If I Had a Hammer

This short story by Bob Vander Lugt won our “America Is…” Show Off Contest. Bob writes short fiction and lives in Michigan.

One hallmark of nearly every great writer through history is that they supported, and were supported by, a larger community of writers. I hope you show Bob the full support of The Write Practice community by reading and sharing this story. I’m honored to publish it here. Enjoy!

Show Off Writing Contest: America Is…

Once a month, we stop prac­tic­ing and invite you to show off your best work.

Are you inter­ested in being pub­lished (in print)? Would you like to get bet­ter at the writ­ing craft by work­ing with an edi­tor? Do you enjoy a lit­tle friendly com­pe­ti­tion? And are you a fan of The Write Practice?

Then this writ­ing con­test might be for you.

The Winner of the Summer Solstice Writing Competition

This month, twenty-four writers submitted to our Summer Solstice writing contest. We only gave you a week to craft a story, and you responded beautifully. Thank you for trusting us with your stories, and that you for writing, for adding meaning to our lives and the lives of others. We hope you had fun doing it.

Now, to the winner.

3 Reasons You Should Upgrade to a Premium WordPress Theme

For most of my blog­ging “career,” I used Pagelines Platform which is, in my opin­ion, the best and eas­i­est free word­press theme avail­able. If you want an easy, free theme, I highly rec­om­mend Pagelines.

However, in early 2012 I spent the money to upgrade to a pre­mium theme. Here’s why.

Love at First Sight


Write a scene where two characters of different backgrounds (think Romeo and Juliet) fall in love at first sight.

Write for fifteen minutes. When you’re finished, share your practice in the comments section. And if you share, be sure to leave feedback for a few other writers.