Six Ways to Make Your Readers Hate You

As an author, you want to make your readers happy, right? You want to have outstanding writing that not only makes you feel good, but makes others feel good. You want people to read your work and say, “Hey, this person really knows how to write. I like their stuff.”

You don’t want to make your readers hate you and your work. Well, if you want your readers to like you, here are six things not to do.

Don't Write For Passion

The wisdom of the zeitgeist says, “Follow your dreams. Don’t settle for a job you don’t love. You have to be passionate about what you do.”

However, the truth is that if you look at the people who really love what they do, you find that most of them didn’t follow this rule.

Free Write Like a Sweaty-Toothed Madman

Free writing is an exercise we often practice here at the Write Practice to unblock the mind and increase creativity and fluidity.

But free writing is more than a pill you dole out to cure writer’s block, isn’t it? It has a much more important function than helping you finish a scene or discover an ending that resonates.

Free writing, practiced deliberately can set you free from fear.

How to Publish 99 Short Stories in 8 Years: An Interview with Stefanie Freele

Today, we’re talking to Stefanie Freele, a novelist, poet, and short story writer who lives in the Northwest. Stefanie is a Pushcart Prize Nominee and has published short fiction in Glimmer Train, PANK, Sou’wester, Word Riot, R.KV.R.Y Quarterly Literary Journal, Vestal Review, and many more. In the last eight years, she has published 99 short stories. Isn’t that remarkable?

Stefanie and I are going to be talking about the hunger for publication, how to know when your short story is finished, and the world’s need, or lack thereof, for more donut stories. You can find Stefanie’s work on her website,, as well as her book of short stories, Feeding Strays, and her novel, Surrounded by Water.

Thanks so much for joining us Stefanie!