Social Media for Writers: Practical Tips and Tricks

Social Media for Writers: Practical Tips and Tricks

Being a creator means getting your content out there to a target audience, and one of the best ways is through social media channels if you want to reach your readers directly. Here’s some practical advice on social media for writers.

Luckily, it’s actually much easier than you might think. Let’s take a look at the best ways for an author to use four of the biggest social media platforms: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest.

Why Are Characters Important in a Story? 4 Ways to Know You Need a Character

Why Are Characters Important in a Story? 4 Ways to Know You Need a Character

As a writer, you know that a story can’t exist without characters. But have you ever wondered: “Why are characters important in a story?”

Perhaps you’ve questioned an even tougher problem: “When is a character important enough to keep in a story, and when does the narrative work better without them?” 

In order for a side character—or any character—to matter in a story, they have to work as an essential character that impacts the protagonist, plot, setting, or another important aspect that shapes or moves a story forward. 

In this article, you’ll learn four ways that determine if (1) the character is essential, and (2) how they contribute to a story. You’ll also learn the major types of characters and ways to determine if—for the characters who don’t qualify as essential—you’re better off revising their role, or cutting them from the plot. 

How to Write Lore That Will Deepen Your Fantasy World

How to Write Lore That Will Deepen Your Fantasy World

The best way to immerse your readers in your fantasy story is through world-building, which can be an arduous and intimidating process. After all, to create an entire world is no easy task.

But what if you don’t want to spend a lot of time world-building? The key lies in lore. Lore is defined as “a body of traditions and knowledge on a subject or held by a particular group, typically passed from person to person by word of mouth.”

How to Write Good Fiction: 4 Foundational Skills and How to Build Them

How to Write Good Fiction: 4 Foundational Skills and How to Build Them

Do you want to write a novel but are unsure on how to write good fiction?

Writing good fiction takes time and practice. There’s no way around it.

However, if you’re looking for some specific and valuable writing skills that you should concentrate on building, this post is for your.

Here, learn the four foundational writing kills that will make you a better fiction writer which I’ll share with practical tips to help you improve your craft today. 

How to Become a Successful Writer: 5 Things You Need for Productive Writing

How to Become a Successful Writer: 5 Things You Need for Productive Writing

Have you ever wondered how some writers publish a book or more a year? Do they have a secret that could teach you how to become a successful writer? Are there tools you could use to make you equally productive? 

If you want to become a successful writer, you need to first learn how to become a productive writer. But what does it really take to be productive? 

In this article we will look at five tools you can use to become a more productive and successful writer—all of which you’ll want to place neatly in your writer’s toolkit.