Ten years ago, I never would have believed I would be able to finish writing a book.
I always wanted to be a writer, but writing was so difficult for me. In middle school, I struggled with every writing assignment. In high school, my friends always got better grades on their essays than I did.
And yet, here I am, teaching people how to be better writers. How ironic.
I had such a hard time writing that I majored in it in college. I felt that if four more years of school couldn’t help me, nothing could.
Even college writing classes didn’t work because after I graduated, I still continued to struggle to write even basic pieces.
Want to learn how to write a book from start to finish? Check out How to Write a Book: The Complete Guide.
The Exact Reason for My Writing Struggles
Here was the problem: I would spend most of my writing time not writing.
I would stare at the page, lost in thought, trying to come up with perfect sentences before I wrote them down. And if I couldn’t come up with those perfect sentences in my head, I would skip off to check my email or scroll through Facebook.
This is still true, by the way. I often still struggle to write even a few hundred words a day. It takes me far too long to write anything. I sometimes make it my goal to simply write 100 words per hour. That means to finish a 1,000 word article, like this one for example, might take me as long as ten hours.
Perfectionistic to the extreme, I stare at the drafts of my books for hours sometimes, wondering, How am I supposed to write this? Why isn’t this working? When will I ever figure this out?
Here's What I've Learned After Writing 7 Books
Yesterday, I was dealing with this same writing struggle, as so often happens, when I realized this:
Thinking is not going to get me out of this mess. Only writing is going to get me out of this mess.
If I write, I can fix it later. But if I don’t write it down right now, I’ll have to come back tomorrow and it will still be a mess.
And so that’s what I did. I wrote it down.
And you know what, it turned out okay. Pretty good, even.
Three Quick Steps to Finish Your Book, Chapter, Story, or Article
How do you actually do this, stop struggling and finish your writing projects? Here are the three quick-and-easy steps I've developed over many years of trying to write:
1. Write a Skeleton Outline of Your Chapter, Story, or Article
Outlining isn't for everyone, but for me, a bare bones outline of the chapter's inciting incident, progressive complication, crisis, climax, and resolution acts as a kind of map for my writing process (or for nonfiction, the chapter's problem, solution story, solution, and conclusion). I find that if I have a map of my chapter, I don't get stuck as often.
Also, when I'm writing a book, I never try to write it all at once. I just take it one, small chapter at a time. Writing one chapter is hard enough. Don't overwhelm yourself by taking on a whole book at once.
2. Write Your Best Bad Version of Your Chapter
This is the hard part because I usually want to write a perfect chapter, not a bad one. Who wouldn't, right?
But writing is iterative. You don't write a great book all at once. You write a bad draft, then rewrite until it's a mediocre draft, then rewrite until it's good, and finally polish until it's great.
Take the pressure off yourself to write a perfect chapter. Instead, just get writing.
3. Play With It Until It Gets Better
After I write my best bad version (reminding myself often to not worry that it's not perfect and just write it), I read through it again.
Usually I'll refer back to my outline, seeing if I've hit all the important points. Sometimes, I'll rewrite my outline to match how the writing has unfolded and other times I will rewrite the chapter to better match my outline.
Then, I play with it. I read through and make changes as I go. I read through again making more changes. I give it to friends and family to see how they read it. I make more changes.
I keep messing with it either until it's perfect or until I'm sick of it (but usually the latter).
Good Writers Struggle the Most
A writer is someone for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people.
—Thomas Mann
I'm still amazed I’ve written seven books sometimes. I think back to those moments when I could have given up and am surprised I didn’t, that I kept struggling. It was luck—and stubbornness—that I ever figured out how to write a book.
But to finish a book, I also had to develop this: a willingness to be wrong, to write badly, to be humbled by my own lack of perfection.
Writing is a humbling activity. You can write a perfect chapter one day and then spend the next day writing the worst paragraph of your life.
If you want to be a writer, though, this is the work. It doesn’t get easier. You just figure out how to deal with it better.
Do you struggle with writing? Let me know if writing struggles resonate with you in the comments section.
Today, practice working through the struggle of your writing. Go back to something you've quit writing, whether an old book or a short story or a blog post or an article.
Then, write one paragraph, using the tips above. How did it go? Were you able to push through the struggle and write the best bad version?
When you're finished, post your paragraph in the comments section for feedback. And if you post, please be sure to give feedback to at least three other writers.
Happy writing!
Joe Bunting is an author and the leader of The Write Practice community. He is also the author of the new book Crowdsourcing Paris, a real life adventure story set in France. It was a #1 New Release on Amazon. Follow him on Instagram (@jhbunting).
