by Joe Bunting |
At The Write Practice, we believe deliberate practice is the single best way to learn how to write better. Geoffery Colvin likens it to hitting 300 golf balls with a single club while “continually observing results and making appropriate adjustments.” The...
by Joe Bunting |
Today, I'm excited to introduce our guest, Heather Marsten. I asked Heather to write a post after she mentioned a technique she learned from her writing teacher. I'm glad she agreed because I think you'll enjoy this. Heather writes two blogs, one about healing from...
by Joe Bunting |
For a long time, I wasn't a consistent writer. I figured whenever inspiration struck, I would write. Until then, though, I prefered to do other things with my time. In consequence, I didn't write much, and I didn't get much better at my craft. However, a year ago, I...
by Joe Bunting |
I've been blocked today. In the last two weeks, the Write Practice has grown by 50%. I've dreamed of this place as a community of writers based around practice, and I'm thrilled and a bit humbled that so many are seeing the potential for such a community for their own...
by Joe Bunting |
I received an email recently from a reader who said, “I want my writing to be a way of crystallizing reality, not making a new one.” It reminded me of something Sir Ken Robinson said, something I've found to be true of my own experience: “The arts...
by Joe Bunting |
Perfect is no place for a writer. Listen to me: you will never write a perfect novel, short story, essay, blog post, sentence. Everything you write will be criticized. If it's not, then it has been ignored. Your job is not to write perfect sentences. Stop thinking it...