Hire Our Certified Book Coaches

Sue Hacking

Freelance writer for 30+ years. Coach and developmental editor in multiple genres for 10+ years.

About This Coach

Sue Hacking signed on to a lifelong writing voyage before she sold her first magazine article in the 1980s. She’s a national award-winning journalist and freelance writer with more than 130 articles and short stories in regional and national publications including Writer’s Digest, Spa, Highlights for Children, Boy’s Life, Cruising World, and Ocean Navigator. Meeting weekly with fellow writers for ten years, she honed her skills at developmental editing and book coaching (though it wasn’t called that in the 90’s!). She is the author of two picture books and two travel guidebooks (one in its fourth edition after 25 years in print.) Her coming of age memoir HEELS TO HIKING BOOTS will hit the publishing trail in 2024.

As a certified book coach and developmental editor, Sue helps clients navigate their passage from writer to author. Whether the book is still an idea that needs direction, already a full manuscript, or anywhere in between, Sue is on board to help clients stay the course.

Sue’s coaching practice, The Write Voyage, reflects her life as a counselor, teacher, writer, adventure traveler, and ocean sailor. With her husband of 45 years, they’ve raised two kids, dusted their boots on ten Himalayan treks, nearly circumnavigated, and still live on the family sailboat. Sue believes that books can change the world, and that your story matters. She coaches with kindness, clarity, humor, and probably too many sailing metaphors.

Welcome Aboard.


One-Off Coaching Call - 30 min

Are you hitting one or two specific obstacles in your writing voyage? Bring them to this half-hour video call, and I’ll help blast them out of your way with clear explanations and specific actions you can take so you can move on. Don’t worry if you write outside my “preferred genres”. Questions on writing technique — e.g. point of view, choice of tense, making dialog realistic, etc., are genre-neutral. 🙂 And if you're feeling becalmed in your writing, I can help you set sail again. Okay. Too many metaphors? Translation: We can chat about writer's block and help you start writing again with confidence.
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One-Off Coaching Call - 1 hour

Is your manuscript becalmed? Or do you worry that you’re off-course? Or maybe you want reassurance that you’re on course! A one-hour video call gives us time to really figure out what’s going on, and get you moving ahead with confidence on your writing journey. We can address one big concern, or get some clarity of direction on a number of smaller issues. Invite me on board for an hour, and we’ll get you heading in the right way again!
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Book Plan Critique

As Yogi Berra said, “If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end up someplace else.” How true this is, for crossing an ocean or writing a book! If that Book Plan has you befuddled, or is annoying because you just want to start writing, already!, take heart. In two one-hour video calls, you and I will hammer out your Premise, Character Value Scales, Plot Types, and Synopsis. We'll talk about Comps, Accountability and Consequences. Result? You’ll know where you’re going, and you’ll have set a course for that final goal: a finished book.
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Manuscript Critique

You’ve done it! You’ve got a full manuscript from Beginning to End. And now it’s ready for its first sea trial…putting it in the hands of a stranger. That might be a scary thought. But you can do this. After all, you wrote the book because you have something you want to share. After reading through the manuscript (up to 100,000 words) we’ll have a one-hour video call to discuss the story, what’s working well, your goals and my recommended action steps. I’ll send a full written critique covering, among other things, point of view, overall structure, character arcs, plots and subplots. I'll do an analysis of the first five scenes with the goal of teaching you this valuable self-editing tool. And as for getting underway again, I’ll give you specific suggestions on how to make your next draft even better.
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120 Walks in Natural Places in Seattle, Everett, Tacoma, and Olympia

Take a Walk Seattle, 4th Edition. 120 Walks through Natural Places in Seattle, Everett, Tacoma, and Olympia by Sue Muller Hacking

Hiking Guidebook

A guidebook to walks in parks and greenspaces in the Greater Settle Area. This regionally best-selling book has been in print since 1997, and is now in its 4th Edition, updated and expanded. For each edition, the author walked more than 400 miles on these local trails. With maps and detailed information on each walk, this book lures families, workers, and visitors to explore the green spaces in urban areas.

