Halloween is a time to bring out your spooky side, to get creative, and to eat tons and tons of candy. In other words, Halloween is a time to be a kid again.
In that spirit (see what I did there?), my prompt for you today is a little on the lighter side: write from a child's point of view.
Feel free to get your kids involved in this one!
The Halloween Story Prompt
There's one simple rule for this prompt: Your Halloween story MUST be from a child's perspective.
Dig deep and remember what it was like to go trick-or-treating, to get dressed up in a wacky costume, and to eat so much chocolate you thought you'd explode (but had one more piece anyway).
Think about your first haunted hayride or scary movie (if that's your thing).
Think about your motivations when you were young (More candy? Scaring the crap out of your younger sibling? Having the best costume?).
Now take a look at these Halloween story starters. Choose one and write away!
- It was a cold, dark Halloween night when I saw . . .
- The black cat hissed at the . . .
- The silliest Halloween started when I . . .
- Chills ran down my back when I heard . . .
- My neighbor opened the door and was dressed as a . . .
- The house was supposedly haunted, but I wanted to show off, so I . . .
- I was minding my own business when the jack-o-lantern turned into a . . .
- I dropped my bag of candy and when I bent to pick it up that's when I saw . . .
- I was babysitting my little brother when he disappeared into the . . .
- A mad scientist let loose a monster that could . . .
Write Your Halloween Story!
Let the story starters above get your creative juices flowing! Write a cute story, a creepy story, or a downright gory story. It's up to you! Just make sure you write it from a child's perspective!
(And don't forget to grab some candy before you get started.)
Have a happy and safe Halloween!
Have any other ideas for Halloween story starters? Give us some more ideas in the comments!
Choose one of the story starters above and take fifteen minutes to write a Halloween story from a child's perspective. Then share your writing in the comments and give your fellow writers some feedback!
Sarah Gribble is the author of dozens of short stories that explore uncomfortable situations, basic fears, and the general awe and fascination of the unknown. She just released Surviving Death, her first novel, and is currently working on her next book.
Follow her on Instagram or join her email list for free scares.