Pre-Order the Show Off Anthology

I’m happy to announce that as I write this, the Show Off Anthology is being printed.

After a year’s worth of work, we are finally seeing the fruit: real paper, ink, that swish-swish-swish of flipping pages, a print book. This is a first for me, and I’m thrilled about it.

The Winner of the Final Show Off Writing Contest

Today we’re finally announcing the winner of the Let’s Write a Short Story contest. We had seventy-five entries to this contest, which is a new high, and the judges and I had a lot of fun reading through all your wonderful stories.

However, if you want to select a winner, you end up creating a lot of not-winners. I understand what it’s like to be a not-winner (which is different from being a loser, I think). Just yesterday I got another rejection from a literary magazine. I’ve been sticking them to my fridge, which is slowly getting covered by them. But this is what you have to do to succeed.

Instead of measuring how many times you’re published, measure rejections. Instead of trying to get everyone to like your stories, get as much feedback about how to improve your stories as you can. Don’t justify how good you are. Try to get better. If you do this for long enough, you will succeed.

Put Your Writing Skills to the Test

If you want to become a better writer, you need to practice deliberately, and one of the best ways to practice writing deliberately is by submitting your work for publication. Submitting acts as a kind of test of your writing skills, and studies have shown that people improve at a skill faster if they’re tested.

I know submitting can be scary. You feel vulnerable, like all your insecurities and flaws are exposed. However, if you want to get published, you need to learn to submit your work, and not just when it’s perfect.

Today, you can make a breakthrough in your writing. You just need to submit your work.

The Winner of the Show Off Writing Contest: Athletic Edition

Well, the time has come to once again pick a win­ner of this month’s writ­ing competition.

Before we announce the winner though, I need to take a moment to recognize the hard work of my fellow judges: Patricia Hunter, Tara Boyce, Debra Atwood, Kristi Boyce, and Bob Vander Lugt, all previous winners of our writing contest.

I say this every time because every time it’s true: If you haven’t read their Show Off winning stories, you’re missing out. They’re wonderful.

Now, to the winner.

You Will Be Rejected

I recently received my first rejection letter for a short story I submitted at the beginning of July. It read:

Dear JH Bunting,

We regret that your manuscript does not fit our current editorial needs, but we appreciated the opportunity to consider your work. Thanks very much for submitting.


The Editors of the Magazine that Doesn’t Want to Publish Me

This is the nature of this work we do. On the one hand, we get the joy of creating. We get to make up new worlds, play with our imaginary friends, make something that wasn’t there before. Writing is a joy, isn’t it?

On the other hand, we will face rejection upon rejection upon rejection.

Are you ready for that? Is it worth it for you?

Show Off Writing Contest: Athletic Edition

Once a month, we stop prac­tic­ing and invite you to show off your best work.

Are you inter­ested in being pub­lished (in print)? Would you like to get bet­ter at the writ­ing craft by work­ing with an edi­tor? Do you enjoy a lit­tle friendly com­pe­ti­tion? And are you a fan of The Write Practice?

Then this writ­ing con­test might be for you.