Morning Darkness

PRACTICE Write about the darkness of morning. Write for fifteen minutes. Post your practice in the comments when finished. And if you post, make sure to comment on a few other Practitioners' posts. Good luck! Here's my practice: His eyes snapped open before dawn from...

Her Father’s Murder

PRACTICE Write about a young girl out to avenge her father's murder. (Yes, I watched  True Grit last night.) Write for fifteen minutes. When you're finished, post your practice in the comments. And if you practice, don't forget to give some feedback to other...

The Desert

PRACTICE Write about the desert. Write for fifteen minutes. When you're finished, post your practice in the comments. Here's my practice. Hopefully you can do better. David strode out. Two steps at a time. The hard packed sand-dirt scraped under his feet. There was no...

What’s Your Black Friday Story?

Last year, to make some extra money, I worked Black Friday as a temp at a shoe store. From ten at night until seven in the morning, I stacked shoe boxes on sale between fifty and sixty percent off. It was the longest night of my life. It was crazy. When I got to the...

Write About Robots

Rules are made to be broken (says the cliché), and Saturdays are as good as any day for rule breaking. This is what we do at the Write Practice. Yesterday, we talked about making nature more human (and therefore relatable) through the use of personification. Today,...

Out of Place

I don't know if it was the black eyes of the people watching me or the way everything looked dark and overused in that city, but I was ill at ease, as if restlessness could be defined by a leg that wouldn't stop bouncing under the table and an imagination that...