The Most Important Character Archetype

Pop quiz: what is one character archetype that appears in almost every Shakespeare play AND Disney movie?

I’ll give you a hint by listing some characters: Bottom, Puck, the Iguana in Tangled, Dori in Finding Nemo, the Clown in All’s Well That Ends Well, the Carpet in Aladdin. Got it yet?

Second hint: it’s not a Disney princess.

What Will You Write This Year?

This is a good question, and one you should be asking yourself. But not today. At The Write Practice, one day a week, we rest from the tyranny of the future. For one day, we focus on the past and on the present. Some call this Sabbath or Shabbat. We just call it rest....

Should You Write to Sell Books?

You are not a writer because of how many fans you have, how many subscribe to your blog, how many copies of your book you sold, or how many people have read your book (the last two are never the same). You are a writer because you write. The fans will come long after...

The Worst Christmas Ever

This short story, by Patricia W. Hunter, was the winner of our “Show Off” Writing Competition. Patricia is a freelance writer, a blogger at Pollywog Creek, and a photographer. She lives in the country outside of Fort Meyers, Florida. Follow Patricia on...

Three Reasons to Write During the Holidays

For a long time, I wasn't a consistent writer. I figured whenever inspiration struck, I would write. Until then, though, I prefered to do other things with my time. In consequence, I didn't write much, and I didn't get much better at my craft. However, a year ago, I...