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J Burton
About This Coach
J Burton is a Book Coach and Editor who believes that language—especially when used to tell stories—is our shared human superpower, and that even the best writer can benefit from working with the right editor or coach. She graduated with a BA in Art History and a BA in English Literature from Arizona State University, and has an MFA in fiction from Colorado State University. Her essays and short stories have been published in literary journals such as The Laurel Review, Matter, Drunken Boat, and upstreet, which was nominated for a 2013 Pushcart Prize.
Manuscript Critique
One-Off Coaching Call with Manuscript Review
Weekly/Monthly Book Coaching
Book Plan Critique
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I am working on the third draft of a novel and until J had yet to share anything. She gave me permission to explore sub-plots and themes that I'd thought not quite on point for a spy novel. But J was right. Strengthening those subplots buoyed the more traditional spy stuff making it more relevant and more poignant. The gift of courage is no small thing and that's what she gave me.
She also brought up possibilities I hadn't thought of which as I let myself play without also enriched the novel. At this stage I wasn't looking for a copy editor or even a developmental editor. My first question was: “Do you want to read more?” She did and in doing so has made Project Bittersweet a better story.

Preferred Genres
Action | Coming of Age | Crime | Crime Fiction | Historical Fiction | Literary Fiction | Memoir | Mystery | Speculative Fiction | Thriller | Upmarket | Women's Fiction | Young Adult
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All of our coaches are trained and certified using our unique Write Practice methodology to give aspiring writers the knowledge, feedback, and encouragement they need to become published authors and accomplish their writing goals.
We all need a coach, someone who can point out the next step in our literary journey, and we want to help you find the right coach for you. If you’re ready to get started with J Burton click the button below to request a quote to get started. Or if you’d like us to help you find the right coach (the write coach?) send us a note at admin [at] thewritepractice [dot] come and we’ll recommend someone.
Good luck, and happy writing.