How to Plot Your Storyline for NaNoWriMo

How to Plot Your Storyline for NaNoWriMo

The first time I took up the NaNoWriMo challenge, I lost my first two days staring at a blank scene. I’d write a paragraph and then delete it. I’d get a couple sentences into a chapter and then change my mind. My writing was a disappointing mess.

By the third day, I was already so far behind my goal, I realized I was never going to catch up. I stuck it out for two more weeks, but then, discouraged and frustrated, I quit.

The second time I tried the NaNoWriMo challenge, my experience was different.

One preparation secret made all the difference in helping me start off on the right foot and actually finish my book.

Join The Second Annual Wacky Writing Prompt Scavenger Hunt (and win silly prizes)

Join The Second Annual Wacky Writing Prompt Scavenger Hunt (and win silly prizes)

The world still needs more silly. That’s why we want to invite you to please join us for The Second Annual Wacky Writing Prompt Scavenger Hunt. We will randomly choose three participants to win a new Moleskine notebook, a red Swingline stapler, or a pair of rubber gloves.

You don’t have to have fun if you don’t want to. I don’t even mind if you whine a little bit. I won’t even make you brush your teeth before you start the game. And I won’t make you clean my seven litter boxes.

Still—please have fun. Fun is good. So is pizza.

Writing Prompt: Stories of the Olympics

Writing Prompt: Stories of the Olympics

I have a theory why the Olympics are so exciting (despite all the Zika gloom and doom leading up to them). It’s the stories!

So much is at stake every day of the Olympics. The veteran Olympian hoping to clinch his last medal, the refugee who went from swimming for her life to swimming for gold, the gymnast finally getting her shot on the world stage.

Since the Olympics provide such great material for story writing, they obviously provide great material for writing prompts.