You might have seen that my new book, Crowdsourcing Paris, is now published. But what’s it about? Why did I write it? And most importantly, how can you know whether it’s a book that you would enjoy?
In this episode of Character Test, I’m sharing a sneak peek at Crowdsourcing Paris. I’m reading a sample chapter to give you a taste of the story. Then, I’m sharing why I went to Paris, what I learned, and why I wrote the book.
Listen to our conversation on the podcast on Apple Podcasts, Android, Spotify, Stitcher, SimpleCast, or here below:
Have you ever wanted to escape? Have you ever looked around at your life and thought there has to be more than this? In this episode, we talk about what to do when it feels like the life you’re living is too small, including:
- Why I moved my family to Paris for the spring
- What I wanted from that trip — and what I got instead
- Why travel isn’t really an escape — and why we travel anyway
- The formula for growth, and what to do if you’re missing a piece of the equation
- How to live a thrilling adventure no matter where you are
Hint: Be sure to download the free prize I mention on the episode for an even longer sneak peek at the book.
You can get your copy of Crowdsourcing Paris in all the major online bookstores. And when you do, be sure to email me your receipt, and I’ll send you over $200 worth of bonuses!
Have you read Crowdsourcing Paris? What do you think? Let me know in the comments!
“Either write something worth reading,” Benjamin Franklin said, “Or do something worth writing about.”
This quote was one of the driving forces for my adventure and book, and I resolved to do both.
My question for you is, what adventure will you go on? Every chapter of this book ends with a challenge to go on some kind of adventure, and the first challenge is to follow in the footsteps of Crowdsourcing Paris and book a trip to a place you’ve never been before.
So that’s my practice for you. Sign up for a new adventure by booking a trip. It could be a big trip, to another country, for example (or even Paris?). Or it could be something shorter, like scheduling time to visit a nearby national park.
Once you choose the destination for your adventure, share that destination in the comments below.
Bon voyage!
Joe Bunting is an author and the leader of The Write Practice community. He is also the author of the new book Crowdsourcing Paris, a real life adventure story set in France. It was a #1 New Release on Amazon. Follow him on Instagram (@jhbunting).
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