Here’s Why It’s Important To Call Yourself A Writer

by Pooh Hodges | 62 comments

This post is by our newest regular contributor, Pooh Hodges. The cat. The cat who writes. Yes, I know it's odd for a writing blog to have a contributor who is a cat, but I've been following Pooh on his blog,, for several years. He's a particularly talented cat, and we're thrilled to have him joining our team. Welcome to The Write Practice, Pooh!

Before others will believe what is true about you, you’ll have to first believe it yourself.
―Jeff Goins, You Are A Writer

A few days ago I went to the veterinarians' office for my yearly check-up. On the intake form it asked what kind of cat I was. I  asked my typist to put down, “writer,” on the form.

hospitalandgoins book 057

Humans get asked what their occupation is. Cats don't get asked.

It is such a struggle, to be recognized as a writer. I want others to recognize I am a writer, but first I have to believe it myself.

Do You Believe in Yourself as a Writer?

hospitalandgoins book 051Mr. Goins doubted his ability as a writer. I understand how he felt. I really do.  I really doubted my ability to write as well.

My mother kept saying to me, “You should be chasing mice for a living. You are not a writer. You are a mouser.”

My biggest problem was I believed what my mother said. I didn't believe in myself.

After reading Mr. Goins book, You Are A Writer, I realized the only way to be a writer, was to act like one.

3 Ways to Act Like a Writer

I closed my Mouse Hunting Business and hired Mrs. Hodges to be my typist. We work together every morning. I dictate and Mrs. Hodges types. We are working on my memoir, and an updated version of my free e-book, “Cats Are Better Than Dogs.”

1. To be a writer you have to write.

So if you want to write, call yourself what you want to be.

I know if I say I am a doctor that doesn't make me a doctor. Some skills take years of training. And I know if I say I am a lawyer, I am not a lawyer. If you say you are a cat, that won't make you a cat.

But we can be writers. Yes, even a cat can be a writer.

2. Own the word.

Own the word writer. Go run into your bathroom, look in the mirror, and say, “I am a writer.” Then go sit down and write.

3. Stop saying, ” I want to be a writer.”

Stop saying, “I aspire to be a writer.” Wanting or aspiring is an excuse to delay sitting down to write.

4. Be prepared for someone to ask, “What do you write?”

Tell them, “I write stories or I write non-fiction or I write about how to be a cat.” Hold your chin up high.

You don't have to be published to be a writer. You just have to write.

You Are A Writer.

Yes, you are. If Mr. Goins says it, then it must be true. I do recommend you read Jeff Goins book, You Are A Writer. The book is divided into three sections: Write, Getting Read and Taking Action. So lets take action today. Lets practice writing.

If you are a writer. You act like a writer. And, what do writers do?

Writers write.

Everything is practice. Every word you write and action you take is a chance to get better.
― Jeff Goins, You Are A Writer


Write about when you told someone you are a writer.

Write for fifteen minutes. It could be a real story, or an imagined one. Maybe the story you tell will come true. When you are finished, please post your practice in the comments section. I look forward to reading your stories.


All my love,
love Pooh

Pooh Hodges is the cat who writes. He is an author, an entrepreneur and a visionary. He dictates to his typist every morning before he takes a nap in a sunbeam. He is currently writing his memoir, a tragic tale of loss and redemption.
Pooh would love to be your friend and he would love to connect with you on his blog,


  1. Laura

    I have only recently accidentally stumbled across The Write Practice after suffering from writer’s block and struggling to submit weekly creative writing pieces for uni. Signed up to the website, received the 14 prompts and have just today bought ‘Lets Write A Short Story’. (I don’t own a kindle due to my traditionalist notion of preferring the look, feel and smell of a real book, but made an exception for this and downloaded the kindle app on my phone specifically.) I already considered this website a life-saver and was super glad I stumbled across it. However, now that Pooh, a writing cat has joined the picture it’s safe to say that this is officially my new favourite thing.

