Angelo, thank you, what a kind thing to say!

  4. Patricia W Hunter

    Joe, thank you for giving me the opportunity of judging these stories with you and Lisa. It’s an privilege I don’t take lightly.

    • Joe Bunting

      Likewise, Patricia. I’d have been lost on this one without the two of you.

  5. Zara Garcia-Alvarez

    This is wonderful news! I’m honoured! Thanks so much for providing an outlet for writers to “practice” the craft, share their work, and be a part of the larger writing community.

    Congratulations Tara, Sammy, and Becca! I’ll be watching and waiting, looking forward to reading more of your work. If any of us should even become remotely “published,” let alone, “famous,” I’ll remember we all started here.

    Thanks to Patricia, Lisa, and Joe for considering my work—and especially for the kind words of acknowledgement. I’m encouraged.

    Zara D. Garcia-Alvarez
    On Twitter: @ZaraAlexis

    • Joe Bunting

      You’re great, Zara.

  6. Lamia Slumbers

    Congratulations Tara! It’s a great story. Kudos also to Zara, Sammy and Becca for their terrific submissions.

  7. Anonymous

    Congratulations Tara, and all the others mentioned.

  8. jeanelaine

    Where can we read Tara’s story?

  9. Samuel Bennett

    First of all, congratulations to Tara. Right after I finish this, I’m off to read your story. I can’t wait! I hope to learn something from you.

    Also, thank you Joe. This was the first time that I’ve ever submitted one of my stories so I was really glad that you and the other judges thought it was good enough to be one of the finalist. Thanks for giving me a shot.

    • Joe Bunting

      Of course, man! It was a great story!

  10. Carey Rowland

    My favorite line from Tara’s story–it comes very close to the end:
    “When I awoke, I leaned over in the dark and reached for my notebook (I didn’t want to wake Ryan). ”
    This says it all, for the writer who has been faithfully married to the same person for a long time, as I have been to my wife of 32 years.
    Thanks for sharing your inspiration, Tara. May the Lord write with you.

  11. Sherrey Meyer

    Congratulations to Tara on her winning story, which I loved reading! You have an incredibly delicious writing style — poignant and free flowing. Keep up the good work.

    And kudos to the other three writers on their placing in the top ranks! I’ve yet to read all the stories, but I will — just on a deadline right now!

    I’m looking forward to being able to compete in the next contest — now that I’m back to my old self again! 🙂

  12. Anonymous

    Congratulations to the winner and hat – off to all those who have got an honorable mention better luck next time to all those who tried.

  13. Steph

    Congratulations to the victors, and a special thanks to the judges for taking the time to read all our efforts.

  14. Tara

    So I’m a little late in responding. Thank you, Joe, Patricia, and Lisa for your willingness to read over all the entries and work with me on editing. Thank you, Zara, Sammy, and Becca for sharing your writing.




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