Want best-seller coaching? Book Joe here.
It is NOT a struggle with Writing. Anybody can write. Too many write who can not! It is the process of the inner images and how to express them – so that at least I can enjoy it. Talent is to distinguish that, what I express is congruent with what I see. That is the biggest toughest tearing challenge. Bad untalented writers do not care what they write.
A single sentence can outweigh an entire big volume….You people will not Believe! What I have seen…so, why write about it…
Joe, this is a fantastic blog piece! And excellent subject to write about. I’ve been writing intentionally now for almost two years, primarily because of joining The Write Practice. Without this writing community to keep me accountable and also give me the needed feedback I require, I’m not sure I would be nearing the completion of my second novel. My first novel needs a lot of work. A lot of editing but I learned a lot from it. No writing is ever wasted. Add to that, I’ve written several short stories and placed and was one of the winners in a writing contest. My first ever, co-sponsored with this writing community and a online literary magazine. Writing is hard but it is also exhilarating and rewarding. Thanks for writing this!
Wendy, you encourage me. I so identify with your phrase of writing intentionally and certainly can understand how the Write Practice has helped you accomplish your writing milestone. Hopefully, two years from now, I will be able to write a similar post.
@retrogeegee, I’m glad you were encouraged. And continue to write and don’t worry about how long it takes you to get there. Just enjoy the writing journey…one story at a time. When inspiration hits be sure to write. And even when you don’t sense it, still write. I wrote one of my toughest chapters in my novel last week and the feedback was exceptionally good. Writing the remaining chapters of any book are the most challenging. But if you do it right, then your readers will never forgot it and want to read your next book.
Joe, this is a post I needed to read today. I’ve written off and on since finishing college…but it’s been hard with inspiration, my first novel having a change of plans when I haven’t even finished writing it yet…and…I guess wondering if I can still write or if I’m truly a writer.
I need to write again, I need more accountability and…I just have to do it for the heck of it and see what comes out of me. That’s usually when my most honest, vulnerable writing comes from. Thank you for writing this you have given me some things to think about.
Hi Kristin,
I too am a writer wannabe, and not a published writer. I have found it helpful reading sights like The Write Practice and setting a goal of writing a certain number of words each day. I am retired. When I was working, my goal was a certain number for words per week. I agree with your statement about needing to write again. It has been ongoing call all my life with a few free lance pieces at various stages, but it has been decades since I had anything published. Make a time to follow your inclination and keep us posted on your progress.
Thank you Joe ! This is a very encouraging posting and yep, I still struggling w/ my story outline but I won’t give up without a fight. This is a piece from my worst fanfic story that I currently trying to fix.
She often felt bad for being ignored. Ninety percent of the people in the office didn’t even bother to know her name and they just referred her as ‘the sticky note girl’ though she had been in the office for five years. Her cousin, which happened to be worked at the same place, oftenly reminded her to do something but still, she didn’t feel right about correcting them.
What do you think ?
This is a really great set up with an interesting character I’d love to read more about!
Why thank you 🙂 It’s about retelling Cinderella fairy tale in the modern set up. It’s already finished and published at some fanfic site but It’s got lots of harsh critique but it’s okay. I currently rewriting it using an outline and still trying to make it believable although in many times I do felt that my story is just another terrible cliche.
This was a great time for this, as I am working on the 3rd draft of my current WIP here is a paragraph from that story:
“There was just something about her that he could not forget. And now looking at her as she lay there helpless and vulnerable, he couldn’t help but want to protect her. It was like she possessed something under her silence that silently called to him and he wanted to find out what it was. Wanted to find her again.”
This snippet really makes me want to know more about these the characters and the rest of the story!
Thanks Endless Exposition. This story is actually fun to write… in a day or two I’ll be working on the outline for this piece. I have never been able to write an outline before the actual story. At least draft 1 or two gives me an idea then I can complete the outline.
Thanks for the encouragement, Joe. I can relate to that thinking up the perfect line or word combination in my head rather than just writing. And it takes me so long to write things. Good to know I’m not the only one and that I can change.
I’m not saying you will change. I’m as perfectionisric as I was in high school if not more. I’m saying you can develop some tricks and you can persevere and that it’s worth it.
A very timely practice for me. It’s been a long week of classes and there’s no better way to unwind than writing. This paragraph is a continuation of a scene I posted over here https://thewritepractice.com/character-development-questions/ if you want to check it out. Reviews are always appreciated!
