JK Rowling’s journey with Harry Potter began, apparently, when Harry walked, fully formed onto her London bound train. She knew immediately she had been given a brilliant idea for a book. However, it still took her five years to brainstorm and write the rest. Which goes to show that while the hero might be the central character of the book, if you only have him or her, you don’t have much.
In the Harry Potter saga there are really three different kinds of heroes. These heroic archetypes pop up all over Western Literature, and as soon as I identify them, I’m sure you can think of other examples in movies, television, literature, and maybe even in your own stories.
The three types of heroes are:
- The Classic Hero
- The Every Man Hero
- The Anti-Hero
Harry Potter: The Classic Hero
Harry is a representation of all the best qualities in our society: courage, intelligence, athleticism, and loyalty. He is the standard Classic Hero, the best of the best, the cream of the crop. The guy everyone knows will succeed.
The problem is, he’s so good it no longer surprises us when he wins. To keep us on our toes, Rowling throws plenty of failure his way (spoiler alert): the death of Sirius, the dissolution of his friendship with Dumbledore, and then Dumbledore’s death. Since Harry is so capable, Rowling has to work hard to keep us questioning whether he can succeed after all. Otherwise, the story becomes predictable.
Great writers are always conscious of their character arcs. Protagonists need to change and grow. Otherwise, we lose interest in them. It can be difficult to show growth in the Classic Hero. They’re so perfect already, how can they get better? That’s why authors will often make orphans of their heroes (e.g. Superman, Batman, Harry Potter, every fantasy book ever written). This motivates the hero to fix the great evil in the world that wounded them so deeply. Of course, as they heal others, they find healing themselves.
Neville Longbottom: The Every Man Hero
Every Man heroes are not as difficult as Classic Heroes. After Deathly Hallows, Part II, my wife reposted a picture on Facebook that showed Neville holding the Sword of Gryffindor and said, “Neville got hot.”
The Every Man Hero doesn’t have any exemplary qualities on his own. He or she is not particularly intelligent, athletic, or brave. They are normal like the rest of us. They were just in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Of course, that’s exactly what makes these Every Man (or Woman) Heroes so amazing. They become our representatives to the land of heroic deeds. They do the things we always wonder if we could do if we were put in extraordinary circumstances. They are us, and who wouldn’t want to watch themselves be the hero? That’s why everyone cheered louder in the theater when Neville cut the head off that scary snake than they did when Harry finally finally killed Voldemort. They were really cheering for themselves.
Severus Snape: The Anti-Hero
However, the most important story in all of Harry Potter is not Harry’s or Neville’s, it’s Snape’s. Even now, months after seeing the movie, I still get choked up when I think about Snape and his doe patronus.
The real question at the heart of Harry Potter is, Can love win? And it’s answered in Snape, the second cruelest person in the world, next to Voldemort, who is somehow transformed by love.
Snape, like all Anti-Heroes, represents what society detests: cruelty, cowardice, self-interest, and dishonesty. He is the opposite of the hero, a villain, and yet somehow he’s a villain on the good guys’ side. Because of this, anti-heroes are almost always our favorite character. Han Solo, Ryan Gosling’s character in Crazy, Stupid Love, and Huck Finn and Holden Caulfield in literature are all examples of Anti-Heroes. We like them because they have the widest character arc, the most room to grow, and because sometimes it’s just fun to root for the bad guy.
Characterization 101
This lesson is part of our tutorial, Characterization 101: How to Create Memorable Characters. If you want to create characters that stick in your readers’ minds for years, you should think about signing up.
Today, let’s practice breaking down heroes into these three categories.
- Make a list of your favorite heroes.
- Determine what type they are: classic, every man, or anti?
- What qualities (or lack of qualities) make them that type?
Post your results in the comments so you can help all of us better understand these archetypes.
Grazie mille!
Joe Bunting is an author and the leader of The Write Practice community. He is also the author of the new book Crowdsourcing Paris, a real life adventure story set in France. It was a #1 New Release on Amazon. Follow him on Instagram (@jhbunting).
