Pre-Order the Show Off Anthology

by Joe Bunting | 6 comments

I'm happy to announce that as I write this, the Show Off Anthology is being printed.

After a year's worth of work, we are finally seeing the fruit: real paper, ink, that swish-swish-swish of flipping pages, a print book. This is a first for me, and I'm thrilled about it.

How This Book Came About

In December, 2011, we held our first Show Off writing contest at The Write Practice. Over the next year, about 400 pieces of writing were submitted to the contest. Each month, a team of judges and I carefully read each piece and tried to select the best story possible.

This has been a community effort, and I'm grateful for all of you who participated in the process. I've learned so much from working with you and your stories.

What People Are Saying

Here's what people are saying about the book so far:

“I would recommend this book for anyone who wants a good story, doesn't have a lot of time, and wants to discover new authors.” —Nancy Hendrickson

“… I found myself wanting more and will check out those authors to see what other work they have created.” —Tonya Overstreet

“Each story shows the voice of each individual writer and all will leave you with goose bumps.” —Katie Axelson

“[These stories] will both haunt you and leave you wanting more.” —Jeff Goins

How To Get Your Copy of the Show Off Anthology

You have two options to get your copy of the Show Off Anthology.

1. Buy the Digital Version on Amazon

The Kindle version of the Show Off Anthology is now available on Amazon. If you don't have a Kindle, you can still buy it and read it on your computer screen or iPad. The price for this version is $2.99, this price won't go up any time soon.

If you want to help support The Write Practice community and the writing contests we host, but don't want the print version, this is a great option. Get the Kindle version here.

2. Pre-Order the Print Version

We have 100 print copies available for pre-order at the reduced price of $7.95.

You will receive your copies within the next 2-4 weeks, in plenty of time for Christmas (for the readers in your family, this could make a great stocking stuffer!).

However, once these 100 copies run out, the price will go up, so if you're planning on buying the Show Off Anthology, you'll want to buy it now. CLICK HERE TO PRE-ORDER NOW.

Those who pre-order will also receive a discount coupon for the audio version, a professional recording of the anthology, which will be available at the beginning of December.

Please don't wait. Click HERE to find the page where you can pre-order the print version.

A Way to Say Thank You

This book is my way of saying thank you to The Write Practice community.

This has been one of the best years of my life. I've gotten to talk to and meet so many amazing writers here. I'm so grateful for your trust and support. I hope together, we can continue to make this a warm community of talented writers.

Joe Bunting is an author and the leader of The Write Practice community. He is also the author of the new book Crowdsourcing Paris, a real life adventure story set in France. It was a #1 New Release on Amazon. Follow him on Instagram (@jhbunting).

Want best-seller coaching? Book Joe here.


  1. themagicviolinist

    I will be sure to get it somehow! 😀 I’m also going to enter these contests again. 😉

    • Joe Bunting

      You’re the best, MV. 😉

  2. chels

    congratulations, joe! what a cool accomplishment. can’t believe it has been a year.

    • Joe Bunting

      Thanks Chelsea! I know. And what a year it’s been. 😉

  3. Joe Slaughter

    Great stories in ShowOff – my favs were “Miss Maizie County’s Public Disgrace” & “If I Had A Hammer.” Favorites for very different reasons … and that’s what I like in an anthology. The ability to see so many different styles & characters.

    • Joe Bunting

      Thanks Joe!

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