    • Pooh Hodges

      My dearest Laura,
      I am delighted to meet you. Writers block can be hard to get over. The best way to get rid of it it to sit down and write.
      Please let me know how you like “Lets Write A Short Story.” Joe is very good at explaining how to write short stories.
      And, I agree with you, holding a book in your paws, or in your case, your hands is so much more enjoyable than a Kindle.
      I look forward to reading your stories.
      All my best,
      Love Pooh

  2. Debra johnson

    I am a writer… I am a writer,* sits tall in chair* I. Am. A . Writer. Sometimes my friends get tired of hearing it. I can envision them rolling their eyes and saying “don’t ask her what she does, she’ll tell you.” Hehe They are right. Then they will continue ..” not only will she tell you shes a writer she will tell you what her latest story is about and how she came up with the idea.” I am so much of a writer, I will share my writing blog link with you. I started it thanks to the blogging workshop Jeff Goins did recently. I will be catching up on it soon, however there are a few stories and entries, currently attempting Nanowrimo. Thanks so much for these great posts, keep up the good work!

    • Pooh Hodges

      Hello Dear Debra,
      Yes, you are a writer. I can imagine you sitting tall in your chair telling your friends you are a writer.
      How did you come up with the idea for your story about the red chair? Did you get the chair? Or do I have to wait until December 1st to find out the rest of the story?
      I hope you have a nice day. It is snowing really hard where I live.
      All my best,
      Love Pooh

    • Debra johnson

      Hey pooh, I so love cats. Umm well first thank you for going to my blog and reading, if I tell what happens will you still come and read the full story, meow once for yes twice for no. it was a school writing assignment when i was in high school the red chair was the first line – we had to write a story using that as the first line. I am saying dec first for the finishing of this story, but it could be up there sooner. Cant wait to check out your page.

    • Pooh Hodges

      Hello Debra,
      Yes, I will still go and read your full story if you tell me what happens. But, I can wait, cats are curious, but we are also very patient. Have you ever sat in a field for hours waiting for a mouse to move?
      Your story from a writing prompt sounded as though it really happened. I look forward to reading more.
      All my best,
      Love Pooh

    • Debra johnson

      Hehehehe no haven’t watched a mouse move but I do watch clouds drift by… And truth be told , I dont know how it ends yet myself. Parts of the story are true and from my past yes. But that’s it,, I like playing with cats,

  3. Fiona Pimentel

    I am a writer.

    Recently I have been telling people that I
    am not a writer. This is because writing is not my true passion. I have not
    always had a great desire to write, nor am I oversensitive when my writing is
    criticised. On the contrary, if constructive criticism is offered, I am grateful,
    and use it to improve my skill. Writing is a skill for me, in other words, it
    is just a hobby. If writing were my passion, then I would fight for my writing
    tooth and nail. I would take personally any comments about it.

    But I do write. Poetry flows out of me
    almost every day. I can’t stop it. Whether I am cooking, walking, or sleeping,
    words come into my mind that I have to set down as a poem. Poetry is an
    expression of my emotions.

    I have just written a play. It is a story
    that I wanted to tell. Just as after I did my first painting or wrote my first
    poem, I didn’t know if I was a one trick pony, I don’t know if this is the only
    play I will write, or if I will from now on have a new hobby, or means of

    Looking over my blog, I have discovered a whole
    collection of very short stories, flash fiction really, that I can hardly
    believe I wrote. I think they are quite good, especially when considering that
    they were all written within ten minutes, as writing exercises. I have not
    written any fiction for a year, and I realise that I miss writing prose.

    Another writing project was a self-help
    book that I wrote every day for a month. When I got to 12,000 words, I had
    nothing else to say. I didn’t publish it because I had not said anything original.
    It was all blatantly obvious and the information had already been covered by
    other writers. I had wanted to write something that would strike a chord in
    readers and would help them.

    So there you have it. Poetry flows out of
    me, I have a story to tell, I miss writing prose, and I feel called to inspire
    others. There seems to be a pattern emerging here. It very much sounds as if I am a writer.

    • Pooh Hodges

      Hello my dearest Fiona,
      You sound like a writer. You really sound like a writer.

      Perhaps because the words flow out of you so easily, into poems and stories and plays, and self-help books, you take your natural ability for granted?

      Even if other people have already covered the topic you wrote about in your self-help book, and even if you think you didn’t say anything original, no one else can write like you. And no now else has lived your life with your experiences. Whatever you write will be from your perspective.

      I wish you all the best Fiona. My dear writing friend. What will you tell people now?

