We’re inching closer to the end of the school year for students (or maybe you’re already done, like my college students!). Major testing winds down, days are full of assemblies, field days, educational games, and the countdown to summer is on. These final weeks of school are the perfect time though to sneak in some fun writing. Here are some end of school year writing prompts to try!
The end of the school year is fast approaching, and students are getting ready to say goodbye to their current grade and hello to summer break. It’s a time to reflect on all they have learned throughout the year and to look forward to the adventures that await them during the summer months.
I always have students write more reflective pieces in the final weeks of school. But in the past few years with emerging writers, I have loved offering creative prompts too.
Try some of these end of school year writing prompts this month!
Looking Back: Reflective Writing Prompts
Students may be feeling a mix of emotions as they prepare to leave their current class and teacher behind. Writing can be a great way for them to express these feelings and to share their thoughts. Here are some of my favorite prompts:
- What were some of the biggest challenges you faced this year and how did you approach them?
- Write a letter to your August self from the beginning of the school year, telling them how proud you are of all they’ve accomplished. Be specific.
- What will you miss most about this school year or what was one of your favorite memories and why?
- What will you miss least about this school year and why?
- Who has been most helpful or encouraging to you this year? Consider writing them a short gratitude letter to let them know how much you appreciate them.
- What was your favorite part of the regular school day this year and why?
Looking Forward Writing Prompts
- Write a letter to future students who will be in this class or grade next year, giving them your best tips.
- What are you looking forward to most about this summer? Why?
- What goals do you have for next year and why are they important to you? (These don’t have to only be school related!)
- Write a letter to your teacher for next year, giving them insight about you.
- What character qualities do you hope to display in the coming year? Why do you want those qualities?
- What is one topic you’d like to know more about and why?
Creative Writing Activities
- Team up with a partner and come up with a character who wants something BIG. Then write their story, each of you writing one sentence at a time.
- Think of your favorite fairy tale. Retell the story from a different perspective. (For example, the wolf’s side of the “Three Little Pigs”)
- Who is your favorite character from books, tv, or video games? Write a new adventure for them.
- Create a journal entry for a villain or a misunderstood character (For example, Voldemort’s diary entry after a tough day).
- Choose a fun picture from a book or art website. Write a new story about what’s happening in the picture.
- Create a recipe for something absurd, listing out the ingredients and amounts, along with the step by step instructions for making it. (examples: spider cookies, string bean cake, etc.)
- Think about the last fictional story you read or watched. Choose one of the characters and write a letter of apology from their point of view to another character.
- Write about the last day of school at an unusual place: zoo school, magic school, dog training school.
Celebrate an Ending with Writing
Hope these prompts produce some fun writing pieces to share together here at the end of the school year.
Which one is your favorite writing prompt? Share in the comments.
Set the timer for fifteen minutes. Choose one of the prompts above and write. When the timer dings, share your practice in the Pro Practice Workshop, and leave feedback for a few other writers.
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Sue Weems is a writer, teacher, and traveler with an advanced degree in (mostly fictional) revenge. When she’s not rationalizing her love for parentheses (and dramatic asides), she follows a sailor around the globe with their four children, two dogs, and an impossibly tall stack of books to read. You can read more of her writing tips on her website.