Want best-seller coaching? Book Joe here.
Ooh, that’s a fun exercise! I have so many favorites it’s hard to choose. Recently I was thinking about the Masterpiece Theater show Downton Abbey. I was pondering it’s amazing success and why so many people, including myself, love it. I think the wonderful use of the every man hero and anti-hero may be the reason. The show has a handful of every man hero’s; Lord Grantham, Matthew, William, but certainly the best is John Bates. (There are also a handful of women that fit that category.) Not one of them is stunningly handsome, actually the anti-hero Thomas is probably the most handsome.
Yet they each have their own appeal. Bates inspires devotion because he’s what every woman hopes a man can be. Though once an alcoholic and deeply affected (or is it effected) by war, he has overcome. He caries himself with a rugged honor, simple nobility, loyalty and gentleness that comes off as truly manly. Having gone to prison for his guilty wife, whether a wise choice or not, we believe he’s a man who will always protect and live justly. I think viewers tune in every week to see if he will “get” his female counterpart, the gentle, sweet Anna.
There are also some great anti hero’s in the series. Thomas is the most dastardly and I’m ashamed to say I don’t want him to be redeemed. There’s also O’Brien, Edith and Mary. Mary is my favorite and I think the one we most hope will find love. Mary has been selfish, cynical, and careless. She believes herself to be “lost” which motivates compassion from the viewer. As we know her better we begin to see ourselves and realize her regret. I enjoy watching her awaken to unexpected possibilities and allowing herself to hope. She’s also beautiful and elegant, which helps!
What a fun exercise! I think I need to go evaluate the characters in my book, assign them their proper roles, and develop their stories accordingly.
Great breakdown, Beck. I love what you said about not wanting the anti-hero to be “redeemed.” We love to hate (or even hate to love) villainous heroes, don’t we?
The question that keeps coming to me, though, is every character necessarily a hero? What’s the difference between a hero and a regular character? And even, is the protagonist of a story by definition a hero? My gut tells me that in more realistic stories like Downtown Abby, hero is not the right word to use. Whereas in more abstracted, fantastical stories like HP, Star Wars, etc., the protagonist is more like the knight in shining armor we expect. It’s interesting to think about that distinction. What’s your opinion?
Good point, actually I started wondering about that later. In my novel I’m not sure that I have a pure hero at all and I guess that’s okay.
I agree about Downton Abbey as well. The characters aren’t necessarily heroes or anti heroes just people living life, and some of the characters it’s hard to know if they would really fall squarely into either camp. I do think the story is so sweeping and large that in one sense each sub-story has an every man hero and an anti hero in it. Perhaps I’m not understanding the use of hero correctly though. In my opinion Bates is a true every man hero; he has risen above his circumstances, he changes the whole tone of the house, he confronts the bully and takes an emotional bullet for people he cares about. That’s just my two cents worth.
I think it’s a great topic. Already it’s helped me evaluate my characters and ask myself if I need or want a hero in my story.
Good thoughts here, Beck. Fuel for a future post, perhaps!
I think of Thomas more as a villain than any kind of hero. Hopefully he’ll change. He is very handsome. I love that show, got it from Netflix and watched the first season all night.
Atticus Finch (To Kill a Mockingbird) is classic. Or maybe that’s just the girl in me thinking that he’s perfect. He’s a great father, lawyer, marksman, etc. but so unassuming that his heroics are underplayed. Love him!
Hester Prynn (The Scarlet Letter) and John Proctor (The Crucible) as anti-heroes. They were both guilty of grievous sin, yet turned their lives around and became advocates of truth. One was honored for her changes, the other died to keep his honor–recognized only by those who knew him best (and the audience, of course). Oh…. and Captain Jack Sparrow. Duh.
Dr. Stockmann (An Enemy of the People) as everyman hero? He has no particular super powers except that he has great integrity and is smart enough to detect danger, but it is that very perseverance in his quest to protect and inform that wins the hero status for me.
Hmmm…. Except for the pirate, I note that my heroes are all from classic lit…. I wonder what that means about modern writing and the kinds of heroes I don’t seem to find there….
