How to Get a Literary Agent (When You’re a Newbie)

How to Get a Literary Agent (When You’re a Newbie)

Most everyone seeking traditional publication would love a well-known literary agent. Someone big, who can get you a huge advance on your book(s) and negotiate an iron-clad contract in your best interest.

However, I learned a valuable lesson from my own experience. When querying agents, keep in mind…

3 Reasons to Break Free from Your Writing Comfort Zone

3 Reasons to Break Free from Your Writing Comfort Zone

It’s easy to fall into a rut. I’ve done it plenty of times, using the same kinds of characters in the same kinds of plots with the same kind of genre. For a while it’ll be nothing but sixteen-year-old orphaned heroines in a fantasy world or talking animals who always get into trouble. But as much as writing your favorite stories is fun, it’s a fine line between safe and stale.

One Secret to Write a Classic Children’s Book—Or Any Book

One Secret to Write a Classic Children’s Book—Or Any Book

Would you like to write a classic children’s book? One that will be read my millions of children? I think you would like to. However, I will admit, I can’t read your mind. So I am making assumptions. Maybe you don’t want your book made into movies, or read by children all over the world, or have the main character sold as a plush toy in stores.

But, I have discovered The One Secret, the missing ingredient that takes a story from good to great.

5 Out-of-the-Box Writing Prompt Sources

5 Out-of-the-Box Writing Prompt Sources

No matter who you are, no matter what kind of writing you do, or how long you’ve been doing it, writer’s block is going to occasionally strike. There’s no reason to kick yourself over it. Sometimes you just get stuck. It’s an inevitable part of the creative process.

Fortunately, you don’t have to just sit there and take it—there’s ways to take matters into your own hands and give your creativity a jumpstart. Yes, I’m talking about writing prompts.