Poetry Writing Prompt

by Guest Blogger | 122 comments

Writing poetry has always been cathartic for me. When a hard day hits, I get out my pen and yellow legal pad and just start crafting words to make beautiful, often somber pieces of art.

writing prompt

I write about my physical surroundings, about the people, places, and things that are on my mind. Even if my poems only end up being a line or two, they still always seem to bring me a sense of freedom, as if the concerns I had just moments before were released through the ink of that pen.

How do you clear you mind after a hectic day? Let us know in the comments.


Even if you don’t consider yourself a poet, today I’d like to challenge you to find freedom through your pen as well. You can choose to write any type of poem you want: free verse, a haiku, a sonnet, etc.

The only rule is that you have to write about something that is currently concerning you, whether it is something that is causing you severe anxiety, or something as simple as the fact that you need to pick up your dry cleaning.

Write for fifteen minutes and share your practice in the comment section. Don’t forget to show some love to your fellow writers!

Here's my practice, two of my raw, yellow legal pad poems.

Breath exits lungs
like water down the drain
Gurgling bursts
of air and liquid
warring against each other

The Cruelty of Spring
Spring has unfurled without
thought or patience to
the way we have lived winter

This article is by a guest blogger. Would you like to write for The Write Practice? Check out our guest post guidelines.


  1. Cori Brown

    Poetry is a wonderful art and us indeed cathartic! Please let people know about the National Association if Poetry Therapy. Members include mental health professionals, literary enthusiasts, etc.

    • Susan W A

      Thanks for sharing this resource!

    • Lacey Carpenter

      Thank you for this resource!

  2. Sana Damani

    A cynic fights furiously with Hope
    Mocking her, and knocking her down
    But she always gets back up again

    Silence proves him right at last
    And she knows that she must depart
    He wishes he were wrong instead

    • Susan W A

      Wow … I carefully read the first part, and thought “Yeah”. Then I read and re-read the second part and thought “Oh, no … but yes it may often be so for many people” I love the part “He wishes he were wrong instead.” I’m interested in the role of silence. I’ll need to reflect on that some more.

      I recently wrote a piece on hope that matches your first part (which is another reason your second part particularly caught my attention). Here is my version:

      Hope is fragile and robust, fleeting and enduring.
      Hope enters the heart nimbly and sprinkles rainbow sparkles.
      Hope resides.
      Hope inspires.
      Some moments it feels like Hope is outmatched, but it never is.
      Hope observes; Hope strategizes; Hope plans; Hope supports; Hope prevails.

    • Sana Damani

      Hope really is enduring, isn’t it 🙂

      My piece was about wishful thinking and not wanting to hope because you know it’s impossible and you don’t want to be disappointed. And then, you’re proven right in the outcome of the event, but it turns out you were hoping after all. That’s what I was trying to capture in the last line.

      Silence could’ve been replaced by “time”. In this case it was about waiting for a response that never comes.

    • Lacey Carpenter

      Wow! Love the thought of a cynic fighting with hope. It truly is a battle at times between pessimism and optimism. Hope can be utterly terrifying, especially when it is all that we have.

  3. Debbi Kapp Brody

    I Noise

    Sounds I wish would go extinct;
    the sound of you slapping your face,
    the sound from next door
    of dumbbells dropping,
    the sound of sand dumping
    out of sneakers,
    the sound of sirens,
    the sound of a deep phlegmy cough
    from an uncovered mouth,
    the sound of an adult whining,
    the sound of a child whining,
    the sound of a fire burning
    out of control,
    the sound of a plate breaking,
    the sound of aerosol spraying.

    II Sounds

    I would love to hear the sound
    of chalk scratching on a black
    board, less smelly than markers
    on a white board.

    Can we bring back the formerly
    frequent sound of horses clumping
    down Santa Fe’s Canyon Road?

    How about more tea kettle
    whistles, fewer microwave beeps?

    I’ll take cats screeching
    over people screaming.
    Oh, to hear a cheetah yowl,
    a bobcat growl.

    The sound of a wood stove fire,
    a stone skipping on water,
    jacks on the sidewalk,
    hopscotch, jump-rope.

    The sound of you exhaling,
    of me forgiving.

    • Susan W A

      This is lovely and inspires me to reflect on sounds and noise.

    • Debbi Kapp Brody

      Thanks Susan, I heard a Texas Poet Laureate karla morton) earlier this month, and she said something about sounds going extinct, which really grabbed my attention and led to this poem.

    • sherpeace

      That’s true! There was an interview in The Sun magazine about that. He said that so many human made sounds: cars, car alarms, etc. are intruding into places he used to record. It is become harder and harder to hear the natural world.
      I also read somewhere that birds are mimicking the sound of car alarms!
      Sherrie Miranda’s historically based, coming of age, Adventure novel “Secrets & Lies in El Salvador” is about an American girl in war-torn El Salvador:
      Her husband made a video for her novel. He wrote the song too:

    • Susan W A


    • Lacey Carpenter

      Silence indeed can be deafening, leaving you hungry for noise and sound, even unpleasant ones. Love your poems!

    • Shalini

      Life now has so many stimulants and ‘Noise’ that it sometimes drowns out the beauty of silence in our worlds. I love both your poems. So true!

