Aspiring Writer to Published Author with the Write Coach

When you work with a Write Practice certified book coach, you’ll get the knowledge, feedback, and encouragement they need to become published authors and accomplish their writing goals.

Mystery Coaches

Sue Weems

Sue Weems

Award-winning instructor and writer of 20+ years, book coach, and editor.

Joe Bunting

Joe Bunting

WSJ Bestselling author, founder of The Write Practice, and book coach with 14+ years experience.

Sue Hacking

Sue Hacking

Freelance writer for 30+ years. Coach and developmental editor in multiple genres for 10+ years.

Why Hire a Book Coach

We all need a coach. Hemingway had coaches. Stephen King had a coach. Mary Shelley had a coach. Even Joe Bunting, the founder of The Write Practice, had a coach.

You need someone who can point you in the right direction for your unique writing journey, who can tell you what’s working and what’s not working in your writing, and who can help you problem solve on your way to publication.

When you hire a Write Practice certified book coach, here’s what you’ll get:

1. The Write Structure for Your Project

All our coaches are trained in The Write Structure framework and can pinpoint the structural strengths and challenges for your book.

2. Encouraging Feedback

Writing is hard! You need someone who can not only tell you what’s not working in your writing (and how to fix it), but who can tell you what is working and encourage you to keep going. 

3. Accountability

Our coaches know how to provide the accountability you need to stay focused and finish your book. 

4. A Problem Solver

Every book project comes with confusing problems that can be tough to solve on your own. Get someone who knows how books work and can brainstorm solutions to your problems.

5. Someone Who Cares

Writing can feel lonely. There aren’t many people who understand what it’s like to write and publish a book. It’s good to have someone who knows the process, can speak with authority about next steps, and can help point you in the right direction not only for this book, but your entire author career. 

We all need a coach. If you’re ready to find yours, meet our certified book coaches below.

What Writers Are Saying

Developmental Editing/Book Coaching
5 stars rating

Review from Anna’s Developmental Editing/Book Coaching

Reviewed on April 12, 2024
Yes, I would work with this coach again!

Sue Hacking is a fantastic writing coach who will tackle the tough stuff I must face as an underdeveloped writer! She does not shy away from “I tip my head” when I read that! I felt embarrassed, as if I had done something wrong, but a millisecond later, I opened my hands, heart, and brain and wanted more of her expertise. (Please don't focus on my feelings—I'm a retired psychologist and love exploring my reaction to the world.)

I'm back to evaluating Sue Hacking as my writing coach. I needed to know a little more about her, so I purchased Take A Walk—Seattle, which she published from 1997 to 2017. Personally, I think we have a lot in common, as my parents are from Seattle. You most likely want me to stay professional rather than personal, but the personal is essential. Enuf.

This will address your question: How did it go with Sue Hacking? She can help me become a better writer. Over the next six months, I hired Sue to read and edit my essays. As a new, underdeveloped writer, this is a bold and courageous step for me, but it is essential. I expect to be revising and revising. I expect to get whacked around, but as Grace Paley said, it is so elegantly that being whacked once in a while is good for our souls. I know Sue will whack gently, as I've already experienced her whack and survived!

Please get in touch with me if you would like additional information.
Just Keep Writing, Anna Christine

Phil Palmieri
5 stars rating

Fantastic Course

Reviewed on April 8, 2024
Yes, I recommend!

This has been a fantastic course covering great information no only on writing short stories but then getting them out there.

Joanna S
Power Coaching Call
5 stars rating

Review from Joanna’s Manuscript Critique

Reviewed on April 3, 2024
Yes, I would work with this coach again!

I was so impressed with Kyle. He knew my manuscript in detail, remembering chapters and scenes as we discussed them. He gave me helpful feedback and ideas about filling in the structural holes. He was easy to speak with and very efficient. His thoughtful commentary and suggestions made me feel better and energized about my work and the rewrite ahead of me. I can't say enough nice things about him as a professional and as a person.

Book Plan Critique
5 stars rating

Review from DeAnna’s Book Plan Critique

Reviewed on March 28, 2024

I had a fantastic experience getting started at The Write Practice with Joe. He was incredibly supportive, wicked smart, and quick to respond. With his assistance, I feel fully prepared and excited to dive into my book project. I'm thrilled about our progress and ready to move forward; I am confident in completing my book in 100 days!

Become an Author with the Write Coach

All of our coaches are trained and certified using our unique Write Practice methodology to give aspiring writers the knowledge, feedback, and encouragement they need to become published authors and accomplish their writing goals.

We all need a coach, someone who can point out the next step in our literary journey, and we want to help you find the right coach for you. If you’re ready to get started find a coach above, or if you’d like us to help you find the right coach (the write coach?) send us a note at admin [at] thewritepractice [dot] come and we’ll recommend someone.

Good luck, and happy writing.

P.S. Want to become a book coach? Check out our book coach certification program here.