Why Do We Write?

Why Do We Write?

I had always dreamed of making it as a full-time writer. Somehow, here I am, every day waking up and driving to a coffee shop to write a book.

In the midst of that, as I’m filled with amazement that I’m actually doing this writing thing, I have to ask myself—why? Why do I write? Why do any of us write? Why write?

I used to think I was writing to make a name for myself. I thought I was writing to one day sell lots of books and make money. But while it’s only been a couple of years since I’ve become a “full-time” writer, each day I come to realize more and more that writing was never about the prestige or money.

I want to take a minute to reflect and remind us why we write.

3 Reasons to Write About the Worst Experience of Your Life

3 Reasons to Write About the Worst Experience of Your Life

It’s been proven in many scientific studies that we writers are significantly more emotionally healthy than the general population.

Why is that?

Because we write about the hard things of life. We write about the things that haunt others’ souls. We write about our pain, share our torment. We write about the worst experiences of our lives.

While the rest of the world lets their agony steep, we write.

8 Fun and Inspiring Writing Quotes from Kathy Jeffords

8 Fun and Inspiring Writing Quotes from Kathy Jeffords

The Write Practice exists to help writers improve their craft through deliberate practice. Through doing this, we get to meet new aspiring writers who are growing in their craft and encouraging and inspiring others. This week we wanted to share with you some fun, inspirational writing quotes from our new friend Kathy Jeffords.

5 Tips to Capture a Moment in Writing

5 Tips to Capture a Moment in Writing

The last few weeks I've been traveling around Europe. I've been to Iceland, Athens, Lesvos, Amsterdam, Maastricht, and next week, I will be going to Paris. It's been magical, to say the least. Every day I've seen something I might never see again. And each day there...
Why You Should Be a Writing Risk Taker

Why You Should Be a Writing Risk Taker

A few months ago Joe suggested that I take a writing class at a local university. I looked at the classes they offered: business writing, intro to creative writing, memoir writing, and a poetry class. I told Joe about the business one, thinking he would say that would...