I realize that my own heroes (in my books) are probably classics because they are gifted, etc., but they have to overcome their own weaknesses to do the real heroic things. I do have one coming up who was the villain and is coming around, a la Snape.
Great article. Good food for thought. And yes, I cheered for Neville–and for Molly Weasley when she took out Bellatrix. She’s another Everyman.
I thought of Atticus right away as well, he’s a favorite! Interesting thoughts about classic and modern day heroes.
Oh, I love Atticus Finch. Perfect example.
Jack Sparrow is definitely an anti-hero. John Proctor, though? I’m not sure. He’s not mean enough at the start of the play. However, maybe I just saw a production where he was too nice.
Haven’t read An Enemy of the People. Is it good?
Molly is definitely an everyman.
Captain Jean-Luc Picard: The Classic Hero
Everything he does is perfect. Everything he says is perfect. He always picks the right option, to the amazement of all parties involved. His weakness is that he denies himself the ability to have real, meaningful, lasting relationships with women and never gets the girl.
Geordi La Forge: The Everyman Hero
He’s got a physical disability, and he’s really geeky. REALLY geeky. Has a hard time with the ladies because he talks to a computer all day. And yet he seems to come up with brilliant plans to save the universe because of it.
Commander Riker (#1): The Anti-Hero
He’s a womanizer. He won’t commit to a relationship with Deana, even though she’s right on the same ship with him. He’s brash, offensive, cocky and egotistical. But then he has this streak of loyalty and duty that is very heroic and admirable.
…and a little bonus for you – Data would definitely be The Fool!
I agree with Picard. I almost like that he never gets the girl because he seems so unattainable and god-like. I have to say I wouldn’t have originally seen Riker as the anti-hero though. I liked him without thinking that maybe I shouldn’t. Hmmm.
Jean-Luc. Oh yes. Great call. He never gets the girl, so he’s the complete opposite of the previous more anti-hero captain, Captain Kirk.
You’re all about Star Trek, aren’t you? Love it! I think Geordi is more of a sidekick than a hero, but he definitely has his heroic moments.
Data? Great call. He’s the fool, for sure.
I just finished writing this and was thinking that heroes have become more realistic in modern lit and so the lines between the different types and even the lines between hero and villain have blurred. If I think of the word hero I can think of ones like Jane and Heathcliff, but if I try to think of a favorite book like Gillead, Freedom and The financial lives of the poets, I get heroes that can’t be pigeonholed.
John Ames in Gillead by Marilynne Robinson is my favorite hero. He is kind of a combo of classic hero and everyman. He is kind, intellectual, introspective, and truthful, but sort of introverted and too sensitive to be interpersonally brave. He’s aware of his own faults and excuses the bad behavior of others. The book is a letter that he is writing about his life to his young son so the POV is his. His personality all comes from the voice that he uses and his thoughts on the various things he discusses. Very realistic so much so that I miss him now, and he isn’t even real. I read an interview with Marilynne Robinson recently and she said that she discussed things with John Ames.
Jane Eyre – classic – Loyal (most important), intelligent, kind, composed, industrious, attractive (not beautiful), an orphan who has been treated cruelly.
Heathcliff – surly, brash, wild, unruly, cruel at times, sullen. Again as in Jane Eyre, loyalty or steadfastness in love is what makes him a hero. He starts to change because of his love for Catherine, but then, he overhears her talking about marrying Isabel, and goes back to his “bad” self. At that point he actually becomes cruel. In the end he is seen as a ghost walking on the moor with Catherine (also a ghost by then).
Bernard in “The Waves by Virginia Woolf”, I guess he’s the everyman type hero. He’shero a regular guy no extreme qualities. This book is all stream of consciousness
with six narrators and he is seen differently by all of the others, Neville, Jenny etc. He is always dependable though and we believe him when he talks. Maybe he should be called the main character rather than the hero.