    • debbi

      Thanks Shalin

  4. Susan W A

    Thanks for the invitation! Most of my writing is freeform poetry in response to life’s events. Here is one I wrote for a dear friend. Both of her parents just passed away within a couple months of each other. My mother passed away a year and a half ago, so I “get” the process she is going through.

    Hold my hand, for I journey with you.
    We are on the same path at different times, yet we journey together.
    Uneven terrain that deceives our footing
    Steep slopes straining us to our limit
    Interminable shifts in the scenery
    Glimpses of magnificence along the way

    I enjoyed reading your yellow legal pad poems, Lacey, and I will visit your site to explore more of your writing.

    I live in southern California, land of the even-tempered weather, therefore your “Cruelty of Spring” was particularly informing and thought provoking.

    • Lacey Carpenter

      Thank you so much, Susan. Both of these poems were written within days of my grandfather passing, a reflection on death. Your poem speaks to me as well, as I am still venturing the steep slopes of grief. Keep it up!

  5. Joe Volkel

    Love goofy poetry:

    The phone rings
    I cringe in fear
    Someone selling things
    I spilled my beer!

    Do not call list?
    What a joke
    I make a fist
    Many noses to poke.

    Disconnected phone,
    Moved into a cave,
    Created a clone
    To be the telephones slave!

    • Lacey Carpenter

      This made me laugh out loud. The no call list is indeed a huge joke!

    • LilianGardner

      Thanks for sharing, Joe, and making me smile. I wish I had a telephone slave.

    • Joe Volkel

      Thanks, That was fun.

    • Susan W A

      Fun! I like the rhythm. Do you have the habit of making these up on the spot to fit a new situation? Great to have a clever spin on daily annoyances. : )

    • Joe Volkel

      My mind kind of works that way! I love simple, easy rhyming poetry. I am a big fan of Edgar Allen Poe and Ogden Nash. As for inspiration, the PITA telemarketers have been driving me batty lately – and on my cell phone no less. The four letter word replies come out rather easily nowadays. Ah well, at least we can write fun stories about them.

  6. Jetmogah

    Been updating my blog as much as I could for the April Poetry Month even tho’ I don’t get much views, but that wouldn’t stop me from sharing my poems. Can’t call myself a poet tho’, coming across this via my sister, I am so inspired to write more. Thanks for the sparks.
    If you don’t mind, I will some part of my today’s post

    Remember Me.

    You may
    Or you may not.
    Find me still
    In your silence
    Remember me
    As one;
    Who tried to live

    Or maybe not.
    Pass; this would
    In the dark days
    Remember me

    Some day Or never.
    I will understand
    The truth;
    As lie.
    So the lie –
    as truth
    In your denials
    Remember me still

    Soon Or later
    I may
    Honour the call
    By my hands
    Or His hands;
    The creator
    So when you
    Lit the candles
    Remember me

    When you
    Remember me
    To remember me,
    As known and unknown!

    • Susan W A

      Thought-provoking. Thanks for sharing and congrats on consistently putting your work out their for the world to see.

  7. Anne Peterson


    Staring at the space
    you once occupied
    not very big
    but huge

    A smile
    that lit the room
    and my world.

    One month gone
    and I can still imagine
    your smile
    your baby skin.

    How can someone
    so small
    leave such a big hole?

    Grandma’s arms
    are for cradling,
    rocking, holding.

    Not hanging empty
    at my side
    when the bough broke.

    I sigh and wonder,
    do you see me?
    I look for you
    in the sky
    where we sent the balloons

    Do you see?
    I’m the one
    looking lost
    feeling lost

    I search the clouds for an opening
    hoping to see your smile

    No luck
    no smile
    no peace

    Trisomy 18
    strong words
    that carried you away.

    I hear crying
    and know it’s not you
    there are no tears in heaven.

    I then realize
    it’s me
    missing you again.

    Look deeply into the sky
    look through it
    and maybe we’ll see each other

    you’re just on the other side.

    • Susan W A

      Anne, this is exquisite. I’ve read your sad news on Pamela’s ipaintiwrite site. Your poem beautifully expresses your love and your loss. The images and messages speak volumes. Thank you so much for sharing.

    • Anne Peterson


      Thanks for commenting on my poem. I appreciate your feedback.

    • LilianGardner

      Dear Anne, hello!
      Your poem breaks my heart. You’ve told your story beautifully with so few words.
      Please accept a heartfelt hug.

    • Anne Peterson


      Thanks for reading and for taking the time to comment. I guess Hemingway was right. Sometimes all we do as writers is bleed onto the paper. It’s not hard, when you’re wounded. And thank you for your hug. It’s much appreciated. Especially today. My sister’s birthday. Peggy was the victim of domestic violence back in 1982. We didn’t get to be sister’s very long. But I did write our collective story in a book and I bled that out too. If you know anyone who has struggled with domestic violence, or who would like to understand it better, tell them to get Broken.

      Again, thanks Lillian for your kind and gentle words.

    • LilianGardner

      Thank you Anne for taking time to reply.
      Domestic violence is a horrible crime, and yet, when we’re kids, we only know how to submit and suffer. I’m so sorry for your sister.
      Where can I get ‘Broken’? I’d love to read it.

