3 Reasons You Should Upgrade to a Premium WordPress Theme

by Joe Bunting | 16 comments

For most of my blog­ging “career,” I used Pagelines Platform which is, in my opin­ion, the best and eas­i­est free word­press theme avail­able. If you want an easy, free theme, I highly rec­om­mend Pagelines.

However, in early 2012 I spent the money to upgrade to a pre­mium theme. Here's why.


Photo by Steven Depolo

1. Page Load Speed

Before I switched themes, my blog was slow. Really slow.

Speed is impor­tant if you want to keep read­ers on your blog, as this New York Times arti­cle can tell you, and my page load times were some­times in the 30 sec­ond range. Miserable.

Unfortunately, for all its ease, Pagelines was dri­ving my read­ers away because of its speed. It was time to upgrade.

The Genesis Framework is among the fastest themes on the mar­ket, and I don't have to worry about 30 sec­ond load times any­more. On top of that, Genesis is the theme of choice for some of the biggest blogs on the inter­net, includ­ing Copyblogger, Problogger, Chris Brogan, and others.

2. Google Friendly

On top of that, Genesis does an excel­lent job help­ing me get to the top of Google. The out of the box SEO (Search Engine Optimization) tools make it very easy.

3. Tribe

The most impor­tant part of your plat­form is your list of fans. Your goal should be, in your plat­form build­ing, to cre­ate a list of hard­core, rabid fans who will read any­thing you ever write (and then share it with their friends). And the Tribe theme is an effec­tive way of build­ing that list.

I started using the Tribe theme after my friend, Jeff Goins, rec­om­mended it. Tribe enables you to turn your read­ers into sub­scribers eas­ier. In fact, it could improve your rate of sign ups by 50%.

Why is this impor­tant? Because some­day you're going to pub­lish a book, and when you do, you'll want to send an email to your most faith­ful fans let­ting them know. Tribe will highly increase the amount of peo­ple who get that email.

It's a fairly simple decision, if you ask me.

Genesis FrameworkGenesis Framework for WordPress.

Since upgrad­ing to Genesis, I've been impressed with how fast it is and how sim­ple it makes man­ag­ing SEO. Get Genesis for $59.95.



Note: Like some of you read­ing this, I'm a poor, strug­gling writer try­ing to make a liv­ing cre­at­ing art while con­cur­rently fright­ened by the ques­tion of how I'm going to pay for my children's edu­ca­tion, since mine was so ridicu­lously expen­sive and I earn so lit­tle from it. Unlike most of you, though, this writ­ing thing is my full time job. Thus, a few of these links are affil­i­ate links, mean­ing I get a lit­tle money when you pur­chase some of the prod­ucts I've men­tioned. Please don't take this the wrong way. I only rec­om­mend prod­ucts I actu­ally use and believe will improve your writ­ing expe­ri­ence and chances of get­ting pub­lished. Thus, if you want to help your­self out and sup­port a poor, strug­gling writer, don't be afraid to buy some of this stuff. By the way, the FTC asked me to tell you this (go gov­ern­ment!), but I'm kind of glad they did. This was a nice chat. Okay that's all. Bye.

Joe Bunting is an author and the leader of The Write Practice community. He is also the author of the new book Crowdsourcing Paris, a real life adventure story set in France. It was a #1 New Release on Amazon. Follow him on Instagram (@jhbunting).

Want best-seller coaching? Book Joe here.


  1. Beth Zimmerman

    I use PageLines Platform Pro (not free) and have long been frustrated with slow load speeds. Wonder if PageLines is causing it? Probably so since I have stripped everything else down as far as I can. Maybe I SHOULD consider Genesis?

    • Joe Bunting

      Nice, Beth. Your blog looks great. What’s of the post pop up plugin you’re using?

    • Beth Zimmerman

      nRelate Flyout I’ve been really pleased with it.

    • Joe Bunting

      Hmm… I have nRelate popular posts and love it. I’ll have to give it a shot. Thanks Beth 🙂

  2. Brian Alonzo

    If pagelines is running slow could be the use of a bloated functions file. Start by removing unused code… If scared to touch the code… Take Joe’s advice.. Or hire a pro..

    • Joe Bunting

      Yeah that would be more than I could handle. PHP confuses the heck out of me.

  3. Jim Woods

    Isn’t it PURE IRONY that I am in the middle of this process as you post this? You are right. You are absolutely on all of this Joe.

    • Joe Bunting

      Thanks Jim. Good luck with the move. Let me know if I can help (of course).

    • Jim Woods

      Thanks buddy. I think I’m in good hands right now, but that doesn’t mean I won’t need help down the road..haha 😉

  4. Mary Incontro

    I just switched to Blog Simple. Love it!

  5. Mark Skovorodko

    I’m not sure about this, but shouldn’t it be “Tribe enables you to turn your readers into subscribers more easily?” 🙂

    • Joe Bunting

      Good question, Mark. I think that would be true if “easier” wasn’t a real word. In this case it is. I could be wrong, though.

    • Mark Skovorodko

      Ooh, just googled it and found this, FWIW: http://bit.ly/MeIkJS

  6. George Fleming

    Just curious if anyone has opinions on TemplateToaster ? For reference, it’s located here: http://goo.gl/V29mTk

  7. Chuck Bartok

    Clicked on the TRIBE hyperlink…no longer available?

  8. Angel Harriet

    We provide a combined self-hosted WordPress setup and configuration service that has been carefully assembled to get your WordPress site LAUNCHED fast and easy.Visit us to know more.
    Premium wordpress themes


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