I think there are heroes who blur the anti-hero and everyday hero together. In Freedom by Franzen, Walter and Ray (I think his name is Ray – the musician) and Patty all are pretty bad but change, to a little better. It is more realistic than the Bronte sisters books, and the characters are less predictable than the ones in “The Waves”
One of my favorite characters is Matt in “The financial lives of the poets” by Jess Walter. He is an everyman hero I think who keeps making bad decisions as his life. He thinks he has good morals but maybe he doesn’t I like that kind of hero and the ones by Franzen because they are comedic as well as tragic.
Great points, Marianne. The more realistic they get, the more difficult they are to fit into the archetype. By the way, I just started reading Gillead. It’s great!
You’re so well read, Marianne. I’m jealous of the books you’ve read. I wish I could speak to these, but haven’t read them.
I imagine you’ll have read as much as I have by the time your my age. I don’t read a lot on the web. I like this blog but I don’t read many other things. I love “Gillead”!!! If I were asked what was my very favorite novel, “Gillead” would be it. it was given to me after my father died and it lifted my spirits immeasurably. Marilynne Robinson is phenomenal. She’s only written three novels and I think Gillead is the best, but the others are good too. They are all different. “Home” is about the same people as “Gillead” but is told in the voice of Glory. My problem is that I like to read so much that I don’t write. i thought the other day that I’d just read a few short stories and then I’d write. After I finished five or six short stories hours later, i fell asleep. Well I’ll just have to give up on cleaning I guess. That will give me time to read and write.
Wow, well then I’ll have to read faster! I got distracted by the Hunger Games trilogy.
Yes, giving up cleaning is a sensible solution 😉
Henry V. He’s the perfect heroic Christian–and boring. That’s why I’ll teach any Shakespeare but that one.
Tess ( of d’Urberville fame), Jenny (An Education), Katniss (Hunger Games)
Wrong time, wrong place, wrong guy. Victimized because of their sex, they deal with their situaitons.
Todd Anderson (Outsourced, the movie), Bryan Mills (Taken)
They were minding their own business when everything fell apart. They had no choice but to act–to risk a career or a life to resolve the situation.
Phil (Groundhog Day), The Girl (with the Dragon Tattoo)
Rough, anti-social people who come around.
Oh yes. Henry V is perfect. But I do love that play. I’m actually a sucker for the boring heroes.
I wouldn’t put Katiniss in the everywoman class. First of all, she’s half an orphan, which tips you off already. Second, she’s talented, intelligent, and at least, in the movie trailers, attractive. Plus, she’s humble (or at least unaware).
Great call on your anti-heroes. The Girl with the dragon tattoo is SUCH an anti-hero!
Jamie Fraser, in The Outlander. He is raised to be a laird of an estate, he can take on anyone who crosses him, he is smart, and he has good teeth (in the 1700s). And he’s good looking, especially in a kilt.
“Jane Eyre” by Charlotte Bronte is everywoman…okay everyman (I couldn’t help that). Jane isn’t beautiful or wealthy and must support herself in a man’s world without family (that she knows of). Jane has a backbone and strong moral convictions. She does not give in to principal, even if she is left destitute and homeless in upholding them.
Scarlett O’Hara in “Gone With the Wind” is the anti-hero. Self-centered, selfish, out for herself and damn everyone else.
I haven’t seen / read The Outlander. What is it? I’d wikipedia it but it’s down today 🙂
Very true. Jane is a great example of an everywoman.
Also haven’t read Gone With the Wind. Is that terrible?
Diana Gabaldon is the author of The Outlander (it’s a series, actually). All of her novels are massive. Her short stories are novel length.
The movie of “Gone with the Wind” follows the book. One of those rare cases. It’s a very good book, and you should read it. I understand that it’s the only book that Margaret Mitchell ever wrote. I guess everyone has a story to tell, and that was hers.
I recently finished Scottish Prisoner, so I was thinking about this one as well. What do you think – Jamie as the “classic” hero and Lord John more as the “every man” hero? (and I do not mean that as any sort of play on words!) And how bout this…Frank as the “anti hero?”
Was it good? I can’t wait to read it.
