The Secret Every Frustrated Writer Needs to Know

The Secret Every Frustrated Writer Needs to Know

Are you frustrated with your writing? Tired of writing words you know aren’t as good as you want them to be? Frustrated writer, I know why.

A weird thing happens when we finally sit down to write The Book: we expect it to come out as magnificently as we think it should. We see or feel what it should be, and hey—we’ve read and written stuff all our lives, right? It should just come out!

But it doesn’t.

This is normal.

When It’s Time to Start Over

When It’s Time to Start Over

How many of you have been writing for a while? This article is for you—though if you’re brand-new, this will eventually apply to you, too. Ahem. There will come a day when it’s time to start that story over from scratch.

Characterization: 6 Revealing Prompts to Know Your Character Better

Characterization: 6 Revealing Prompts to Know Your Character Better

Here’s the underlying principle: your characters are people. People are complicated; I suspect you might know a few. Characters are much the same way. Your reader will relate to them if they behave like people, and for characters to behave like people, they need to be built like people.

You need to know your characters like you do other humans, and these six prompts will help you pull that off.