

Write about Spain.

Write for fifteen minutes. When you’re finished, post your practice in the comments.

And if you post, make sure to comment on a few others.

Thailand [Photo Prompt]

In college I had a teacher who asked us to choose a photo. “Any photo will do,” she said.

Then write about it.

What emotions does it convey? What story does it tell? You can make it non-fiction; make it stranger than fiction.

If a picture tells a thousand words, how many words will you use in fifteen minutes to tell it’s story?

Here’s the photo:

Family Fudge

“Family is like fudge: mostly sweet with a few nuts.” – Anonymous

The challenge is: how do you capture those nutty relations in writing?

Crowd scenes are the hardest to write. Throw together a crowd with years of shared memories, emotions, and tensions and you might as well just give up now.



PRACTICE Write about Chicago. Write for fifteen minutes. When you're finished, post your practice in the comments section. And if you post, make sure to give some other Practitioners some feedback. This prompt is somewhat selfish, since I'm actually going to Chicago...


PRACTICE Write about coffee. Write for fifteen minutes. When you're finished, post your practice in the comments section. And if you post, make sure to comment on a few posts by other Practitioners. Here's my practice: I look down into her cup of black coffee and am...