5 Elements of Storytelling

If you want to write a good (and publishable) short story, start by writing a balanced one. There are five elements of storytelling, and if you focus on one element too much your story can get off-kilter and topple.

These five elements are the building blocks of story, and they are:

How to Get Rid of Writer’s Block, Pixar Style

I’ve been editing a short story for nearly three weeks and I’m stuck. When I was working on it the other day, I got so depressed I said, “I hate this. I never want to write short stories again. I never want to write fiction again. I suck at it too much.”

In other words, normal feelings when you have writer’s block.

Limiting Options

Like so many writers, I am easily distracted by the internet. I’ll be writing away when I hit some kind of problem, and instead of sitting with the discomfort of the problem I shoot off and check my email, my facebook, my twitter account. Instead of wrestling with the difficult problem, I run off to find easy, mundane problems to solve.

Of course, this doesn’t work when you’re job is to solve those difficult problems.

The Winner of the Summer Solstice Writing Competition

This month, twenty-four writers submitted to our Summer Solstice writing contest. We only gave you a week to craft a story, and you responded beautifully. Thank you for trusting us with your stories, and that you for writing, for adding meaning to our lives and the lives of others. We hope you had fun doing it.

Now, to the winner.