    • Anne Peterson

      Broken is available in Kindle and paper, on Amazon. I have a promotion that will start tomorrow for the Kindle that will make it only $.99. Then $1.99 the next day, and $2.99 the following day. 3 day promotion.

    • LilianGardner

      Many thanks Anne. I will download and read right away.
      God Bless!.

    • Shalini

      Wow! I had tears in my eyes when I read this. I like how you’ve ended it on a hopeful note. Beautiful!

    • Anne Peterson

      Thank you for reading and for your comment.

    • laceycarpenter

      Such a beautiful reflection. I am moved deeply by your words.

    • Anne Peterson


      Thanks so much for your feedback. I appreciate it.

    • Tommy McIntyre

      As a parent who’s children have all left the nest. I get a sense of sorrow in your
      words. A definite pull on my heart strings. I feel your sorrow, and pray for your healing.

    • Anne Peterson

      Yes, our little granddaughter died March 11th. She was only 14 months old. Thank you for your comment and especially for your prayers.

    • Runwright

      Wonderfully expressive piece. I am sorry for your loss but I love the optimism at the end of the poem.

    • Anne Peterson

      Thank you so much for reading and for your comment. Because we are Christians we do know we’ll see her again, and yet, the pain is still real.

    • I'm determined

      I really feel for your loss. Your expression is so poetic, heart warming amidst your/our shared grief.
      Wish you well, and yes, your grandchild is just on the other side, waiting for you.

    • Anne Peterson

      Thank you for your comments. They were encouraging.

  8. Saksham Malhotra

    A weekend project.
    Two half finished reports.
    Exams approaching.

    Save the semester bells
    Ringing already
    Ignored them without a care.

    “I’ll do it later.
    There’s still a lot of time left”.

    A procrastinator extraordinaire
    lives in my head,
    and he will complete this poem later.

    • Susan W A

      I like the staccato thoughts bouncing around in the procrastinator’s mind.

      Ha! Nice twist at the end.

    • Joe Volkel

      I wanted to become a procrastinator too – I just haven’t gotten around to it yet!

  9. Priyanka Chhadwa

    If you always write what you know
    you will only know what you write.

    If you had a bad day,
    there has to be another way.

    If you hate the world,
    Some things maybe hurled,
    But things break,
    and the world shakes,
    just go for another take.

    • Dina

      I like it!!!

      I like that it says so much with so few words,LOL. I haven’t quite mastered that skill yet. I like to see when others do it though.

    • Priyanka Chhadwa

      Mastery is a far fetched goal :O

    • Shalini

      So kool! I can relate to the hurling 🙂

    • Susan W A

      “just go for another take” … great advice.
      Thanks for sharing.

    • laceycarpenter

      Indeed, sometimes I’d do a lot for another take!

  10. K Alistair

    Here is a poem about something that’s been bothering me a lot lately, centered around war.

    Hymn for the Lost

    sky black as tar, blood red as berries
    smoke hangs heavy in the air, masking the broken bodies
    the ground shakes with the rumble of a thousand tanks
    and together we run through the shadows
    me, my troops, and I

    the world splinters around us
    leaving me numb, ears ringing, still running
    grass and dirt fly — another man down
    running faster, someone hits the ground
    me, my troops, and I

    the last stretch is ahead, the base like a beacon
    legs pumping, heart burning, guns at our backs
    above us, choppers buzz; a swarm of angry hornets
    plumes of ash rising, pillars in the sky as we run
    me, my troops, and I

    tell my mother I love her, I want to scream
    and let my sister know I fought well
    but all I can hear are the guns, unrelenting
    I’m praying, oh God, save us now
    me, my troops, and I

    the battlefield is ablaze with steel and fire
    I stagger forward three steps
    and sink to my knees in the grass
    my only words; God save us, please
    me, my troops, and I

    in the midst of the steel maelstrom
    I watch the sky with empty eyes
    hands reaching for those left behind
    another boom, and my last man goes flying
    leaving me, myself, and I

    • Susan W A

      oh… compelling, compelling images, raising my pulse rate and halting my breath …until the last line … forced my breath in

  11. ZurkPoetry

    A recent poem I wrote very much fits this, I’d like to share, also constructive criticism would really be appreciated!!

    Like an egg, robust and bursting with life, yet fragile and ready to crack,
    And holding onto tomorrow, hoping for sunshine to make up what we lack.
    Like a small cyclone, ready to burst out of the treetops,
    But like an exhausted kitten, before it begins it stops.
    Like a woman with lots to do, not really a moment to spare,
    But she spares a moment anyway, else how would she fare?

    Pushing moments aside, deflecting each like a slow,
    Feeling each moment drip, like a needle, pushing thread through slow.
    Come to the end of your tether, we can go no further though we strain,
    So tie a knot in your bedsheets, relax and watch the moon wane.
    Curl up like an egg in a nest, know there’s nothing to do,
    An eggs job is just to be an egg, and your job is just to be you.

    And I’d like to say how much I enjoyed reading all the poems, in the comments and in the article, so many great pieces, with some amazing word pictures in them!

    • Susan W A

      beautiful message wrapped in a delicate yet strong shell. I’ll re-read this to let it sink in some more. Thanks for sharing.

