11 Writing Tips That Will Change Your Life

by Guest Blogger | 2 comments

There seems to be two different camps regarding the writing process. One adheres to a strict regime of rules and writing tips to achieve success: you must write everyday, you must show your work to others, you must produce X amount of pages in X amount of time. The other camp seems to believe in no rules: do whatever you want, whenever you want.

11 Writing Tips That Will Change Your Life

My personal opinion is a combination of both. Of course, if you want to be published, then you must write. Otherwise, your dreams won’t come true. I mean, duh. And, in order to make your work the best it can be, you should show it to other trusted readers before going public (whether you’re writing for just your mom, or for the masses).

I’m happiest when I write everyday, but that's too rigid for some people. You must find what works best for you: how often you write, how much you produce and what you do with your work.

What do you believe? If you could give one writing tip to another writer, what would it be?

Writing Advice from Wise Writers

I asked a dozen author friends this very question. They have all published across the board: poetry, short stories, novels, screenplays, nonfiction articles and books. Some are traditionally published, while others are indie.

Here’s their one, best writing tip:

* Tell the story you’re most afraid of—it’s the one that’ll resonate strongest with your readers.

* Don’t compare yourself to others. Be the best author YOU can be.

* You WILL get rejected and you WILL survive. Write anyway.

* You’ll never get better if you don’t write, then show it to others who can teach you.

* Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, endure setbacks or experience failure. It’s all part of the process.

* Publication is not the only definition of success. Count the small victories, too: solving a difficult plot, writing daily for a month, completing your first novel, entering that contest.

* Don’t chase marketing trends because the market is always changing.

* Write the story you want to read, but haven’t found written yet.

* Give yourself permission to write badly with first drafts. You can edit anything but a blank page.

* Perfectionism is the enemy of all writers. It kills your creativity.

* With critiques, be flexible without compromising. Don’t make changes that will alter your book’s foundation, but do not be stubborn if the suggestion(s) will strengthen your book.

I hope these pieces of advice encourage, inspire and motivate you to give your very best to the page.

What do you think? Were any of these quotes what you needed to hear? Or, do you have other words of wisdom to share? Let us know in the comments.


Today, spend fifteen minutes writing a scene with your favorite author (alive or deceased) giving important writing advice to a new, struggling writer. Please share in the comments section below.

This article is by a guest blogger. Would you like to write for The Write Practice? Check out our guest post guidelines.


  1. Urška Eržen

    Thank you for encouraging thoughts!

  2. dorei oni

    My one tip would be to make sure you’re committed and when you are committed then I recommend you to be confident in what you’re writing cause if you’re not confident in your skills it will be hard for others to be confident in what they read.


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