Thank You for 10 Years of The Write Practice

by Joe Bunting | 0 comments

In July 2011, I accomplished what was at the time the third best thing I'd ever done in my life (after marrying my wife and writing my first book): I started a blog to share what I was learning about the writing craft.

It was called The Write Practice. My goal was to create a place where people could become better writers, finish their books, get published, and accomplish their writing goals.

Thank You for 10 Years of The Write Practice

Since then, over twenty-nine million people have visited The Write Practice. It has grown from just me working out of a coffee shop to a team of over twenty employees, contractors, and contributors.

Together we've helped over 7,000 people write books, get published, and accomplish their writing goals.

And we're just getting started.

For years before I started The Write Practice, I struggled alone. I wanted to be a writer. I wanted to finish books, to get published. But I didn't know how to do it. It wasn't until I met a few mentors, writers who had done it before, and who had the generosity to show me the process, that I finally started succeeding.

Because no writer makes it alone. It takes a community. The Write Practice was my way to pass along what I had learned to others.

So I asked the writers in our community how The Write Practice has affected them, and here's what a few of them said:

I connected and made friends with other wonderful writers, wrote award-winning short stories, [and] published a novel…! My next book is coming out with Penguin this July. Thank You Joe and The Write Practice for helping me find my voice!
—Audrey Chin

[The Write Practice] gave me my first taste of community support and helped me finish my first novel. I have an agent because of that book, and that book was bought by Wednesday Books (an imprint of Macmillan/St Martin’s Press) and comes out Spring 2022.

I especially love the articles that you post. They are so good and so informative that I print them off and I have a note book filled with your articles. when I feel stuck in my writing I check my file and notebook full of your articles and pull one out that might address the problem.

The Write Practice has taught and inspired me on writing and finishing my first draft. I am in total gratitude for all you and your staff have contributed to my dream. And it has just begun. The entire process from start to finish has been a gold mine and a gift.

The newsletter is so consistent that I followed through and placed [in a writing contest]! You helped me realize I can finish and someone likes what I write. Motivation like a Mutha!!”

I have connected with writers around the world and follow them online. My own writing has improved beyond what I ever thought I was capable of. I belong to a community of kindred souls who inspire me every day.

My book was finished by September 15, 2020. Thank you, Joe. You taught me to write every day, provided a safe place to share my story, to be curious about other writer's work, and of course…how to WRITE.

I've gotten amazing feedback from established writers, and soon, I'm going to be able to start publishing my own books thanks to your guidance. Thank you very much for all your wisdom and aid.
—John King

I wouldn't have made it this far without the support and accountability of The Write Practice, and I couldn't be more grateful to be part of this community. Thank you!

I joined the write practice in 2018. Not only did I finish and publish my book but I made a very dear friend…. Thank you for bringing all of us The Write Practice!!

I could share so many more stories, like Staci Trolio, who connected with another best-selling writer in one of our courses, became a best-seller herself, and then launched an editing business.

Or Brian, who didn't know he could write a short story, let alone a novel, but then finished a book of stories, three novels, and a nonfiction book.

Or J.D. Edwin, who has been part of our community for more than seven years, has published more than thirty short stories, and is about to release her debut novel, Headspace, through our small press, Story Cartel Press.

Or Jeff Elkins, who was inspired to start a literary magazine, has written something like ten books, and now is a full-time writer and editor, helping people write better dialogue.

Or Sarah Gribble, who won one of our writing contests and went on to join our team and publish an amazing novel, Surviving Death, and has gone on to mentor so many other writers in our community.

Or Merry Goodman, who wrote their first book in 100 Day Book and now has published over twenty.

Or Jamie L. Biggs, whose first book got over 1M+ page reads on Amazon last year.

I could go on and on.

The Write Practice has taught me that most writers feel like they have to carry the burden of their stories, their book ideas, their art alone. They don't have people who can encourage them when the writing gets hard, who can tell them they're going to make it—so just keep going. Nobody who says, “I get it. I've been there. You will publish your book.”

Community is rare. And yet I believe all writers need community to succeed.

For me, being part of this community is one of the great honors of my life. I'm so grateful that every day I get to play a small part in the success of so many writers. I can't wait for the next ten years.

So, thank you, The Write Practice.

Thank you to our team and our community.

Thank you to our customers who take our programs and courses.

Thank you to the people who read our blog.

It's an honor, and I'm so grateful.

Happy writing. We'll see you soon.

How about you? How has The Write Practice helped you? Let me know in the comments.

Joe Bunting is an author and the leader of The Write Practice community. He is also the author of the new book Crowdsourcing Paris, a real life adventure story set in France. It was a #1 New Release on Amazon. Follow him on Instagram (@jhbunting).

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