    • ZurkPoetry

      Thanks Susan, I really appreciate that! And I enjoyed your poem too 🙂

      I think the simplest message in this poem is just that sometimes in our busy lives we’ve got to take some time out and just stop, because life is draining! And nobody can keep going all the time even if they want to!

      But that’s the great thing about poetry, is that each poem can speak to us in completely different ways, and that’s why I find it so fun to write! 🙂

  12. LaCresha Lawson

    Well, here goes nothing….

    Well, well, what a day.
    But, I will never stray.
    I had a hectic day.
    But, tomorrow is another day.
    And, I’m okay.
    Have a good day.

    • Susan W A

      Hip hip hooray
      for what you say
      24 hours of gray
      lead to another of play.

      Glad you posted!

    • LaCresha Lawson

      Hey! That was pretty good! Thanks!☺☺

  13. The Almighty

    My toes dipped into obscurity
    Sending fear to curl into my spine,
    The lack of sense and the need for air,
    I can only ponder what else I can do,
    That which, is far, far better than I have ever done. (eyy)

    The miasma rolls off my mind like dunes,
    Patterns only the remnants of past moons,
    Many moons and suns spent sick and weak,
    Wondering whether the best of me was enough,
    Or whether it was the best and more than.
    My wonder merely the product
    Of a solemn muse.

    The final moon passes,
    And the Eastly knight rises
    With news of my fate.

    What befalls me was waited,
    And my best did not add up,
    Yet tears did not fall like my hopes.
    Miasma shutters away from my air,
    And my toes edge away from the obscure,
    While I ready myself for the dive,
    The plunge, into the realm grounded by a
    Will of fire.
    Yeah, just my 15 year old self writing about my feelings after I was rejected from a writing program. XD To summarize the random poem, I’m not salty anymore. (BTW my fiction is better.)

  14. Jeremiah Blackman

    The itch

    I try to resist the itch.
    It seduces me,
    It beckons me,
    It pains me. I still resist.

    But it does not give up.
    Gnawing, grinding, growling,
    Trying it’s hardest for a little scratch.
    I must resist.

    The itch is clever however,
    It is patient in its attack.
    The crafty itch waits
    Strikes when the time is right.

    It’s been gone for so long,
    No trace of it now.
    Guard is let down,

    And then comes a wave,
    Senses awaken, alive to fight.
    The itch invades your mind
    It takes up more space.

    It’s consumes all thoughts,
    The discomfort and lust.
    And so then comes submission,
    Resisting no more.

    There was never any hope in the first place.

    • Joe Volkel

      Very nice! Been there – done that.

    • Susan W A

      This is awesome. Who would have thought the topic of an itch could be delved into in such detail and be described in such an eloquent manner. Fun!

  15. Christine

    Chemo’s not so bad

    If you don’t mind the needles
    the drugs with their long names,
    anti-this and anti-that,
    battling each others’ side effects.
    Like the itchy rash
    that first afternoon, then
    my head whirling from the anti-histamine,
    and the headaches both days.

    I’m very thankful
    the chemo’s not so bad
    this time around. Two days
    and I’m done now.
    Four weeks to recover;
    seems like a long time
    but they’ll be gone in a flash.

    And I’ll be back in that room again
    with that IV pole beside me
    feeling the sting of the needle
    inserted into my arm like a wasp,
    stings! The drugs flowing in.
    Beating back the lymphocytes
    running amok in my marrow.
    No, chemo’s not so bad—
    better than dying, eh?

    • Susan W A

      thank you. thank you. thank you. Your examples bring your journey to us. I am so sorry you’re having to face this huge life challenge and having to experience the pain and the drudgery of chemo and its effects. I love you message because that positive perspective contributes tremendously to healing.

      Wishing you many self-created “delightful” moments around your chemo treatments so YOU are in control and YOU guide the experience so it serves you at many levels.

    • Christine

      Thank you! I’m not sure how profitable it is to relate my woes, but this is life right now. I’m glad if you found a bit of inspiration in my words.

    • Brooke Thrasher

      Wow! I was so moved by what you wrote. Every word grabbed me by the throat and kept me until the last second. Whatever you do, don’t stop writing!

    • Christine

      Thank you. There are definitely ‘up’ times and ‘down’ times to this affair.

    • laceycarpenter

      This is amazing. I don’t have any other words except that I admire your bravery.

    • Christine

      I hardly know if I deserve a citation for bravery. Some things we simply must face if we want to survive at all. What’s hardest, at times, is to keep from thinking too much about it all.

    • Susan W A

      Yes … It does not define you

  16. sherpeace

    Yes, sometimes life is hard, it’s true
    But the more you get to know it,
    The more it becomes soft . . . like a pillow
    . . . or a marshmallow
    Peace to you all!
    Sherrie Miranda’s historically based, coming of age, Adventure novel “Secrets & Lies in El Salvador” is about an American girl in war-torn El Salvador:
    Her husband made a video for her novel. He wrote the song too:

  17. Noreen Wills

    The idea of noise appealed to me – this what came out


    It makes me angry

    It makes me want to kill

    The sound of noisy vehicles

    Screeching past my house

    Roaring V8 engines exhausts unleashed

    Look and me, look at me

    I have no brains but I can make noise

    Clattering, sputtering Harley’s

    Look and me, look at me

    I have no brains but I can make noise

    Revved up and racing past

    Look and me, look at me

    I have no brains but I can make noise

    Screeching round corners

    Look and me, look at me

    I have no brains but I can make noise

    Gunning it up hills

    Look and me, look at me

    I have no brains but I can make noise

    It makes me angry

    It makes me want to kill

    The sound of noisy vehicles

    Accelerating past my house

    • Susan W A

      I enjoyed the descriptive phrases you used: “clattering, sputtering Harley’s” and “revved up and racing past”, “screeching round corners”, “gunning up hills” and the concept of “I have no brains but I can make noise”.