      All my best,
      love Pooh

    • Fiona Pimentel

      Dear Pooh,

      How exciting to receive a message from a cat! I have never written to a cat before, and I think it must be lovely to be a cat who writes. You can say things that you could not say if you were human. I think that is perhaps what writing fiction is like too.

      I think I have felt like a “fake” writer because people I know talk about always wanting to write since an early age, and I have not experienced that yearning. For me that burning passion was always singing and acting, and the desire was made greater by the sort of unwritten rule that it was somehow forbidden in my family.

      I would certainly say that I am a communicator. I will definitely take up writing short stories again and see where my imagination goes.

      My two cats Dina and Miggins are not very imaginative, so they are not the sort of cats who write. They say “Miaow” and “Purr” to you respectively.



    • Pooh Hodges

      Dearest Fiona, Dina and Miggins.

      Oh dear, I am so thankful we can be writers even if we didn’t want to be writers when we were kittens or toddlers. Your passion to sing and act is very admirable. There are not many opportunities for cats to act, or sing. Do you have a favorite song you like to sing?

      I hope you are having a wonderful day together staying out of the cold and snow. Or perhaps you live where there is no snow.

      Please share your short stories here. I look forward to reading them. Is there anything you want to share today?

      Please give my best to Dina and Miggins.
      Love Pooh

    • Fiona Pimentel

      Dear Pooh,

      Thanks for your reply. I hope I didnt make you miaow.

      Since you mention the weather, I will share a weather poem with you, which will also answer your question:

      A Caribbean Winter

      I wish I could hear the wintr’y crinkle of leaves beneath my feet,
      but instead I’ll have to cook turkey in this West Indian heat.

      There is a faint autumnal feel;
      I think it’s a salty sea smell.
      I know the season’s change is real:
      I see, in the waves, a slight swell.

      I wish I could hear the squeaky clean crunch of newly fallen snow,
      but instead everywhere I look, there’s a soft Caribbean glow.

      There is a sort of festive feel;
      the neighbours have turned on their lights.
      At least a thousand bulbs for real,
      it’s the craziest of sights!

      Maybe one day I’ll visit … New York State or Quebec, who can tell?
      But for now I’ll have to be content, with this salty, sea breeze smell.


    • Pooh Hodges

      Dearest Fiona,

      Your poem had so many strong images of the senses.

      “The crinkle of leaves, faint autumnal feel, salty sea smell, squeaky clean crunch of newly fallen snow and the sea breeze smell, I felt like I was right there with you sitting in the sand.

      Thank you for taking me to a warmer place today. There is a lot of snow today; the first snow fall where I live.

      Hugs to you,
      Love Pooh

    • Fiona Pimentel

      Thanks Pooh! 🙂

  4. Ruby Browne

    I recently rented a coworking space, so of course, everyone’s first question is, “What do you do?”

    I had to practice over and over. “I’m a writer. Personal essays and creative nonfiction.” The fifteenth or so time it didn’t feel like a total lie.

    • Pooh Hodges

      Hello Ruby,
      As Joe said, “It is important to practice.”

      You are doing a great job saying you are a writer. Now to always believe you are not lying.
      You don’t have to be published to call yourself a writer. And if you miss a day you are still a writer.
      On really sunny days I sleep in sunbeams more than I write, but I am still a writer.
      I look forward to reading your stories.
      All me best,
      Love Pooh

  5. Melodie Harris

    I do not remember ever telling anyone that I am a writer. I mention that I like to write. I say that a lot. Recently though, I’ve told people I want to be published someday, and they do not seem surprised—which is encouraging. One lady, a widow of a man I used to coach basketball with, was so interested that she stopped by later that day with an article from her home state newspaper about a writers’ conference. It was about Craig Johnson, the author of the Longmire series. I gave her the modest business card I had created listing my email and blog. Shortly thereafter I received an email from her letting me know that a nearby independent bookstore was having some writing and publishing workshops taught by three local authors. Next in the mail, came another newspaper article about Craig Johnson. All from Gloria, the coach’s wife.

    Such an encouragement to me that I could do this writing and publishing thing, that I wasn’t out of my mind, and this was her way of saying to me “that other people have done it, so why not me.” That was back in June. Now this is November and I’m still writing every day, reading a ton of writing blogs, and learning so much about the publishing industry. I have a long ways to go, but I am thankful for this blog. I think I have posted here maybe once before.