Briar Creek was once featured on the cover of a coffee table book titled New England Magic, as every business advert in town was only too happy to tell you. The town was renowned for its autumn foliage, historic houses, and picturesque downtown shopping district. Popular hobbies included quilting, antiquing, and attending church fundraisers. It was not uncommon for the baristas in the corner coffee shop to know every customer by name. Strangers waved hello on the street. Briar Creek was quiet, quaint, and close-knit. It was a nice change of pace from the last few years in Boston, but I hadn’t been brought there for the knitting circles. My new job was owing to the town’s less celebrated title: murder capital of the northeast.
I love the way this paragraph ended on a totally unexpected note. Up to the last sentence. I thought I was being gently wooed to maybe a Vermont foliage story when I wham smacked up against the murder capital of the northeast. Wow is such a writing style sustainable?
Love the way Brier (?) Creek, quiet, quaint and close knit (pun?) devolves into murder capital, hardly a feature for a coffee table book. Great.
My WIO has not started yet as I am still deciding which memoir I want to write. I will chose one right this minute and write a paragraph as a jumping off point.
The grey splintered bridge worn down with decades of pedestrian traffic and decades of New England weather, still spanned the narrow stream Noreen remembered from childhood. “Oh Mommy please, let me, let me,” she would pester the young woman holding her had as her Mom would take a twig, toss it over the bridge and they would run across the bridge together to watch the twig come out the other side. A smile crossed her face as she hunted around for stick to toss in and then abruptly run across the bridge to watch the seventy year old magic rekindle the same sense of wonder and assurance it did when she and her Mom would cross the fields to meet the school bus that would bring her older sister home from school.
Very good paragraph. I can see it and understand the the need to remember. Change had to hand and stick to sticks. Good job
Thank you….
Love your honesty Joe. After three non-fiction books, hundreds of blog posts, and around 120K words of fiction, I still struggle with writing every single day. The true challenge though is fear and setting the right priorities with your writing. (Having a plan fits in there too.)
Join the discussion…I started “writing” in 1982 and to date I haven’t published. you experiences are what I have gone through, and to an extent I am still going through. However joint has set me on the route to my first publication, at last.
I am working on a biography of a local hero. I must say it is already written out and I am just going through the motions.
Thanks for your tips, the dream to write and publish is on sight.
Excellent article! I am on your email newsletter because I like the idea of being a writer. But I don’t yet have the discipline to write everyday in order to be a writer. Plus, the question “what shall I write about?” often stumps me. I find I need a push to begin but once I have begun, I can take it all the way. Thank you so much for this article for it articulates the struggles of a writer and in pointing those out, you help us move closer to resolving those very same struggles.
That quote from Thomas Mass is really striking. I wonder how is it that “a writer is someone for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people”? Are writers perfectionists, afraid of the power of the words they channel through, or fear the embarrassment and self-loathing they may trigger in themselves when they judge their own writing – or something altogether different?
I’ve been working on a shot story murder/suspense. my first draft was 6,500 words. The word limit for this submission is 5,000. I didn’t think I could edit it down and still keep the flow of the story. I almost gave up. But I tried and succeeded in cutting it to 4,994! I thought I had an interesting plot. I asked two author friends to read it. They both said I had a great idea and it had potential but I had a lot of word to do. They suggested simplifying the plot, clear up third person narrative, and changing character traits to better define the antagonist and the protagonist. Also change the title. They were not sure if I would tackle it or give up. I waited a day and dove in. First I read up on writing in third person omniscient(which I read is the hardest point of view to write in and beginners usually make mistakes with it) Then I read an informative book on writing who dun its that fate brought me to in the library. With my new acquired knowledge and all of my friends advice, I rewrote it. It is now 4,669 words and they both agree it is an excellent piece. I’m
especially proud of being able to open my mind to good advice and word hard to perfect my story. Ideas and writing are only the beginning, research and editing are the polish that makes your word shine. It’s a lot of word but I’ve learned to embrace the process. The feeling of accomplishment is worth the word. I will be submitting my story this week! Wish me luck!
Thank you for writing this. I needed the encouragement. Someone once gave me similar advice to stop editing as you write. Just write it all out and then go back. Editors will help you. You will make mistakes. Thank you.
in 100 words. Would welcome advice for this:
She burst into our kitchen. “I’ve just received this!”
It was her old school’s centennary invitation. Nothing would prevent her attending.
From sketches she recreated “Woman’s Gown, 1896”.
A daughter came to fetch her. Loaded into the car she was chauffeured in style.
Others were more gorgeously or expensively attired, none more appropriately.
Photographers had her pose in the replica coach. The Member of Parliament plied her with questions. An admiring crowd gathered.
Someone suggested she was wearing a whalebone corset. “Never needed ’em,” she retorted , “but I do have garters!” and hitching up her dress she flaunted them.
