7 Words to Avoid in Writing to Be a Better Writer

7 Words to Avoid in Writing to Be a Better Writer

If you’re reading this, then you want to be a better writer. However, becoming a better writer is elusive, isn’t it? It’s more art than science. There are hundreds of writing rules, thousands of words to know, and millions of possible ways you could write even a simple message.

How do you become a better writer when writing itself is so complicated?

The Secret to Writing On Your Blog Every Day

The Secret to Writing On Your Blog Every Day

“How often do you blog?” these writers would ask.

“Every day,” I’d say, with the stiff upper lip required of such statements.

“Wow. I don’t know how you do it.” I usually tell them it’s like my second job, that if they treated blogging like their job, they could do it, too. However, some still aren’t satisfied.

“I would run out of ideas!” they say.