    Like Laura who commented above, I purchased “Let’s Write A Short Story” and look forward to learning from it. I have never been afraid to say I was a writer. I can thank my sixth grade English teacher for that confidence when she told me I did a fine job on a tornado report when I was only 11-years-old. I guess I have considered myself a writer ever since.

    • Pooh Hodges

      Hello my dearest Melodie,
      How wonderful to have a friend encourage you in your writing adventure. Gloria’s kindness has helped you see your dream of writing and publishing is possible.
      Sometimes we just need a friend to believe in us.
      I believe in you Melodie.
      You have inspired me. I just ordered the book, “Let’s Write A Short Story.” We can learn together.
      You are very brave to never have been afraid to say you are a writer. Your teachers praise gave you confidence. I must remember the power of praise when I teach the kittens to read.
      All my best,
      Love Pooh

    • Melodie Harris

      Thank you. I too became a teacher, an English teacher. Love to instill the joy of writing in youngsters and see the pride when they improve. Gooble-Gobble, Happy Thanksgiving!

    • Pooh Hodges

      Oh Melodie,
      I wish I could sit in on one of your classes. Your students are so blessed to have you encourage them.
      All my best,
      And a Happy Thanksgiving to you too!
      Love Pooh

  6. Susan W. A.

    Lovely interactions.

    I am a writer like a kitten who curiously dips their paw into a saucer of milk to test things out. Little mews and occasional leaps of joy into the air. The exploration and trying the title of “writer” on for fit is rewarding. I still apologize at times for the “raw”, unpolished nature of my work (primarily poems), but I still send it forth to express and share my ideas and my talent in development. I’m practicing expediency rather than perfection.

    Thank you, Pooh Hodges for your encouragement to BE!

    • Pooh Hodges

      Hello Dearest Susan W. A.

      Perhaps you really are a cat? Only a cat would understand dipping their paw into milk.
      Oh, you are so wise to share your writing with the world.
      Never apologize for writing, “raw.” Sometimes editing poems heavily takes away the soul of the work.
      I have been working on my memoir for months and months, trying to get it perfect. The desire for perfection is really stalling. You have made me think about my writing dearest friend.

      Yes, Susan W. A. be you. BE. I love your initials. Perhaps I should start calling myself. Pooh H.
      All my best,
      Love Pooh

    • Pooh Hodges

      Hello My Dear Friend,
      Thank you Mr. Goins.
      Your book, “You Are A Writer,” has made a huge difference in my life.
      All my best, and Happy Thanksgiving!
      Love Pooh

  7. Rebecca Palmquist

    Thanks to you, Jeff Goins, I can and do say the words. I am a writer. Great post, Pooh cat! Loved it.

    • Pooh Hodges

      Hello Dearest Rebecca,
      I am delighted you can say the words, “I am a writer.” Mr. Jeff Goins has helped so many people be brave and say, “I am a writer.”

      I don’t understand why he doesn’t have a cat to manage his house. He does have a dog, but that is not the same.
      Thank you for your kind words Rebecca. I am happy you liked my story.
      All my best,
      Love Pooh

  8. Laura Robb

    Love this post! “I am a writer” is on repeat in my mind. And I’ve been saying it aloud more and more when someone asks, “What do you do?” 🙂

    • Pooh Hodges

      Oh Laura, I am so happy you came over to visit.
      Yes, you are a writer.
      I love to read your stories.
      How exciting to say out loud what you have been saying to yourself in your mind.
      Bravo Laura Robb! Bravo!
      All my best,
      Love Pooh

    • rupam sahu

      hi pooh ……. your post are encourage to me for start short story thank u bt I have some problem that I feel difficult in choose matter for write story so plz help me………..


    • Pooh Hodges

      My dear Rupam,
      Write a the story you want to read. Write about something you love. Or write a story about telling someone you are a writer.
      Love Pooh

  9. John Patrick Weiss

    Thank you, Pooh, for that excellent post. I am a fan of Mr. Goins too so I appreciate you sharing some of his wisdom here! Also, I’m glad you ditched mousing in favor of writing. You’re (forgive me for this but it fits) “the cat’s meow!”

