How to Research a Novel: 9 Key Strategies

How to Research a Novel: 9 Key Strategies

Have you ever started a story, gotten halfway through, and realized you don’t know key facts about your story’s world? Have you ever wondered how to find out the size of spoons in Medieval England for your fantasy adventure story? Is that even relevant to your plot, or could you skip that fact? Here’s how to do research for your story.

5 Smooth Tricks to Make Your Writing Flow

5 Smooth Tricks to Make Your Writing Flow

You craft your story, scene by scene and sentence by sentence, stringing one word to the next with loving care. But what if, when your reader picks it up, the whole thing falls apart?

You don’t want that happening. Continuity is the thread that stitches your story into a coherent package, holding it together and making it a pleasure to read. So how do you make your writing flow?

How to Make Money as an Author: Important Tips for a Writer’s Success

How to Make Money as an Author: Important Tips for a Writer’s Success

Writing an effective sales description is an important part of the book business. Using the basic pattern outlined above, practice writing the sales copy for a book you’ve written or one you are in the process of writing.

If you don’t currently have a book project, write the blurb for a book you read recently, or even a movie you watched. The point is to practice looking at the story from a marketer’s perspective and writing a description that sells.

Take fifteen minutes to write your blurb. When you’re done, share your blurb in the comments below. Be sure to leave feedback for your fellow writers who want to be successful authors! Based on their blurbs alone, would you read the book?

How to Start a Story: 10 Ways to Get Your Story Off to a Great Start

How to Start a Story: 10 Ways to Get Your Story Off to a Great Start

Perhaps you’ve heard the old publishing proverb: The first page sells the book; the last page sells the next book. I’m convinced there’s a mammoth grain of truth in that. The beginning and the end of any story are critical elements that you really want to nail.

Today, we’re going to focus on how to start a story—in other words, how you can craft a spectacular beginning that will hold readers spellbound and get them to turn that first all-important page.

Subtext Examples: 7 Simple Techniques to Supercharge Your Scenes

Subtext Examples: 7 Simple Techniques to Supercharge Your Scenes

As writers, we are always working to make our stories the best they can be. One of the more advanced techniques that can help you do this is by giving an underlying meaning in a scene—otherwise known as subtext. 

In a story, subtext  can be implied by the surface action and dialogue.

When you think about the books and stories that you most enjoyed reading, chances are that story’s scenes were woven with something deeper than what appeared on the surface.

Today I’d like to teach you seven simple techniques for using subtext in your story, which I’ll also teach with some subtext examples.