I hadn’t thought about Frank as an anti-hero, but I think you might be right. He was cold and stand-offish, even before Claire left. He was wrapped up in his genealogy. He had his needs taken care of, and came to a point where he didn’t care if Claire knew or not. But Brianna gave him the ability to forgive.
I’ll have to think about Lord John.
I thought it was a beautifully written book. I think you will enjoy it!
Re. Frank – did you read the short “Leaf on All Hallows” (or something like that)? There is a glimpse of him there that makes me suspect he is undeserving of our scorn and will end up being the true hero of the story, like Snape.
However it ends, I’m guessing we’ll need the box of kleenex handy!
Jane is my favorite everywoman hero! The fact that she comes from such a humble place, but yet still captures the heart of a powerful man who could pick from many others…gets me every time! 🙂
Classic Hero: Anne Shirley (Anne of Green Gables)
Everyman’s Hero: Samwise Gamgee (Lord of the Rings)
Anti-Hero: Eustace Scrubb (Voyage of the Dawn Treader)
Another great anti hero I like: Haymitch Abernathy (Hunger Games)
Great examples, Tal. You so smart.
Haymitch – good one!
Alright, here’s one for you. Is Joey in War Horse a Classic or Every Man/(Horse!) hero? I’m inclined to say “Classic,” though I am conflicted because he tells an “Every Man” sort of story.
Haven’t seen / read it. But interesting idea to classify a non-speaking animal in these terms. In general, I think animals play the role of the fool, but you might be right about Joey.
The Inheritance Cycle by Christopher Paolini:
Eragon = The Classic Hero
Roran = The Every Man’s Hero
Murtagh = The Anti-Hero
Epic! Lol
I’ve only read Eragon, but he’s definitely the classic hero. An orphan no less!
The Classic Hero: Sherlock Holmes.
The Every Man’s Hero: Lestibournes from the Mistborn trilogy.
The Anti-Hero: Tyrion Lannister from A song of ice and fire fantasy epic. (one of the best characters ever).
Great article. Thanks! 🙂
Thanks JB. Speaking of Sherlock, have you seen the latest BBC version of him? Very anti-hero.
No, I haven’t watched an episode of that series yet. Thanks for telling me about it!
Confession: I don’t like Snape of Holden Caulfield. And I always wanted Neville to do better. I guess this means I’m a fan of traditional heroes and a bit harsh on the other two.
You don’t like Snape? Not even at the end of the last movie?
You don’t like Snape? Not even at the end of the last movie?
I don’t watch movies; I read books. I only read the last book once so maybe another try would help.
Look at you, you little lit snob. Only reading books. Impressive.
It was the rule in my house as a child: if a book was made into a movie, we had to read the book before we saw the movie. I tend to not appreciate the movies like I do the book, so I don’t usually watch them.
That’s a pretty good rule, I think. I try to do that too. I’m reading through Hunger Games right now, for example.
Neville is one of my favorite heroes.
Agreed. He’s amazing.
LOVE your post! 😀 I’m an avid writer/reader myself and hope to be a successful author when I grow up! 😀 My favorite hero is Hermione (probably an every man hero). 😀
Thanks! I hope you’re a successful author as well.
I’m a big fan of Hermione, too, but she’s too smart and pretty to be an everyman hero. She’s classic, in my opinion.
Hero – All the “Star Trek” series Captains – Male & Female; Sam Spade
Every Man Hero – George Smiley, Quoyle (Shipping News)
Anti-Hero – Dr. Gregory House, Raskolnikov (Crime & Punishment)
Hi! I’m actually writing a essay on heroes for my Brit Lit class. Specifically about the role of women as heroes in Brit Lit.
For your classic hero I kind of think Eowyn (lord of the rings), because she was lovely, strong, and even though as a women they tried to shove her on a shelf she was a pivotal character in taking out the Nazgul.
For your every-man (woman) hero that’s a little harder for Brit Lit but maybe Lady Chatterley? (D.H. Lawrence) somewhat explicit but in her own way she was a hero because she was confined by her status and by the expectations of the time to love her crippled husband. Breaking free from that she “triumphed” and ran away from those bondages. She wasn’t very brave, or clever but she did have the daring, and may I say audacity to do as she pleased with herself.
and my personal favorite the anti-hero: It would have to be Irene Adler! At least that is the only female character I can think of in Brit Lit who at all fits the description. Any thoughts?