    • Pooh Hodges

      Hello my dearest friend John,
      You are very welcome.
      Thank you for coming to visit me at The Write Practice. Would you call yourself a writer Mr. Weiss?
      I still catch a mouse once in a while to supplement my dry cat food, but I no longer mouse as a living. Writing is more enjoyable. Or perhaps I could become a police officer?
      I am delighted to be the cat’s meow.
      All my best,
      Love Pooh

  10. Helaine Grenova

    Thank you for posting Pooh. As a young writer it is always hard to find the courage to call myself a writer, especially since none of my family writes. I will save this post and re read it everytime my courage fails me

    • Pooh Hodges

      My Dearest Helaine,
      I understand how hard it is to call yourself a writer when none of your family writes. No one in my family was a writer.
      Young writers are writers. You can be a writer even if you are not old enough to drive a car. You can be a writer even if you are not old enough to babysit.
      Have courage Helaine.
      Do you have a little story you can share? Do you want to write a story about telling someone you are a writer?
      I would love to read your writing.
      Love Pooh

    • Helaine Grenova

      I have written one short story and submitted it to a publishing company as part of a contest. I am hoping for publication, but obviously I don;t know whether I will be accepted or rejected. I am just starting the editing process for a second short story, and I have some ideas stewing for a novel.

    • Pooh Hodges

      Hello Helaine,
      Thank you for telling me what you have written. You are so brave to submit your story to a publication. And please never take a rejection personally. Gone With The Wind was rejected thirty-eight times.
      How exciting to have finished another story, and to have ideas stewing for a novel!
      Writing can be so much fun.
      I hope you have a fun day today on the day after Thanksgiving.
      All my best,
      Love Pooh

  11. Lauren Timmins

    The first time I told someone I was a writer was the afternoon I received my grade for last year’s Language Arts project, a novel. That morning, my teacher made it very clear to me that I had a talent and should put it to use.
    “No eight grader should be able to write like this. I know you think you want to be a lawyer, but I think that you may have a career in writing.”
    My mind remained fixed on that small thought through the final four hours of school and the bus ride home.
    “What did you do at school today?”
    My mother had asked this question many, many times before. I had answered, “Stuff.” many times before.
    “I think my teacher helped me figure out that I’m a writer.”
    “So you’re done with the whole lawyer thing?”
    “I am a writer.”
    My mother simply rolled her eyes and finished folding the laundry.
    The end of that year, the entire eight grade voted for the Best Artist, Most Likely to Become President, etc. (They called them Superlatives.) My teacher told his other classes about my writing without my knowledge, and I won Best Writer. I think walking off that stage is the happiest I’ve ever been.

    • Pooh Hodges

      My Dearest Lauren,
      Thank you for sharing your story about the first time you told someone you are a writer.
      Yes, you are a writer. Your teacher was very kind to encourage you.
      Congratulations on your award. Do you have a photograph of it you can share?
      What was your novel about?
      All my best,
      Love Pooh

    • Lauren Timmins

      Thank you! I do not have a picture of it, but it was a picture of a fountain pen with my name and “Best Writer” writeen in calligraphy under it on nice paper. My novel was about a very wealthy man who goes down the wrong path in life, loses absolutely everything, dies, sees how his actions affected the people he knew and loved, and he was allowed to erase what happened with the price of many hardships in his redeemed life. I was extremely mean to the poor fellow!

  12. Katina Vaselopulos

    Mr. Hodges, this is a great post! Inspiring and encouraging with lots of good infpmation and suggestions. When did you get so wise?

    • Pooh Hodges

      Hello My Dearest Katina,
      Thank you for your kind words.
      Reading books by Joe Bunting, Jeff Goins and Steven Pressfield have helped make me wise.
      Perhaps it shouldn’t be “The Wise Old Owl,” but “The Wise Old Cat.”
      All my love,
      Love Pooh

  13. Gert van den Berg

    During my first year at university I attended a seminar. It was actually an introduction to my faculty and the various courses we could register for (not exactly sure what its called in English, so I do apologize for the bad description). Well anyway they had left refreshments for us. After finishing the first one I returned to the table, considering taking another before someone noticed. Another student came over and asked how many we are allowed. After a while we drank our fill as we decided that we already pay more than we afford for the education, so they couldn’t really complain about the juice.

    Eventually we started talking and when I mentioned that I was going to study Languages and Cultures he replied; “So you want to become a better writer as well?”