You have an interesting sequence, but it’s straight fact. I’d say it needs a bit more dialogue. I’d suggest you try rewriting this, as another practice, using as much dialogue as possible. For example:
Her daughter glanced at the swirling designs on the notepad. “Whatcha drawing, Mom?”
She held up the drawing. “I’m copying a dress design that was all the rage in 1899. I’ll have one made and wear it to the school centennial. That’ll give them something to talk about.”
Thank you for the comments and I agree; unfortunately my challenge was to reduce my story to 100 words. I found it challenging and unsettling, as I enjoy writing dialog. I wondered if the reduction had more immediate punch. Thanks
If you have to write just 100 words, it’s better to focus on the most important scene. You have actually used bits of four different scenes. In my mind this tends to scatter rather than intensify.
I agree with Christine that this has the potential of becoming a great story, but I also love it for what it is. What a wonderful description of who “she” is without any telling.
Thank you, Ken. I was after the ‘she’ and particularly the force of her character. When given the task of putting the story into 100 words only, I was hoping to give both story and character some of her decisiveness and strength of character. Perhaps this has eluded me and I should develop the story as both your comments suggest. Thanks again.
I have been working on my first novel for three years now, all because of this thing they call writers block. In thinking I may need some encouragement or guidance I made the mistake of allowing a few trusted people to read my first three chapters. Each of the four people were on an emotional roller coaster, I was pleased until one perfectionist pointed out each mistake I had made, she was in tears and laughter while doing so but it caused me to be too aware of not making those mistakes again. I have continued with the writers block but after reading this I am going to purposely write my ” bad ” chapters…. Thank you for your advise….. I also would love any ideas on how to create conversations between characters, I am not a conversational type. I am great at creating the story but the details and conversations get me every time.
Good for you. Go ahead and write. I often think about Beethoven and how people would likely have said, “You’re deaf. How can you even think about writing music?” I wonder how many more Beethovens and other talented people would have blessed our world with their gifts if they hadn’t quit as soon as someone criticized.
As for conversations, as someone has already suggested, READ. Find books in the genre you want to write and read how their conversations flow. Get photos of some scenes and create two characters who are discussing this scene. Practice makes perfect.
Your advice Joe is very encouraging, I’m disabled dyslexic struggle with my dyslexia but love writing started my own memoirs about my experiences growing up with my disability, but struggle sometimes with really badly.
Thanks for your sharing! The information your share is very useful to me and many people are looking for them just like me! Thank you! I hope you have many useful articles to share with everyone!
geometry dash
THIS is what I needed to hear today, Joe. “But writing is iterative. You don’t write a great book all at once. You write a bad draft, then rewrite until it’s a mediocre draft, then rewrite until it’s good, and finally polish until it’s great.”
Followed by this. “It doesn’t get easier. You just figure out how to deal with it better.”
Many, many thanks!
I so needed to read this, Joe.This is me: “I would stare at the page, lost in thought, trying to come up with perfect sentences before I wrote them down. And if I couldn’t come up with those perfect sentences in my head, I would skip off to check my email or scroll through Facebook.” I still don’t write, but think about it most of the day, all day, every day. I truly wish I could come up with ideas, or even sentences. I so admire writers who write, even people who don’t write well: at least they write. They’re one up on me. I thank you for the article. I hope one day I give myself permission to write, just write. Maybe it will be today!
“Write your best bad version.” This is one of the best phrasings of this phenomenon I’ve ever heard! I will definitely use this with my students and see if it empowers them. Thank you, Joe!
Love that, David! I hope it helps!
I dug around in an old notebook and found an abandoned poem in which I tried to catch the confusion of dementia. I’m open to suggestions for improving it.
Wandering in a strange whiteness
I’ve lost my mind in a snowbank,
been frozen — and the wind
has blotted out what I should know;
memories buried in the snow.
I thought I knew you once but the blur
drifting across my eyes today
has made vague shapes
of the familiar. I can’t recall
in this grey, blinding cloud,
who I once was, or how
I’m related to you, you say?
Oh, for a wind to clear this fog;
melt this snow, thaw out my veins,
and give me back my memories
So I won’t have to sit here
all day, blind and frozen.
“–in an old notebook? Why?
This is great!
Thank you. It was scribbled down with a few alternate wordings here and there. I did polish it as I wrote it out here.
Generally I have no trouble with writing. It’s the editing effort looming ahead that makes me abandon a project.
This is beautiful, Christine! I particularly love the metaphor of winter weather—it brings to mind the winter of life, the season that lends itself to dementia. And the scattered rhyming works so well. Thank you for sharing—this poem was well worth returning to!
