My New Book, Crowdsourcing Paris, Is Now Available

My New Book, Crowdsourcing Paris, Is Now Available

Exciting news: today my new book, Crowdsourcing Paris, is published! I’ve been working on this book for five years, and I’m so excited to finally share it with you.

Crowdsourcing Paris means a lot to me. It’s my memoir of a pretty amazing chapter of my life. It’s also the book that you helped me write, and so I’m especially excited to share it here, in the Write Practice community.

How to Market a Book: 10 First Steps

How to Market a Book: 10 First Steps

Have you ever wonder how to market a book? You spend months, maybe even years writing, editing, then rewriting your book until it’s a masterpiece (or at least finished). Now what? How do you turn all that hard work into sales and, if it’s not too much to ask, money!

There are hundreds of things to discuss when it comes to how to market a book, but what are the first steps you need to take, if you’re starting from scratch? That’s what were going to talk about in this article. Ready to get started?

How Joining a Writing Community Helped These 11 Authors Get Published

How Joining a Writing Community Helped These 11 Authors Get Published

Getting published is an amazing, exciting process. It can also feel a little mysterious, especially if you’ve never done it before. What does it take to publish? More than that, what does it take to publish successfully—to publish a beautiful piece of writing and share it with crowds of readers?

I recently reached out to several writers in our Write to Publish community to ask whether joining a writing community has helped them get published, grow their audience, and make progress on their journey to becoming bestselling authors.

Foundations of Publishing Review

Foundations of Publishing Review

When I published my first book, which became a #1 Amazon bestseller many times over, I had an edge over most other authors. My advantage  wasn’t because I’m a better writer. It wasn’t even because I’m better at promotion than other authors. It was because I had developed relationships with two very important groups of people.

How did I do it? How did I become a bestselling author before I ever published my first book?

In Write to Publish, my program that teaches you the foundation you need to become a bestselling author, I share the timeless strategies that I learned on my way to becoming a bestselling author myself. How does the program work? And does it actually help people become published, bestselling authors?

In this review of Write to Publish, I’ll share the two most important rules that changed my life as an aspiring writer, and I’ll share the three most important relationships you need to make as an author. I’ll also answer frequently asked questions.