What is the Write Practice?

by Joe Bunting | 8 comments

Chess Prodigy Bobby Fischer https://thewritepractice.com

Chess Prodigy Bobby Fischer

We are on a quest. We've read hundreds of books. We've talked to dozens of people. We've spent months scouring the internet.

We are on a quest to become great writers.

Not better. Not pretty good. The best.

How did Mozart become the best? Was Tiger Woods pure talent? Bobby Fischer was just a child prodigy, right? Hemingway, Steinbeck, Tolstoy, Hugo, Byron, Shakespeare… the first time they picked up a pen they crafted genius works of art.


Malcolm Gladwell and Geoffery Colvin answer that question with a big, “FALSE!”

The reality: Wolfgang first played his father's piano at age three. Tiger Woods was two when swung his first club. Bobby Fischer had been practicing chess for almost ten years by the time he became the youngest grandmaster at age fifteen.

To become a great writer—like anything else—you have to practice obsessively.  That's the jackpot we've hit in our quest for greatness.

Which is why we're introducing the Write Practice. We're giving you a place to engage in deliberate practice. We'll imitate the greats of both fiction and non-fiction. We'll practice adding mystery, suspense, detail, and poetic beauty to the most boring of prose.

Fifteen minutes a day is all we're asking from you.

Are you ready to join the quest for greatness?

To get started, head over to our post How Does the Write Practice Work.

Joe Bunting is an author and the leader of The Write Practice community. He is also the author of the new book Crowdsourcing Paris, a real life adventure story set in France. It was a #1 New Release on Amazon. Follow him on Instagram (@jhbunting).

Want best-seller coaching? Book Joe here.


  1. James Hall

    I wonder how many people know that the write practice is over 2 years old?

    I’ll be the first to comment on the first post ever! Yah! Write Practice! I still think you need to add a page that lists all topics/prompts. I wonder if backwards traffic would be a little more common (it took 15 minutes or more to “Next” all the way back here).

    Whatever happened to Words on Wednesdays?

    • Joe Bunting

      Probably not that many people! Look at you rocking the archives. 🙂

      I’m working on that page actually. I’ll let you know when it’s up.

  2. EtienneT2013

    Guess I am the second person to find my way here lol. Although the suggested posts directed me here much faster than clicking next for 15 minutes. Good stuff!

  3. Girrum

    I am ready to join the quest for greatness.:)

  4. dramabunster

    Hey I’m starting today:)

  5. Jason Abshire

    Hey guys. I’m just finding this website today and I plan on starting here and reading every blog post in order.


  6. Clara

    Here in 2025 woop woop


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