    • Noreen Wills

      thanks Susan – I like the idea of using poetry to vent feelings, and as away to get the writing flowing

  18. Taija Sensei

    how many actually care?
    predators here companions there
    nothings that clear.

    my lens depicts disaster
    crumbling seas; drunken trees
    swirling deadly ever after

    a collection of crying faces
    how many are displayed? for they only ever waid
    the world smiling with braces.

    I cry out! beg for help! I plead to another,
    “i’ll assist you, don’t worry”
    but “help yourself” they utter

  19. kath

    when the highest mountain you will ever have to climb
    is yourself
    how will you ever reach the summit?
    when the darkest valley you will ever have to navigate
    is yourself
    how will you ever leave the shadows?
    when the longest day you will ever have to live through
    is measured by your own time
    how will you ever escape the clock?

    when you put the water in your lungs
    drop by drop and careful and calculated
    and you hold your wailing mouth closed
    darling, don’t cry when you drown

    • Susan W A

      Powerful (!) statement about how we hold ourselves back and put obstacles in our own path.

  20. Nyx172


    I was hurt and I was angry,
    And it caught me unprepared.
    That a word could hurt as badly,
    When it’s one you left unsaid

    • Susan W A

      I love this. Each line contributes effectively to illustrating the experience and feelings. I especially like the surprise of “that a word could hurt as badly, when it’s one you left unsaid.”

      Nicely done. Thanks for sharing.

    • laceycarpenter

      Your words move me, have me reflecting on some of my own hurt feelings. It truly is amazing how unsaid words can hurt worse than ones that were.

  21. Sundeisi

    You are so far from perfect.
    I love you so much.

    • Susan W A

      poetic for sure! What greater love poem would you want?

  22. Dina

    Hey, Dina here
    For the hectic day question; on the rare occasion that my mind is ever cluttered
    I drink coffee, always coffee or I watch or read something.

    A free verse poem

    I’m know I’m going down
    i knowI ‘m sinking
    I know i won’t hold on
    I know this isn’t that bad
    I know I can’t see the clouds
    i know I’m looking for no way out
    and suddenly I’ve stopped and maybe
    Just maybe that’s the only thing that keeps me here afloat
    Drifting only drifting with the water all around
    Feeling nothing, not the wave, not the current
    not the sand, not the pebbles, not the sting rey, nor the creatures
    in this murky water that surrounds
    and if I open my eyes I’ll see
    just for a moment
    before i drown
    but for now
    I’m still, as the torrents push me around
    and further down
    I am bound
    by nothing but myself

  23. Vincent

    Here are two – rough at best – They go together as bread and butter.


    He sits, resting
    Just lying there
    He does not care the torment he brings
    No love, not a smidgeon of compassion
    I say to him get up! Do something!
    No response,
    It brings such agony to my heart,
    My mind feels like it has been seared,
    What doth thou ask of me,
    What must I do!
    I feel the urge to reach out and, and….
    Oh I forget now,
    I must start all over,
    Come to me my friend,
    Let us compose something new.

    You are two,
    Two bees,
    Two People,
    Two worlds,
    Two elements,
    Two is a common denominator,
    It affects more than you think,
    What can you do with just one?
    One without the other does not work,
    One is messy bulky and looks bad,
    One does nothing but makes you warm,
    Together these two make for so much,
    The art you can share,
    The words that make a life, a death, a story, a home,
    You two need eat other like Pea and Nut.

  24. Shantanu Mukherjee

    Journey of Love

    Despite the interminable distance,
    in a brumous and sunny path
    Under a mysterious & transparent condition,
    alone in his way
    He started his journey

    He spent sleepless night in desire of meeting his destiny
    somewhere in the way of his journey
    Sometimes the pouring drop of hopes
    where blown away by the blustery winds of despair
    And sometimes the violently rushing stream of disrupts drown him
    Breathe of zest sail him athwart

    Halt came in his journey
    he gifted what he has
    some misused it & some preserved it
    he again started his illimitable journey
    with his pals-faith & trust
    in the search of new halt

    And like this


  25. Oskar Jonsson

    In the presence of heartache
    Sleep melts like a snowflake
    At night I lay awake
    Only to tremble and shake
    My heart yearning
    With desires burning

    If she only would meet my glance
    If I only had another chance
    Since I last saw her smile
    It has been a while
    But I will never forget
    I will forever regret

  26. Enny Cole


    It flutters, making me stutter.
    The glint of hope
    That I saw lying in my chest
    Is swept away by your deceit.
    Cause me so much pain
    Just by trying to stay.