Thanks for the encouraging reply! if it sounds okay I’ll post it on my blog. I should dig out more old notebooks and work on a few more abandoned projects. 🙂
Definitely do post it! It’s well worth sharing. I bet you have a lot of great ideas to work with in all those old abandoned projects!
Joe love this piece, I have the imagination and story ideas but when it comes to getting it on the page I never finish. I have about three half written fiction drafts, dozens of unfinished picture book manuscripts. I struggle with the rules of writing. And beat myself up over grammar, punctuation etc. Also time management. But the big one is I have read so many self-help books I have lost my passion to tell a story. Thanks for breaking it down and making me feel like there is hope.
I’ve only recently escaped from where you are, and this was my unplanned path for releasing my own story ideas. Write. Whatever you are able, write. Try your best to make it good, but much more importantly, get it down. In indelible ink. Then let the fear that someone may actually read it, the shame you will surely feel when they do, let that drive you to read. Read the classics, Read the latest. Read great writing. Read awful writing. Look for what works, for what doesn’t work. Absorb this knowledge and exercise your writing muscles until, one day, you notice it coming out of your fingertips. Then, and this is the most important part, start enjoying your developing skills. Celebrate your best moments and laugh over your worst with friends. The friends that you will discover collecting around you as you dive deeper into your own soul looking for your own words. The friends who began gravitating toward you when you first wrote something down.
Thanks Ken thats a lovely thought people gravitating towards me and my stories. I just joined a writing prompt group 500 words. I use to do them all the time. Somewhere I lost the confidence to share the more knowledge I gained. Even finished NaNoWriMo once with a crap draft sitting there waiting for me to edit. Funny when I was fresh and didn’t know much about the writing process I wrote often and really enjoyed it. When I started learning, I became my own worst enemy and critic. Hoping this year to finish a picture book through to end. Taking an online course which takes me through all the steps. Then hopefully on the side practice my writing skills again in the hope one day my novels will be good enough to publish.
I totally get that feeling. Ken’s right—the key is to write, and read, and do a lot of both. It sounds like you might need to read some fiction to remind yourself why you loved storytelling in the first place. There’s absolutely hope! Rekindle that love, give yourself permission to write messy drafts, and write. I’m excited to hear about the finished books at the end!
Thanks Alice its a slow process.
I used to struggle because I wanted to write best the first time I wrote something. As a result I never completed a single project, short stories and novels. Today I have tomes of works, all incomplete. Thanks I didn’t destroy any of these works. I am now reviewing eavh of them.
Since I joined here, I see light at the end of the tunnel. Writing is now a habit, I write every day and everywhere I can open my tablet for a moment. My writing has improved. I plan to take every opporunity you create for me to write.
I thank you.
I love that, Molebatsi! That desire to write a perfect first draft is so common, and it can really stop you from ever completing a project. It sounds like you’ve come a long way, and you’re well on your way to writing stories you’ll be really proud of. Definitely check out our free course on how to write a book—I think you’ll like it! https://thewritepractice.com/htwab
Thank you for writing this article. This is the advice I needed to get a better start on writing my first book. I do need to write an outline and then write the chapters based on my outline.
So glad to hear that, Michele! Definitely check out our free course on how to write a book. I think it’ll help you get started strong! https://thewritepractice.com/htwab
Good to know I’m not suffering alone. However, I believe I’ve just created a new one. In the revising stage of a historical fiction and unsatisfied with Chap. 1, I’ve rewritten it. I do like the re-write but find myself reluctant to discard the first chapter of numerous years of toil. Cut, patch, infuse with the old work? That is the question, and the answer increases the length of the chapter considerably, which I don’t particularly like. I feel like I’m creating Frankenstein.
That’s such a great question, Gladys. Revising is tough work, and it can be SO hard to find the right way to start your book. (Joe actually wrote eight drafts of his first chapter in the book he’s currently revising!) I have two suggestions for you:
1. Think through your story as a whole. Where is your book going? What kind of beginning will set up the middle and end well? And in that view, which version of Chapter 1 is most effective?
2. Get feedback. Do you have any writer friends who have read your whole book, or who are very familiar with your project? Or do you have an editor who can give you advice? (I’m partial to the Becoming Writer community, by the way!)
It’s great, by the way, that you haven’t deleted any of the old writing. Who knows what you’ll end up using, in the end?
Was this discussion a year ago?
We first published this post a year ago, so that’s when the discussion began. But we just republished it with some updates, so the discussion continues!
Great article Joe, looking forward to the upcoming courses about writing books more effectively!
So glad to hear that, Jeffrey! I think you’ll like them!
Thanks Jeffrey. I hope you’re finding this helpful!