6 Characters Your Protagonist Needs to Have Around

Your protagonist may be the star of the show, but they can’t do everything alone. Just like it takes a village to raise a child, it takes an entire cast of characters to help your hero along on their journey.

Do you think Harry Potter could’ve accomplished all that he did if it were just him on his own out there against Voldemort? Of course not. He had friends who stuck by him, teachers who came and went, and a whole assortment of villains that drove the plot forward. Your main character needs those people, too.

Let’s take a look at the people who surrounded Harry and the roles they played in his life. Which of these characters appear in your story?

3 Reasons All Writers Should Write Flash Fiction

3 Reasons All Writers Should Write Flash Fiction

Whether you’re a blogger, poet, novelist, or cookbook author, there are certain things all writers are expected to do. Some of them are obvious: all writers should read; otherwise, how will we know what to create? Likewise, all writers need to establish a habit of writing daily in order to pursue their passion.

But writing flash fiction? If you don’t write shorter stories, why should you write flash fiction?

Here are three reasons why.

3 Tips When Using Imagery in Your Writing

I’ve been learning a lot about poetry lately, specifically how to use imagery to your advantage so the reader gets a clear and fascinating picture in their head. It’s something that I’ve struggled with and even now have to be extra conscientious of as I write, but I feel like I have the hang of it better. Here are the three tips that most stood out in my mind.

3 Quick Tips to Find Writing Inspiration

3 Quick Tips to Find Writing Inspiration

Have you ever sat down to write, full to the brim of creative energy, but found that you can’t think of a single idea? In my opinion, it’s one of the most frustrating feelings. Luckily there are ways to get around this. Instead of trying to come up with something totally original, why don’t you use stories that have already been written to your advantage? If you’re ever lacking in inspiration, consider using one of these three tips to easily “steal” an idea.