    • Susan W A

      The sensation of “worry” rose in my chest as I imagined the impact of your words. I especially like “the glint of hope that I saw lying in my chest is swept away by your deceit” and “just by trying to stay”. PART of what I like about it is that you used “saw” rather than felt.

      This is an effective, thought-provoking piece. Thanks for sharing.

    • Enny Cole

      Thanks Susan…really appreciate your feedback.

  27. T.R. Kelley

    Why am I here? I again ask myself
    As down the alley I trod
    At worst it of waste of everyone’s time
    At best it is a babysitting job

    I thought it would be different,
    Thought I would be useful
    Work outside my zone for a while

    Now I find myself expected to waste time
    Ride buses to nowhere
    Wander aimlessly through shops and stores
    With no purpose than I can see

    The students need help, I keep reminding myself
    I really thought I could help
    Now I realize that the day’s purpose is just to get them out of the house

    If only we could be honest
    Let their parents know
    That the most important thing they will do today is play tic-tac-toe

    They’re written their resumes time and again
    Worked too many hours as a retail store volunteer
    Pretended to clothes shop
    On intentionally extended shopping trips
    And sat through ‘classes’ they can never understand

    They have dreams like all people
    And an incredibly more difficult life than most
    But there must be a better, more productive way
    For them to spend four hours each day

    I thought I could help them
    And I believe it is help they need
    But I know longer think
    That the help this organization offers
    Is what’s best for them or me

    • Susan W A

      oh … the deflating of hope … the drudgery of a job uninspiring, especially when the original promise was one of hope … the focused re- and re- and re-evaluation of the situation with suggestions for change … that don’t come.

  28. Shalini

    Hi everyone, this is my first time posting so here goes…

    Once independent, now a drifter
    a damaged soul, anxious and depressed
    I wait for the end, yearn for a light
    I believe the eternal promise that another soul will fill this gaping hole

    Waiting for a saviour
    Waiting for a miracle
    Waiting for a sign, any sign, that life will get better

    Through years of struggle and tortuous thoughts
    hiding and cowering from the darkness
    tired and drained from the never-ending battle

    It finally dawns on me…

    Its time I let go
    released the sorrow
    flood the darkness with light, my light
    quell the urge to beat on my soul

    Its time, once and for all, to trust in the process and Give it to God!

    • Susan W A

      Welcome! You will find a lot of inspiration here. While I am eager to read others’ feedback on my posts, whether that comes or not, I learn so much from others’ posts and am constantly inspired. I hope you are also.

      I was carried along by your poem. The emotion in your piece grows to a crescendo, exposing the tough road that is laid before us at times. I’m so thankful that the “release” was one of renewed HOPE and light.

      Enjoy your explorations of The Write Practice and of your own writing!

    • Shalini

      Thanks Susan, for your warm welcome and encouraging feedback 🙂

  29. threestrks

    It is fear that fills me up,
    Like ink in a fractured cup.
    With black and blues,
    – and crimson red,
    And crooked hues,
    – an unkept head.

    Fearing words I cannot hone,
    Fearing words that are my own.
    And when I write
    – oh please, oh please,
    I fear rejection
    – I’m on my knees.

    • Susan W A

      I was wondering what the fear was, then, of course, it became clear. I think the feelings come in well-structured stanzas with effective rhyme. I enjoyed this.

  30. Lauren Timmins


    It slips between my fingers
    It seeps outside my lungs
    And as it passes through me
    It takes me with it
    And most carries nothing
    Wasted seconds
    Wasted breath
    Dead aspirations
    And untold revelations

    And as it flows I chase it
    All about in a brave attempt
    To reclaim what was lost
    Wrongfully stolen from me
    But the flow grows stronger
    And the tide grows longer

    This thief is tearing me apart
    First my youth
    My dreams
    My will to go on
    Until I’ve withered to nothing
    But a bit of shale in the river
    Whom, if stepped upon,
    Will shatter
    And I will have never mattered

    And all the time spent chasing
    Was spent losing rather than
    Gaining precious moments
    Which are too heavy
    For any thief to carry
    But the realization hits me
    Too soon, and too late
    For there is nothing I can do
    The tide has worn me through

    • Susan W A

      stunning …

      The imagery is compelling. I enjoyed this.

    • ZurkPoetry

      This is such a relatable poem! I think it’s something everyone is afraid of, that our fight against time will eventually be all for nothing. I think it’s so important to find ways to step back and enjoy a few moments right here!

      Thanks for sharing this poem, I really enjoyed reading it!


    Flowers and candles
    Doors opening and closing
    People walking past windows
    Are noisy to me.

    Seeing a dog barking
    Feeling the vibrations an engine before it zooms past
    Seeing a child cry
    People whooping
    This is how I visually hear.

    I see how loud the wind is by the bending of trees
    I see how loud the rain is by the pouncing of the rain
    I see I’m not alone in the forest by the sudden flight of birds
    This is how I hear.

    • Susan W A

      Thank you for this insight. Each element made me stop and ponder, perhaps “are noisy to me” the most. I enjoyed reading this. Thanks for posting it.


      I’m trying to express how I hear through my deafness. Thank you.

    • Susan W A

      You did a great job. I hope I was clear that when I said “made me stop and think” it was not because your message was unclear, but rather your images allowed me to try to experience another perspective.