Mount Everest and Beyond: Sir Edmund Hillary by Sue Muller Hacking

Biography for children

Edmund Hillary has climbed Mt. Everest, a feat made possible only by teamwork. Although life lures him to Antarctica and to raft the Ganges River, his heart remains with Sherpa friends who have asked for education and healthcare. He returns many times to build schools and hospitals near Mt. Everest. Ed’s final wish is to be known as a friend of Nepal, not the first of two climbers to reach the top of Everest.



Anna Christine
Developmental Editing/Book Coaching
5 stars rating

Review from Anna Christine’s Developmental Editing/Book Coaching

Reviewed on August 31, 2024
Yes, I would work with this coach again!

Sue Hacking is an exceptionally experienced writing coach. She continues to amaze me with how she zeroed in on the help I need to make my writing clearer and more understandable. I am grateful for her writing knowledge and ability to share so generously. I value her suggestions.

Power Coaching Call
5 stars rating

Review from Darla’s Manuscript Critique

Reviewed on August 27, 2024
Yes, I would work with this coach again!

It's evident that Sue loves memoirs! And, she loves working with budding memoirists. I found her to be caring, and her suggestions to be helpful. She helped me to properly classify my memoir, and discussed concepts that I would not have considered.

Developmental Editing/Book Coaching
5 stars rating

Review from Anna Christine’s Developmental Editing/Book Coaching

Reviewed on July 4, 2024
Yes, I would work with this coach again!

Sue Hacking is an outstanding writing coach because she listens with her eyes, ears, and heart. As a beginner writer, I have much to learn, starting with the basics, such as English Grammar, Composition, and word processing. So, the learning curve has been steep. Sue understood where I was developmentally and met me at the starting gate. I can be me with Sue. I don't have to be perfect (as if I could). I look forward to her feedback and then deep-diving into the fun of revising. I am grateful for Sue's time, talent, and willingness to spend time with me. One of my writing goals is to be a better writer and Sue is helping me towards that goal. Just Keep Writing. Anna Christine

Anna Christine
Developmental Editing/Book Coaching
5 stars rating

Review from Anna Christine’s Developmental Editing/Book Coaching

Reviewed on May 19, 2024
Yes, I would work with this coach again!

Sue is an excellent teacher and a good listener. Her feedback is direct and helpful. I know I can always go back to Sue with questions. As a new creative nonfiction writer, I hope there is potential inside of me. Sue would not be putting time, energy, or knowledge into helping me if she didn't believe I had potential. She would say, “Maybe being a sailor would be a better use of your time.”

Developmental Editing/Book Coaching
5 stars rating

Review from Anna’s Developmental Editing/Book Coaching

Reviewed on April 12, 2024
Yes, I would work with this coach again!

Sue Hacking is a fantastic writing coach who will tackle the tough stuff I must face as an underdeveloped writer! She does not shy away from “I tip my head” when I read that! I felt embarrassed, as if I had done something wrong, but a millisecond later, I opened my hands, heart, and brain and wanted more of her expertise. (Please don't focus on my feelings—I'm a retired psychologist and love exploring my reaction to the world.)

I'm back to evaluating Sue Hacking as my writing coach. I needed to know a little more about her, so I purchased Take A Walk—Seattle, which she published from 1997 to 2017. Personally, I think we have a lot in common, as my parents are from Seattle. You most likely want me to stay professional rather than personal, but the personal is essential. Enuf.

This will address your question: How did it go with Sue Hacking? She can help me become a better writer. Over the next six months, I hired Sue to read and edit my essays. As a new, underdeveloped writer, this is a bold and courageous step for me, but it is essential. I expect to be revising and revising. I expect to get whacked around, but as Grace Paley said, it is so elegantly that being whacked once in a while is good for our souls. I know Sue will whack gently, as I've already experienced her whack and survived!

Please get in touch with me if you would like additional information.
Just Keep Writing, Anna Christine

Become an Author with the Write Coach

All of our coaches are trained and certified using our unique Write Practice methodology to give aspiring writers the knowledge, feedback, and encouragement they need to become published authors and accomplish their writing goals.

We all need a coach, someone who can point out the next step in our literary journey, and we want to help you find the right coach for you. If you’re ready to get started with Sue Hacking click the button below to request a quote to get started. Or if you’d like us to help you find the right coach (the write coach?) send us a note at admin [at] thewritepractice [dot] come and we’ll recommend someone. 

Good luck, and happy writing.