What’s Your Favorite Winter Solstice Story?

Submissions to Show Off: Winter Solstice are closed. Forty of you battled through your fear of failure and submitted something to the contest. That, in itself, is a huge accomplishment. You should be proud. Submitting work is no easy thing. I once submitted a story to...

You Have to Choose

Once a week, I turn my computer off for twenty-four hours (I wrote this yesterday). I don't check email. I don't do twitter or answer comments. It centers me, reminds me that life is more than what appears on the screen. I have an addictive personality and so I need...

Ennui: The Opposite of Life

On Saturdays, at the Write Practice, we like to do the opposite of what we've done during the week. Why? Because what do we know? We're trying to figure out this writing thing just like you are. The fact that we have a Top 10 Blog for Writers doesn't mean we know what...

How to Catch More Life in Your Writing

The poet-monk, Thomas Merton, said in his New Seeds of Contemplation: If you write for God you will reach many men and bring them joy. If you write for men—you may make some money and you may give someone a little joy and you may make a noise in the world, for a...

“Show Off” Writing Contest: Winter Solstice

Once a month, we stop practicing and invite you to show off your best work. This might be for you if: You want to be published (in print) You want to drastically improve your writing You enjoy a little competition You like the Write Practice You in? Show Off Your Best...