The Winner of the Show Off Writing Contest: America is…

by Joe Bunting | 13 comments

Just a reminder. If you didn't win this writing contest it doesn't mean:

  • you're not a writer.
  • your words weren't moving.

You are a writer if you choose to be one. Your words are powerful things, adding meaning to your life and to the lives of those around you.

This blog is about the process, about the discipline. If you didn't win, ask yourself if you're willing to work harder. Are you willing to read more? Are you willing to write more stories and submit them to more contests? Are you willing to practice here six days a week?

If you're not willing to work harder, that's fine. Writing is a rewarding pastime, whether you do it as a discipline or a hobby, and we'd love for you to join us as much as you like.

But maybe this is the push you need. Maybe you've been wanting to get more focused, to be more disciplined.

Six days a week, we practice. Six days a week we work on our writing craft. Maybe it's time to get serious and start showing up to the blank page every day.

America Is

Photo by Keoni Cabral

The Judges

Before I announce the winner, I have to say a huge thank you to the judges: Kristi Boyce, Debra Atwood, Nancy Vandre, Lisa Burgess, Patricia Hunter, and Danielle Duvick, who were almost all previous winners of our writing contest. They work hard making sure your stories are well read and well represented. If you haven't yet read their winning stories, you're missing out.

Now, let's get started….

Honorable Mentions

The first honorable mention goes Robert's story, which I'm calling Joey's Return, about a boy whose older brother has just returned from Vietnam. Robert captures the voice and psyche of a child amazingly well, and I love the story's redemptive outlook.

The second honorable mention goes to Oddznns' America is Mỹ, a story about a refugee family, fleeing the Vietnam War, who lands in Alaska. This is a dense, powerful, and beautifully written glimpse into the lives of a family who discovered both sides of the American dream.

Runner Up

The runner up is Marla's Dear Mrs. Roosevelt, about a scrappy artist who loses everything during the Great Depression but still finds a way to love. Marla is a very gifted writer and her prose sings. I love how it shows the toughness of the human spirit. This really was a wonderful story.

The Winner of Show Off: America Is…

The winner of the “America Is…” Show Off Writing Contest is Bob Vander Lugt's If I Had a Hammer.

This story speaks for itself. If you haven't read it already, I encourage you to read it now.

Congratulations Bob! And congratulations to all of you, whether you were mentioned or not. I hope to see you next time.

Joe Bunting is an author and the leader of The Write Practice community. He is also the author of the new book Crowdsourcing Paris, a real life adventure story set in France. It was a #1 New Release on Amazon. Follow him on Instagram (@jhbunting).

Want best-seller coaching? Book Joe here.


  1. Marla

    Congratulations Bob. Your story is spectacular!

    • Marla

      Thank you all so much for the runner- up slot. I’m honored.

  2. zo-zo

    Congratulations!!!  There really were a lot of beautiful and thought-provoking reads.  Great topic and a lot of fun!

  3. Marianne

    Congratulations to Bob, Marla, Oddznns and Robert and to all the other excellent writers here.  I thought the entries this time were great, and am surprised that the list of honorables wasn’t a mile long, but I guess a line has to be drawn somewhere.  The judges have a difficult task.  I, who have rarely left my little piece of America, learned a lot while reading the entries here.  I particularly liked the “assortment” of stories, and appreciate that the kind of variability reflected in these stories is what makes America wonderful.  Thanks again – Marianne

  4. Robert

    Congrats Bob … very well deserved. Loved the story … 

  5. Katie Axelson

    Congratulations to the four of you and to everyone who had the courage to submit!

  6. Lynna

    Yay Bob! Really great story.

  7. Brian_8thdayfiction

    Congrats, you four! And way to go, all who entered–loved reading the stories.

  8. Steph

    Congratulations to the winners! Nice work, all.

  9. bob vander lugt

    Thank you, everyone.  I’m honored.  Thanks, Joe, for a great contest.  

  10. Just B

    Congratulations to the Winner and each of the Runner Up honorable mentions. Some particularly wonderful writing in the contest this month. Well done all. 🙂

  11. Beck Gambill

    Congratulations Bob, you deserved it, great story! And to all those mentioned good job. There was some amazing writing going on here!

  12. Lily Grozeva

    Great story, Bob! Please consider adding RSS on your blog, it’s weird to miss it.


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