      That’s great. Exactly what I hoped to do x

  32. Brooke Thrasher

    Warmth, your skin on mine.

    The stubble of your beard pressed against my cheek

    This is comfort to me in its purest form.

    Something that before you, was an unknown,

    Something I could never open up enough to receive.

    Not that the gestures weren’t given.

    I just didn’t believe them.

    Something about your quiet acceptance

    Of me, and all of my faults

    Gives me the strength to accept this from you.

    You reassure me, surround me in the love

    I never presumed to want.

  33. Nada ahmed

    Shed my tears over you
    I wonder why this I do?
    Though my eyes never set on you

    Dad, how could you do this to me?
    Bringing me to a world you ought to leave

    Never said dad out loud
    Never had the chance to
    dance with your arms around

    how can I miss your voice
    though I never heard you calling me out

    I don’t know if I miss you
    or miss having a dad around

    Every time I see a photo of you
    I think it should be me taking this photo for you

    Every time a stranger gives me a piece of advice
    I think it should be you tell me not to be out of my mind

    • ohita afeisume

      False appearances
      A phantom thought
      Distorting reality
      Paralyzing the will
      A seal on creativity
      You are an enemy
      Like Satan your father
      Fear begone. Get lost!

    • Nada ahmed

      Wow ..thank U
      But could u tell me what to do to overcome all of this ?

  34. John Yeo


    by John Yeo

    The waves of change came suddenly
    Smoothing the sands of time.
    Sea salt was the bounty harvested,
    On the family production line.

    The head of the family at the helm
    Kept the workers and colleagues in line.
    Tragedy came with death in the family.
    Rough times ahead was the sign.

    A once strong unity disintegrates
    In the granules of unity unrefined.
    Chaotic influences out of control
    Destroyed a once strong family line.

    Each faction headed, unrest rebounds
    The sea washed away without a sign.
    Rubbing salt in the reopened wounds
    On the once strong production line.

    Copyright ~ Written by John Yeo ~ All rights reserved.

    • LilianGardner

      John, thanks for sharing your poem.
      I like the way in which you’ve told how a family disintergrates by the loss of an important member.
      I love rhyming verse, and the last two lines, ‘Rubbing salt… production line’ is what caught me up.

  35. megara


    We are all just stardust
    But smaller than that
    And we decide
    Who our own stars are

    We linger along
    Through the vast cosmos
    Some of us standing strong
    But some of us wait for so long

    In the end
    We depend on our own stars
    If we’re even afire
    If we are even alive

    But we have a little faith
    For our own stars
    We wait
    And until then;

    We are stardust.

  36. jelle visschedijk

    You’ve taken your last breath

    As you tried to stay strong

    You thought there was no other way out

    But you were totally wrong

    I wish you could see

    How many people miss you

    Since they were there

    Even though you had no clue

    Now it’s too late

    To show how much we care

    When sleep became a dream

    And life became a nightmare

    We’re too late

    To stop you from trying

    There were many other ways out

    But you chose dying

    Tears fall down my face

    As the news breaks my heart

    But now you’re in a better place

    All fresh, ready for a new start

  37. Yusypha

    All she can do is twist and turn…
    we all know how hard it is when we have to let those feelings burn.
    she cries herself to sleep.
    It feels as if she’s locked in her own prison.
    Reality is gone as she cant escape this endless pain, all she can do is weep.
    At this point in time she wouldn’t mind being six foot deep.
    Nothing remains.
    My instagram is Yus_98 that’s where I post my writing/ poetry

  38. Jeff Bach

    A road trip and book research put me at the top of Lemhi Pass in Idaho this past summer. This is pretty much ground zero for Sacajawea and a couple dudes she pretty much saved, Lewis and Clark…..she at age 14 and carrying a newborn I might add.

    Silent aching vastness
    The wind caresses up above. Softly
    Impossible blue sky arches overhead
    Heat squeezes down
    I go to the edge of the road
    Look down into Agency Creek
    Ground level crickets chirp
    But the view out to forever
    Draws me back to the big sky
    I imagine what this pass was like
    When two million miles of unknown
    Surrounded Lewis and Clark

    • Susan W A

      very cool

  39. Brenda Matheny

    The End
    At the end of a long road
    Nowhere else to go
    No left No right
    Nowhere in sight
    Look up my child
    Beauty in the life you leave
    Heaven waits for those who seek

  40. Leonie Gerber Burmeister


    I am talking to you from a hollow muscular organ in the pelvic cavity of my mother

    Space running out now – One of these days it will be all over

    I shall probably be squeezed out of proportion before I see the light

    Cannot say that I am looking forward to that the move

    While I spend the balance of my time here in the same position ( head under)

    I have a couple of thoughts to share with you

    I am no dumb little creature – actually hyper intelligent

    Imagine and appreciate the angle from which I speak here

    My existence started off with rapid speed – you know that ‘love thing ‘

    Next moment …whoops… here I am – caught between contractions of soft tissue – ouch

    As is happening night and day without stop all over the world -multiple deeds of creation


    You ought to be satisfied with yourself and your creation

    I am cute enough to entertain you for the rest of your life

    However, much of my further development will depend on you managing my first years

    With no perfection, but straight up to your ability , I trust

    I receive you ( my parents ) as you are – willing to strike out all fears for my unknown