    Turned out he was studying the same as me and for the same reasons.

    We never directly said that we were writers, but I believe that we didn’t see the need to do so.

    Various of my friends at varsity considered themselves writers but when asked they merely said; “I want to be a writer”, yet when I was asked if I wanted to become a better writer, I just felt as if he accepted the fact that I was a writer without knowing anything about.

    I can honestly say that it was because of that that I had stopped saying “I want to be a writer” and started saying (and believing) “I am a writer”.

    • Pooh Hodges

      Hello My Dear Gert van den Berg,

      May I call you Gert? Please call me Pooh.
      Your language is very skilled. I think English is your first language. Your description was very accurate.

      Thank you for your story. I would have drank many glasses of juice as well. Even though I prefer water. The man you met made the assumption that you all ready are a writer. How nice he helped you see the truth. You are a writer.

      I look forward to reading your stories. In English. I have two languages, but most people don’t speak cat.
      Love Pooh

  14. Duru Henry Urch

    in a manner of speaking, i never saw myself as s writer. even in high school when we were asked to write an article, and i did one that won credit to my name and made me a social prefect of my time. yet, i was so blind that i couldn’t visualize my self as a writer. but then, i knew its a skill am good at and enjoy doing.

    I never tagged myself a writer until after college, then, a friend will always ask me to do some documentaries and short stories for shooting and after the whole exercise, it will all end in recommendations. people will always commend and ask “who wrote this? i think i love it” those words really molded my confidence, such that i can beat my chest and tell people i am a writer!

    for the umpteenth time i have been asked what kind of writing do you do? and my reply will always be. i do all kind of writing, so far it requires creatively putting words together and throwing reasonable thoughts on the screen, i write! i write!! i write!!! that’s what am put on this planet to do.

    • Pooh Hodges

      Oh Duru Henry,

      May I call you Duru? Please call me Pooh.
      I love your enthusiasm. i write! write! i write!!! And of course you can do all kinds of writing. Creative people can write about anything.

      How nice for your friends to encourage you. Encouragement can really build confidence. I think today I will beat my chest too. You have inspired me to be more brave.
      All my best,
      Love Pooh

    • Duru Henry Urch

      thanks a bunch “pooh”, but am not gonna add “bear” chuckles. yes, sometimes all we just need to push hard is encouragement, those little kind words that will boost our confidence and push us to “do more”. am so happy to be know that i inspired you to be more brave.

      you inspired me too with your article pooh, minus bear. “i am because we are” thats my pay off line for writers. lets keep inspiring each other. peace!

    • Pooh Hodges

      Hello my dearest Duru,
      I am so happy to hear from you. I will always be on your team. Go Duru! Go! You are a writer. Write away! Be Creative! The Write Practice and I will always cheer you on.
      Have a great day today beating your chest and being you. And only you can be you.
      The world needs what you can say.
      Love Pooh

  15. kathunsworth

    Pooh I am excited to see you here on one of my all time favourite sites. Congratulations. I call myself an artist who is learning to write. When I finish my editing course I will be that closer to saying yes I am a writer. And hopefully one day when I finish that picture book or novel I will believe I am a writer.

    • Pooh Hodges

      My Dearest Kath,
      I am delighted to see you here.
      You are a wonderful artist and writer. I wonder how long it takes to “learn to write?
      And even if I consider you a writer, you have to believe it yourself.
      Please remember you are a writer when you write. Your book doesn’t have to be finished to be able to call yourself a writer.
      Do you have a drawing of a cat you would like to share here?
      All my best,
      Love Pooh
      Please say hello to your cats for me.

    • kathunsworth

      Pooh I am sorry to say I have been sketching cows, one day I would love to do your portrait. A famous cat like you must get offers all the time? Tell Mrs Hodges to send me a stunning picture of you and I will pencil you in.

    • Pooh Hodges

      My Dearest Kath,
      Your kindest has warmed my heart more than a sunbeam on the carpet in July.
      I would be honored to have the great Kath Unsworth pencil me in. Today at our staff meeting I will ask my typist, Mrs. Hodges, to send you a photograph.
      All my best,
      Love Pooh

  16. Sharon Greene

    Dear Pooh, I tried to subscribe to your blog but it said my address is already on file. Could this be because I am a subscriber to your typist’s blog already? Your typist and I went to high school together and I am so proud of her for all her writing accomplishments! Please let her know that Pooh. PS. You are a great writer too!

