by Joslyn Chase and Sarah Gribble |
Whether you’re self publishing or you have a traditional publisher, it’s up to you to sell your books. Email marketing is the number one way to sell books. But in order to use email marketing effectively, you first have to gather a list of email addresses, a group of readers who want to hear from you.
Struggling to build your list? Try this.
by Sarah Gribble |
There’s no shortage of writing prompts out there. We even do them with every post here on the Write Practice blog.
Prompts have a place in writing, whether it’s overcoming writer’s block or simply as a warmup to get your brain moving. Writing prompts are awesome.
Until they’re not.
What do you do if you hate the writing prompt you’re given?
by Sarah Gribble |
How long does it take to write a book? Writing the first draft of a book is a grueling, intimidating process. But it doesn’t have to be a slow process.
Ask one hundred writers how long it takes them to write their first drafts and you’ll get one hundred different answers. There is no perfect length of time to spend on a first draft.
You will find, though, that the writers whose answer is closer to a couple of months than to a couple of years are most likely more successful.
by Sarah Gribble |
I was scrolling through social earlier today and discovered something amazing: Joyce Carol Oates is teaching a MasterClass! And on short stories, nonetheless, which happens to be my forte. I’m so excited to have the opportunity to take this MasterClass, learn from an unparalleled literary giant, and write a Joyce Carol Oates MasterClass review.