

Write about Spain.

Write for fifteen minutes. When you’re finished, post your practice in the comments.

And if you post, make sure to comment on a few others.

Story Structure With a Hole In It

A few years ago I was heading for Hollywood. My script had found its way into the hands of actors Jack Lemmon and Eva Marie Saint. Everyone loved it. Then, one of them, Jack or Eva, killed it. My story, they said, “devolved into melodrama.”

I retreated, determined to discover why fiction flops, and more importantly, “how fiction works.” And I did. I tell the story in a new eBook, “STORY STRUCTURE TO DIE FOR.”

Do You Want To Make Money At Writing?

As you may or may not know, storytelling as an industry—or set of industries—is going through something of a crisis.

It began with music. The internet destabilized the despotic grasp record companies held on the business. Then blogging and Craigslist combined to displace thousands of jobs in journalism. Now, the conflict has turned to publishing, and icons like Seth Godin are saying writers might not deserve to get paid anymore.

Thailand [Photo Prompt]

In college I had a teacher who asked us to choose a photo. “Any photo will do,” she said.

Then write about it.

What emotions does it convey? What story does it tell? You can make it non-fiction; make it stranger than fiction.

If a picture tells a thousand words, how many words will you use in fifteen minutes to tell it’s story?

Here’s the photo: