Exciting news: today my new book, Crowdsourcing Paris, is published! I’ve been working on this book for five years, and I’m so excited to finally share it with you.
Crowdsourcing Paris means a lot to me. It’s my memoir of a pretty amazing chapter of my life. It’s also the book that you helped me write, and so I’m especially excited to share it here, in the Write Practice community.
The Book You Helped Me Write
When I first became a writer, I wanted to write like Hemingway, sitting in cafés in Paris and writing great novels. So I took my family to Paris for the spring, hoping to write an amazing book.
But several of my mentors told me that writing about sitting in cafés in Paris would make for a really boring book. I hated to admit it, but they were right.
So I reached out to readers of The Write Practice and asked you to send me adventures, challenges I’d have to accomplish in Paris, obstacles that would turn this book — and honestly, my life — into an interesting story.
And wow, you came through for me.
This book is the story of that spring: the wild adventures you sent me on, the hurdles I faced along the way, and what I learned about what it takes to write (and live) a great story.
Whether you’ve followed along since the beginning or you just found The Write Practice yesterday, you’re a vital part of my journey with this book. It truly would not have happened without this community and your support.
Get the Book . . . and a Gift
To say thank you for all the ways you’ve helped me to create this book, I want to give you three exciting bonuses when you buy the book today.
Here’s what you’ll get:
Bonus #1: A 4-part live course on How to Write a Memoir
Bonus #2: An exclusive story, “Crowdsourcing Arcachon: A Real-Life Adventure Story in Bordeaux”
Bonus #3: A beautifully illustrated, printable map of the Crowdsourcing Paris Walking Guide
And here’s how to get them:
- Buy Crowdsourcing Paris in any format from any vendor.
- Email your receipt to crowdsourcingparis [at] robot [dot] zapier [dot] com.
- Check your inbox for your bonuses!
And that’s it! Your bonuses will arrive in your inbox shortly.
Thank You
I’ve been looking forward to sharing this book with you for years, and I’m so excited the day is finally here.
I hope you pick up a copy and enjoy reading it as much as (or let’s be honest, even more than) I enjoyed writing it.
Ready to read the adventure you inspired? Get your copy of Crowdsourcing Paris.
Have you read the book? What did you think? Let me know in the comments!
Crowdsourcing Paris is about how I discovered adventure in a city that’s beautiful and inspiring, but also a little tame. Where have you found adventure in your life?
Take fifteen minutes to write about an adventure you’ve experienced. When you’re done, share your adventure in the comments below, and be sure to leave feedback for your fellow writers.
And don’t forget to pick up your copy of Crowdsourcing Paris!
Joe Bunting is an author and the leader of The Write Practice community. He is also the author of the new book Crowdsourcing Paris, a real life adventure story set in France. It was a #1 New Release on Amazon. Follow him on Instagram (@jhbunting).
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