    • Pooh Hodges

      Hello Sharon and Happy Birthday as well,
      Oh dear. Thank you for trying to subscribe. My typist and I don’t share our email lists. Please email me at: and I will look into this matter for you.
      You went to school with my typist! Oh how exciting. If you know any stories about her please tell me. I will tell her you are proud of her. She will like that. I will tell her while she cleans the litter boxes.
      I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
      All my best,
      Love Pooh

  17. Karen Williams

    I am retired now. And now I am a writer. For years I didn’t see myself as such. Yet what I did for a job was to write training programs for Organizational Development
    training. I wrote manuals, and I wrote scripts for training sessions. I saw myself as only a trainer.

    I write daily. I write fiction, and poetry from time to time. I have had articles published, and I have written newsletters for the organization that I worked for. I’ve
    researched and written manuals regarding Bullying and our Youth. I have even written a poem that won a contest. Received all the bells and whistles and still didn’t think of myself as a writer.

    Several months ago when someone inquired as to what I do with my time, I said, “I’m a writer.” They looked at me rather strangely and in a challenging manner that said, “oh yeh, whaddaya write?” Before they could answer, I simply said, “I write fiction,” and holding my breath for a bit I continued, “and I write everyday without fail.” I explained to them how much I love the writing process, the development of characters, the story line, and the ending.

    Writing is my new profession. I’ve been writing for years, since I was a little girl. I penned stories and shared them with my friends. I love where writing takes me, and the challenge it brings. It makes me feel so alive.

    I have a cadre of writing friends, some are published others are not. We talk
    writing, laugh about writing, and have yet to cry about writing. It’s nice to be in a group who understand the writing experience.

    • Susan W.A.

      I love your descriptions of the myriad facets of your writing self. It’s the type of description that delights me as I imagine a writing self, and makes me uneasy claiming the title of writer. Then I heed the courage-infusing words of the Write Practice contributors and realize that I can paint a different image of writer, albeit less experienced, less focused and, even, less passionate. Your writing path, as with others, is inspiring.

    • Pooh Hodges

      My dearest Susan W. A.

      Are you sure you are not a cat? You have such a nice gentle and encouraging manner. You wrote such a nice comment to Karen W.

      And, yes, you can paint a different image of a writer, you get to be you. And you get to be a writer who is like a kitten, “I am a writer like a kitten who curiously dips their paw into a saucer of milk to test things out.”

      All my best Susan,
      Love Pooh H.

    • Pooh Hodges

      Hello my dearest Karen,

      I am delighted to meet you.
      Isn’t it funny how you wrote for years but never would have thought to call yourself a writer. Even your comment flows like a compelling story. I was so eager to read more about you and your writing life.

      “I love where writing takes me, and the challenge it brings. It makes me feel so alive.” This sentence is so special. I am going to write it down beside my writing desk. It reminds me why I love to write. Writing makes me feel alive too. Even more than taking a nap in a sunbeam.

      You have been writing since you were a little girl and I have been writing since I was a kitten. How delightful you have a cadre of writing friends to talk about writing. If I lived closer I would love to talk about writing with you.
      I wish you all my best Karen,
      Love Pooh

  18. Susan W. A.

    Pooh, I must say I noticed a similarity between the kind, wise, inspiring approach you have for sharing insights and lessons and gratitude with others AND the approach to life of one of your namesakes : ) (another soft, cuddly animal). A true talent you have for encouraging others. Your ability to grasp a sweet kernel of someone’s message and thoughtfully (and creatively) comment on it is instructive. Thank you for the model.

    • Pooh Hodges

      Hello my dear Susan,
      You also have a talent for encouraging others. I am encouraged by your kindness this morning.
      I love to have Winnie the Pooh as my namesake. He is a soft, and cuddly animal. However at times I wish my name was William, after Prince William in England, as the cats in the neighborhood often tease me about my name. It does sound like Poo. I have to tell them their is an h at the end of the word.

