3 Keys to Regain Your Writing Habits

3 Keys to Regain Your Writing Habits

You know what has momentum? A train. Those things don't stop easily, not even when someone applies the brakes. It's my pleasure to tell you writing is much the same way. Have you ever seen a train start rolling from a complete standstill? (Just in case you haven't,...
Screw the Muse: You ARE a Writer

Screw the Muse: You ARE a Writer

The end of the year can be strange for word-lovers. If you’re anything like me, your last “365” had great writing days and not-so-great ones. There were days when the muse sang and days when her only appearance was to say she didn’t exist. (And never had. Or never would again. You know how capricious the muse is.)

Well, screw that capricious muse. It’s time to take a stand. I’m calling all you word-lovers to take a step with me: it’s time to call yourself a writer.

NaNoWriMo Is Over. Now What?

NaNoWriMo Is Over. Now What?

I’ve “won” NaNoWriMo six times (and only published one major work and two novelettes, so this is not a boast). On far too many occasions, I’ve completed my work, gotten my goodies, and then done nothing at all with the novel I wrote. Sometimes, I lost momentum entirely; I’ve even ended up blocked. I don’t want that to be you.