A couple weeks ago, my new book, Crowdsourcing Paris, was published. It’s an amazing feeling to launch a book you’ve been working on for five years. I’m so proud of it.
It’s even more fun when people start reading it and enjoying it. The reviews have been pouring in, and I’ve loved hearing what readers have to say.
Blog Reviews of Crowdsourcing Paris
I’ve had profound revelations as I’ve read through this, one in particular about overcoming fear and how the fear may never fully leave but that you have to choose to step past it. Crowdsourcing Paris is a quick read, & it’s so good, a must-have for anyone who’s been to Paris or who wants to go.
—Kay Em Ellis, Instagram @kayemellis777
Crowdsourcing Paris is full of so many emotions. Fear, excitement, and happiness are just a few! It will also make you experience the many emotions while reading it! Be ready to have this book pull you in and not want to put it down!
—Catherine Tyler, kissexpedition.com
Amazon Reviews
This book is about more than Paris. It’s about an artist’s journey to self-acceptance. Through the book, the author takes us on an engaging, heart wrenching, and satisfying adventure of discovery as he learns what it means to be comfortable with himself, live in love with his wife, and be a member of the community around him. . . . It is a beautiful read.
—Jeff Elkins, vagrantmisunderstandings.com
Some parts are laugh out loud funny, in others, I felt the author’s awkwardness and insecurity. All of it was great writing and an enjoyable read.
—Evelyn Puerto, evelynpuerto.com
This is SUCH a fun read!! As an avid traveler myself, (& a lover of Paris!), I had high hopes for what this book could be — & it was even better. Encouraging & engaging & relatable & REAL. I loved the authenticity & spirit of adventure!
—Amazon Reviewer
Awe, warmth, nostalgia, vigor, inspiration. Those are the emotions going through me right now. Just finished the book and I have to say my expectations were truly blown out of the water. It really built up, selling itself in the beginning as little more than a travel blog post and then getting very, very real all of a sudden. . . . I sound like I’m overselling it, but I mean, it was just a really good; no, a great book. It will almost definitely be the book I most recommend from this year’s list and one that I will go back and read again later.
—Brant Copen
At turns thrilling, poignant and frustrating, the book is a love letter to Paris that Bunting writes with one hand while shaking his fist at her with the other. Whether following him through the catacombs beneath the city, onto the stage at a poetry jam or sitting beside him in a restaurant where he tastes tripe for the first time, we get the up close and personal view of this young man becoming himself.
—Mary Sheridan, marysheridansb.com
I was hooked when I read the Prologue and could not wait to continue.
It is amazing to read a story and be able to relate to it! It will inspire you to want to go on an adventure. Be prepared to get engrossed quickly!!
—Amazon Reviewer
There is something to be said about a travel book you can actually relate to and includes adventures that are actually possible.
—Michael Klein
JH Bunting’s journey inspires me to take a risk and just go somewhere; maybe Paris? I will take pieces of this book with me wherever I journey.
It is more than your typical travel memoir. . . . I highly recommend this book for anyone, but especially those that need encouragement to reach for their dreams and goals in life!
—Callie Sutcliffe, calliesutcliffe.com
You’ll enjoy this cool take on Paris, a unique point of view for a book and a daring adventure all rolled into one!
—Honorée Corder
A great real-life travel adventure. I so enjoyed taking in the sights of Paris through the author’s eyes but also how relatable and real the personal side of his story is.
—C/M Goodner
I just finished the book and felt like I got a glimpse into the heart and soul of Paris. This book is an adventure to read and surprisingly much more than a guide to Paris. I want to schedule my adventure ASAP!
—Amazon Reviewer
This was an amazing read! I felt like I was back in Paris and now can’t wait to go back. Bunting is a talented writer and brings the reader on all of his adventures with his creative and descriptive storytelling.
—Jessica Bennett
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Goodreads Reviews
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Instagram and Twitter Reviews
One More Day
Have you picked up your copy yet? Tomorrow is the last day to get the book and all the bonuses.
My favorite bonus is my brand-new, live memoir writing class. It’s been amazing to connect with other writers and share what I’ve learned through writing this book. You can join us for all upcoming sessions when you buy Crowdsourcing Paris today (and here’s how to get your bonuses).
It’s so exciting to see readers loving this book as much as I do. I hope you’ll get a copy and see what you think.
Have you read Crowdsourcing Paris? What do you think? Let me know in the comments!
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Joe Bunting is an author and the leader of The Write Practice community. He is also the author of the new book Crowdsourcing Paris, a real life adventure story set in France. It was a #1 New Release on Amazon. Follow him on Instagram (@jhbunting).
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