3 Tips to Help You Finish NaNoWriMo

As I race for the NaNoWriMo finish line, I want to share a few tips with you to help you complete your own race. Starting a book might be easy, but finishing it—and meeting your deadline!—is a struggle. Whatever writing goals you’ve set for yourself, we can meet them together, fellow writers, and here’s how.

You Have Permission to Suck

You Have Permission to Suck

We all feel like we should be writing well right off the bat. That what we create should be ready now, tomorrow, or maybe even yesterday. And when it isn’t, we beat ourselves up. It’s time to give yourself permission to suck.

The Downside of Your Good Taste

The Downside of Your Good Taste

You have good taste. It’s why you got into this whole “writing” in the first place—you’re aware of good writing when you read it. Of course, this has both an upside and a downside.

The upside: you know good writing when you read it, so you know what you want your writing to be.

The downside: you know good writing when you read it, so you know your writing has a long way to go.

How to Write Upside Down

How to Write Upside Down

At some point, your life as a writer will turn upside down.

The problems may come from health issues, from financial strain, from emotional stress, from relationship trouble, from any and every corner. It may come from the 500th rejection from an agent, from an unwelcome review or critique, or from plain old writer’s block.

Wherever it comes from, whatever turns your writing life upside down, I want you to be ready.