Hi Tova. What a fun essay, and you use some fantastic examples. I think Lady Chatterly may be an anti-hero, considering she breaks societies conventions of what an everyman (or woman) usually is. She’s certainly heroic, but does so in a way that conflicts with society—thus anti.
I haven’t read the story featuring Irene, but if she’s anything like the character they put on the BBC version recently, then yes, definitely Anti.
A good everyman might be Jane Eyre or even Fanny Price from Austen’s Mansfield Park, don’t you think? Also, isn’t there a female heroine in Spenser’s Fairie Queen? That would be a great classic hero.
Anyway, best of luck with your essay!
My first post.
Classic Heroes – RA Salvatore’s Drizzt
Everyday Heroes – Bilbo (The Hobbit). “When do we go home? I miss home”. At least towards the beginning of the book, Bilbo is very down to earth.
Anti-Heroes – Riddick, Gollum (Lord of the Rings). Gollum is quite a deviation away from a anti-hero, but the fact that his obsession for the ring is, ironically, what destroys it. He is a failing anti-hero that succeeds my a stroke of fate (as opposed to a choice).
Classic – Bigwig(Watership Down), Sam Winchester(He’s my favorite in Supernatural… Lackluster series), The Tenth Doctor (Doctor Who)
Everyman – Bluebell/Hyzenthlay(Watership Down), Hiccup(How to Train Your Dragon)
Anti – Sherlock Holmes(BBC), Snape
I feel like I should have more and was tempted to add Loki for the first movie of Thor on Anti-hero. He was a bit off-kilter as far as a side goes – especially in the second movie where Hiddleston played up the “Prince of Deceit” archetype that MADE Loki a character. Lined right up with the mythology.
Or Discord, (promptly named) in My Little Pony; Friendship is Magic.
For Lord of the Rings
Classic Hero: Aragorn – the classic medieval, epic hero
Everyday Hero – Samwise Gamgee and Frodo Baggins – they’re everyday normal hobbit folk, yet they are in essence our heroes in the story
Anti-hero: Gollum – mixture of villain and hero; ends up saving the world by taking the ring with him and falling into the fires of Mount Doom
Avatar The Last Airbender (and I know this isn’t literature but it is an amazing story) :
Aang: Classic Hero- you know, destined to save the world and keep the balance between the four nations
Sokka: Everyman’s Hero- the non-gifted “meat & sarcasm fellow” who gets caught up in the plot without being predestined to be a part of it.
Zuko: Anti-Hero- The “evil” fire nation prince on a quest to regain his lost honor, whose choices eventually turn him from a villain to one of the best characters in the entire series.
This was the first example I could think of 🙂
It probably says something that pretty much every favorite I have is an anti hero or an anti villain. But here we go.
Classic: Drizzt. Gandalf. Dumbledore. Honestly, they’re the only ones I can think of that I really like. Does Spiderman count? I feel like he might be in the middle, but he’s not Everyday…I don’t think.
Everyday: No idea. I guess Bilbo, like James? Do Tonks and Remus kinda count? At all? I hope?
Anti: Oh, now I know some. Artemis Entreri and Jarlaxle (Hey, they’re headed down this road. Maybe a bit grey between hero and villain, but they’re close enough now…) Wolverine, Han Solo, Batman, Artemis and Jarlaxle, Ghost Rider, Severus Snape, Artemis and Jarlaxle…and did I say Artemis and Jarlaxle yet? I can’t leave that awesome assassin and dark elf mercenary duo out!
I really like the idea of Ryan Gosling in Crazy Stupid Love as an anti-hero. Can you give me some reasons why though? Because he doesn’t particularly look like an anti-hero?
Classic Hero:Paul Atrides in Dune.
Everyday Heroine: Dorothy in the Land of Oz stories.
Anti-Hero: the monster in Frankenstein.