      I wish you all my best,
      Love Pooh

  19. Oihane Garcia

    I am a writer!
    My alarm goes off in the morning and I quickly snooze it out because it’s disturbing my really nice dream. Later I wake up in a hurry and shoot out of bed, I’m running late for work! Why am I always in a hurry? Why can’t I do things in a meditative state like a cat does and wake up early as planned the night before and start preparing myself in time so I can write a little in the morning and have a nice cup of thee. But no as always.. I take my notebook and pen and throw it in my bag, I will write later when I’m on my way
    to work, I think. But on my way to work I’m to busy with other things like getting to the bus running and than when I’m finally sitting down I’m way to stressed to write. And after work I’m way to tired! Or I don’t have inspiration. Then I tell myself again and again to not bring my big notebook because it’s heavy and I never open it! The pages always remain the same: BLANK! I’m not writing at all! Never! I am NOT a writer. And somehow I always have this urge and always seem to find the time to log in on and read, read and read. Sometimes I think seriously that I’m in the wrong body that i’m way to lazy and I need more discipline to be human. I think that I was supposed to be a cat. Today I’m telling to myself in the mirror: I am a writer! I only don’t write on paper but I write in the notebook in my mind. I somehow still have to find the strength to write for real and keep that strength and keep writing! Than I will believe in myself that I am a writer for real. (A writing cat so to speak)
    If a cat can so can I 😉 thank you pooh! miauw x

    • Pooh Hodges

      Hello my dearest Oihane,
      Yes, you are a writer.
      Perhaps tomorrow you will have time for a cup of tea and writing in your notebook.
      Now, Oihane, I have to ask you. Is your notebook a really nice notebook? Does the heavy notebook have blank pages? Perhaps you could start by just writing one word on the page.
      Or perhaps you need to buy a light, sort of plain looking notebook, so the pretty paper doesn’t scare you away by saying, “I am such a pretty notebook, you have to write something special!”
      Or perhaps you really are a cat and you need to stretch and lay in a sunbeam and not write until you wake up from your nap.
      p.s. You did write a rather exciting story today in your comment. Rushing out of bed, rushing to the bus, being stressed on the bus.
      Maybe tomorrow you will tell someone on the bus, “I am a writer.” Or you could write it on chalk on the sidewalk.
      Yes, if I cat can be a writer so can you.
      You are very welcome Oihane,
      All my best,
      Love Pooh

  20. Leaf Green

    “Leaf?” he asked, walking over to me. I was on my laptop, typing away at Scrivener, in a booth in the dining section of the Vermillion Pokemon Center.
    “Yeah, Red?” I reply, not looking up. I was dictating to the keyboard our recent excursion in Mt. Moon, where we’d found the fossils. One was a spirally shell-shaped stone I now had tucked away in my knapsack. The other was in his backpack, and was shaped like a dome.
    “What ‘cha typing?” he inquires, taking the seat across from mine. I then realize that I had never told him about my blog. I wondered if I should tell him. After all, I had never asked him how he felt about the whole Internet being able to read our adventures. Finally I decided to tell him the truth.
    “It’s my blog,” I respond, looking up. He smiles.
    “Really? I didn’t know you were a writer. What do you blog about?”
    “Oh, our journeys, Team Rocket, the League, stuff like that. You don’t mind, do you?”
    “No, I think that’s great,” he told me. “How long have you been a writer?”
    A writer. The name bounced around in my head for a little while. I had always loved the idea of being a published novelist, but I’d never thought of myself as a writer just because I had a blog. I mean, it didn’t take that much skill to just write down your own life, did it? Finally I came back from my thoughts. “Mm, about a year, I suppose.”
    “Wow,” he said. He wasn’t, like, surprised or anything–knowing Red he probably suspected it already, what with me always on my phone or computer whenever we got our Pokemon restored. I usually only blogged from the Pokemon Centers, though, since 1) my phone doesn’t have a physical keyboard and 2) my computer, which does have a physical keyboard, doesn’t have 4G. Besides, I’m kind of a completionist, so I like to know what the ending will be before I start.
    “It’s, uh, burningleaf99.blogspot.ka” I told him. He took out his phone and pulled up the page. Later that day, @RedCatch’Em became my biggest subscriber.
    So that’s the story of how my best friend Red Ketchum told me I was a writer. I know it’s a bit anticlimactic, but the life of a Pokemon Trainer does have its less exciting scenes.
    Sincerely yours,
    Leaf Green, @burningleaf99.


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