Don’t Be Balanced

If you’re like me, you’re probably looking for balance, balance in your creative life, in your work life, in your social life. You want to know how to balance your creative writing with your blogging and platform building. You want to know how to make money while also pursuing a career in writing. Oh and you’d like to finish reading a book every once in a while, too.

3 Reasons You Should Upgrade to a Premium WordPress Theme

For most of my blog­ging “career,” I used Pagelines Platform which is, in my opin­ion, the best and eas­i­est free word­press theme avail­able. If you want an easy, free theme, I highly rec­om­mend Pagelines.

However, in early 2012 I spent the money to upgrade to a pre­mium theme. Here’s why.

Show Off Writing Contest: Summer Solstice

Once a month, we stop prac­tic­ing and invite you to show off your best work.

Are you inter­ested in being pub­lished (in print)? Would you like to get bet­ter at the writ­ing craft by work­ing with an edi­tor? Do you enjoy a lit­tle friendly com­pe­ti­tion? And are you a fan of The Write Practice?

Then this writ­ing con­test might be for you.

Are You Living a Good Story?

A few years ago, the memoirist Donald Miller was approached to turn his book Blue Like Jazz into a movie. (Have you seen it yet, by the way? I heard it’s pretty good.) As he started to work with the producers to turn his book, which is essentially the story of his life, into a movie, he was surprised when they said they’d have to cut sections because it wasn’t interesting.

His life wasn’t interesting? His life wouldn’t make a good story?

Date Night

I worked on an article for a magazine today for about four hours. It’s still not finished but it’s close. The muse is pumping and I’m in the flow.

But it’s 5:55 pm and my rest tonight includes a date with my wife at six pm.

I have two options:

1. Post-pone our date for thirty minutes to finish the article.

2. Reject the muse and stop working.

This isn’t a hard decision. My spouse is more important than my writing (sorry, Hemingway), and besides, she’d yell at me if I didn’t turn off. I saved the article and shut down my computer (or I will after finishing this). Done. Rest on.

However, most of the time we don’t make this decision. We choose to postpone rest (a date with ourselves, our souls) all the time.