Why You Should Keep Writing When You Want to Quit

Why You Should Keep Writing When You Want to Quit

I’ve tackled why we write before. Having an answer to that question is crucial, but it’s only the first question. The second is just as important: why should you keep writing?

On those days when we lose writing contests and can’t finish our stories and forget why we were writing the darn things in the first place, we need more than the reason why we chose to write. We need straight-up cussed orneriness.

Don’t Stop Writing

Don’t Stop Writing

Hey, you. Yes, you—the one with the ink-stained dreams and itchy fingers. I have a message for you from the future: don’t stop writing.

The future also wants to talk about a few scary things today. You have been warned.

Your Muse’s Secret Identity

Your Muse’s Secret Identity

Ever heard the phrase, “With great power comes great responsibility”? That applies directly to you as a writer. See, we storytellers are really good at imagining things. Unfortunately, that means we’re also really good at screwing ourselves up.

Do you have powerful doubts you can do this? Good. Your doubts prove your skill as a writer. Read on to find out why.