    I know about your stresses from day one – or so it feels

    I hear your voice – when in conversation with yourself or somebody else

    I am aware of changes in the rhythm of your heartbeat – sad when you are sad

    My heart beats faster when you tune the music

    Especially when you sing along and relax in bath – rubbing your belly

    Cuddling me in preparation for the squeeze

    Before I burst out of you – and into Life



    Like a new born I am staring at the whites of the page below

    Not knowing what will flow from this keyboard

    I am sitting in my office – all alone – my place of silence for now

    Aware of the bright ‘ less – than – half ‘ – moon sailing the skies above

    I have lots to say about many a subject – but it just feels right to start from a blank

    awaiting thoughts to effectively line up – and become words as I type in open honesty

    I am scrolling through memories – Too many to conclude in a one night script

    Fruitful reminders of where I were and where I am heading to

    Along my journey I had my own inspirations – being topped up by you and other people

    who crossed my life – either confirming or denying my traditional beliefs

    I never doubted my purpose in life before – My destination was too clear

    Perceptions drafted over many years – listing the right from wrong


    Religious T – Junction reached – I had to reverse – get away from where I headed to

    Reading the Book once more – from beginning to end – my intent

    Not skipping contents that does not make sense – until I could no more

    Something was wrong – either me or the Book – how do I know

    People live from moment to moment – no awareness and gratitude

    Not knowing how to reset themselves from inferior attitudes and purpose

    or from their own disconnections and imperfections

    Yet clinging to a belief system based on fear and exclusion

    One desire : Truth must set me free

    Unforbidden thoughts initially blocked by my own set of barriers

    How do you drop old clothes to stand naked before your lifelong self – I could not tell

    How do you tear yourself from lifelong beliefs without internal bleeding – I bled

    I remember lying on my bed – too scared to think at one point

    Talking to Somebody invisible I did not want to hurt

    Holding my breath as tears welled up – without being spilled

    The fear of becoming disconnected from all I ever knew and believed

    What if I need to return to my traditional Understanding and must hear

    This is too late , you had your chance , you are rejected by own choice

    I took a chance that night – became the first of all my blank pages to follow

    Scared – but with my life to be devoted to a new Idea

    New Idea – No Name – No Picture – Terrible Feeling – Seriously alone

    In the interest of my own Consciousness and Course I needed it sorted

    I scroll back to my beginning to relive every moment in pain

    I could no longer apply the rule of exclusion

    “If you do not believe like I believe , then go to hell “

    Religious judgement going from bad to worse

    Could be the ultimate cause of current world chaos

    Old and new journeys come with crossings , distractions and places to stop

    Whenever a symbol calls for a halt in our journey – we should obey !

    Where we come from ( my past ) is an integral part of our future

    Every bend in our road a possible deed of inclusion

    Our journey is never too short or too long

    Only at completion will it become tagged : your deed of inclusion


    I have interrupted my journey – re-written my story

    Dropping my guard while seeking the Truth

    Seeing many like myself – products of a lifetime of tradition

    Voluntary imprisonment – bound by rules of tribe

    Battling struggles – fighting so called wrongs

    Never to doubt the echoes of their own wrong beliefs

    Ultimately my wish for every child of the Universe

    is to be reborn to a new beginning of peace and harmony in absolute honesty

    Song of my life

    I remember sitting on my lawn autumn 2013

    coloured leaves scattered all around me

    Awareness of my inner self bouncing to pop out of its shell

    Feeling invited into everything I am surrounded with

    I have become a little bird flying from stream to stream

    Over hills and valleys and along waterfalls

    Uplifted by winds from below

    I gather clouds and colourful skies In both my arms

    I am one with my beautiful world

    The orange to purple sunsets dancing over horizons

    I am the raindrops falling into small pools of my little stream

    I have become my own early autumn – Spreading my leaves all over

    Covering more than just my own small space

    I now follow my little stream all the way to where one day it will become

    Part of the many waters from other little streams

    Sharing my destination

  41. FritziGal

    A Lightning Romance

    I love her but chase dreams,
    promise her a hero
    then long for escape.

    I must have the magic,
    the sweet delicious pleasure
    but never the life.

    The beautiful goddess beside me
    whispers to my soul,
    but fear is always there.

    I am the villain in our play.

    Note: I did this one with Magnetic Poetry tiles. They’re lots of fun to play with!

    • Susan W A

      I like this!

      Seriously … With magnetic tiles? I was impressed reading your poem, and the tile process puts a fun twist to it. I can just imagine your brain firing away as you shuffled the words and the story unfolded. : )

  42. I'm determined

    MEMORIES © Grace V. Robinette 2016

    Just wrote
    a response

    prompt, a Child’s Perspective:

    Childhood memory

    Pain as yet

    ‘Have you
    seen your daddy’s carrot?’

    friend stared aghast

    My white
    faced response.

    Don’t tell!

    He belted

    Swung that razor

    Each time I
    tried to speak.

    What would the neighbours think?

    For years
    my throat seized up

    Each time I
    tried to speak.

    Mute with
    mind-filled horror

    What would the neighbours say?

    At 89 he
    finally died. I was 61.

    My throat
    started to relax.

    Words. Phrases
    became sentences

    I started
    to speak.


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