Discover 10 Up-And-Coming Writers

Real writers read. Writers read the classics. Writers read bestsellers in their genre. And writers read the work of their peers.

The problem with today’s market is there are just too many books to be read. How do you know if what you’re reading is going to be any good, especially if it’s a writer I haven’t heard of before?

Personally, I have so much reading to do, I’m rarely interested in reading books by writers I don’t know. Why take the risk?

And this is exactly why we’ve created the Show Off Anthology.

How to Write a Song

There is both magic and discipline in the art of songwriting. You may be reading this as a professional writer or as someone who dabbles for the joy of it, but one thing remains—we are all creative. I honestly believe this.

As I sit here trying to share some of the tricks I’ve learned over the last decade of songwriting, I know you could quit reading right now and go write a great song because the moment may just strike you—magic. I also know you could sit down and decide to write a song and not quit until the job is done—discipline. I would love to help you achieve both.

7 Things to Do When NaNoWriMo Is Over

For those of you who have held strong this November, you’re almost there! Only two days left in November. Regardless of whether or not you’ve won, the fact that you have made writing a priority this month is a huge accomplishment.

Now that November and NaNoWriMo is almost over, here are seven things you can do after NaNoWriMo.

3 Cyber Monday Deals for Writers

I think most of us writers are frugal people. The other day, I wanted to pick up the latest Robert Greene book, Mastery, only to discover to my dismay it was $14.99. ”$15 for an ebook?!” I thought. I still bought it (it’s worth it, by the way), but I was cringing inside.

This is why Cyber Monday is so great. Frugal people like us can get so many great deals while avoiding Black Friday’s rabid hordes.

Here are three deals you might want to pay attention to today.

Turkeys Attack [writing prompt]


In honor of Thanksgiving, write about an uprising staged by a group of resentful turkeys in protest of their featured place at the Thanksgiving table.

Write for fifteen minutes. When you’re finished, post your practice in the comments section. And if you post, please be sure to comment on a few practices by other writers.

Have fun and happy Thanksgiving!